10 years ago
Lady help please. What kind of razors do you use? I just bit the bullet and got my own non-disposable razor instead of changing the heads out on my husband's. Don't judge. But I think going 'middle price range'
latest #14
Nyhm/Eva/Torie says
10 years ago
was a bad idea. I should have went with one a little better instead of being cheap.
ɢĭseɩɩe ɞ
10 years ago
I just use the Venus Embrace razor. I don't think it's very fancy or expensive (unless you count the blade packs). I'm not that picky about shaving though lol.
Nyhm/Eva/Torie says
10 years ago
I was looking at that one actually! I went with another Venus but I don't even know. It feels so... almost skippy on my skin? Like it doesn't glide well. I used shaving cream of course but it was kind of
Nyhm/Eva/Torie says
10 years ago
a disastrous attempt.
Nyhm/Eva/Torie says
10 years ago
Like I have a PATCH of hair on the side of my leg and I know for a fact I shaved thoroughly.
Beach Bunny Ari says
10 years ago
I use "soleil" by bic.. They're disposable but I use them until they're gonna like fall apart because I'm a cheapass
ɢĭseɩɩe ɞ
10 years ago
I dunno'. I miss spots all the time even though I go over it more than I probably should. It should be super glide-y, especially when you first get it and the gel bars on the blade are brand new!
Nyhm/Eva/Torie says
10 years ago
There's nothing wrong with disposable razors! Lol. I just wanted something with more longevity. And see I thought that! But it so wasn't super glidey at all lol. Sadface.
10 years ago
Venus Olay is my fave.
Autumn ♥
10 years ago
I use an Intuition
Rose Starfire
10 years ago
I use the Schick Quattro. They have disposable and non-disposable. I love them. I can't use anything else t hough
10 years ago
Thank you all. I'm going to use this one until the heads die and try something else listed here. <3
10 years ago
honestly...go join the Dollar shave club...its mostly used by guys but a lot of women I see post on the thread and they love the razors..I use them and love them much and its a good deal on the price
10 years ago
I switched to these DORCO - Disposable Razors, Shaving Systems, Shavers, 6 Blade, Bla... and they're both very cheap and quite nice
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