Estelle Bright
9 years ago
Characters I miss playing
latest #42
Estelle Bright
9 years ago
There are a lot really, but
Estelle Bright
9 years ago
Allen Walker
Estelle Bright
9 years ago
He takes too much energy to play in an open game so I only really played him in memes
Estelle Bright
9 years ago
but he was a lot of fun
Estelle Bright
9 years ago
Reever, too
Estelle Bright
9 years ago
Zelgadis from Slayers
Estelle Bright
9 years ago
Gin from Bleach
Estelle Bright
9 years ago
Those I played a loong time ago back when MUSHes were my main RP ground, and I was just branching into LJ rp
Estelle Bright
9 years ago
Gin was the first real jerk I ever played, so I had to learn to get over being afraid of being 'mean' to others ICly
9 years ago
being mean icly is always fun :V
9 years ago
Estelle Bright
9 years ago
Evil has never been anything but natural for you, though
9 years ago
Reever is the man
MNK Zoomies
9 years ago
Estelle Bright
9 years ago
Reever was SO fun to play. I got him into lots of trouble in the DGM dressing room, trying to be of help to the exorcists without directly putting himself in the line of fire
Estelle Bright
9 years ago
But I couldn't keep up with it. I got stressed out and fell behind on tags. I panicked and vanished.
Estelle Bright
9 years ago
I feel so bad about it.
Estelle Bright
9 years ago
Even if it was just a DR, those were good times and I wish I hadn't run from it.
Estelle Bright
9 years ago
Zelgadis was one of my first anime crushes though lol
Estelle Bright
9 years ago
He's fun to play, being a grump and just searching around for his cure. He's really good to toss into a multi-world setting because he really doesn't give a shit
Estelle Bright
9 years ago
he can just see the opportunity in it
MNK Zoomies
9 years ago
I miss Slayers ;w;
MNK Zoomies
9 years ago
...speaking of DGM though, I don't really miss my Lavi, but I wish I could have played him better XD
9 years ago
I miss Bak to a degree in big games with how neurotic he is/was but it would take too much to separate him from the one i play in our sandbox
9 years ago
dont...really miss playing Winters in a big game as it was hard to come up with things he would do sometimes XD besides being a menace
Estelle Bright
9 years ago
Bak has been through too much /pats.
Estelle Bright
9 years ago
Lavi is hard to play. I had him in a game for a while too. I took him to musebox, but if I look between my first logs and my more recent ones, man... it took a while to get a handle on him.
Estelle Bright
9 years ago
Grifstar who do you play from Slayers?
MNK Zoomies
9 years ago
I don't have anyone from it, but if I were to rewatch I would probably try to get either a Zelgadis or Amelia muse out of it
MNK Zoomies
9 years ago
or both
MNK Zoomies
9 years ago
But yeah Lavi is hard. Especially since the series goes well out of its way so you know nothing about him :|
MNK Zoomies
9 years ago
and that's really the whole point of him anyway
MNK Zoomies
9 years ago
but for RP is makes things pretty difficult
MNK Zoomies
9 years ago
even if he is a really ridiculous character majority of the time
Estelle Bright
9 years ago
Amelia! :-D She's hilarious XD
Estelle Bright
9 years ago
And yeah, all the lack of history on the bookmen is annoying. I really hope there is more in the story about them at some point. x_x
MNK Zoomies
9 years ago
From the direction I hear DGM is going? Dooouuuubt it >:
MNK Zoomies
9 years ago
It really sucks those two get shafted so much. According to some really old Hoshino interviews Lavi was actually meant to be an mc of a different series she had been working on
Estelle Bright
9 years ago
I felt that way but then Hoshino posted some art on her blog and I'm still holding out hope. :-(
Estelle Bright
9 years ago
she is still at least drawing the manga Katsura Hoshino (@hoshino1000) • Instagram photos and videos
Estelle Bright
9 years ago
I just don't know when she'll publish more chapters
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