Ela says
9 years ago
Not sure if anyone will see these, but I hope someone that remembers me will see me posting. I want to say thanks for the fun times in SL and making that part of my life fun.
9 years ago
whats going on?
9 years ago
TrixieCliassi How are you?!?! I'm just revisiting my SL hang outs! I was curious if Plurk was still active.
9 years ago
I'm good, how are you? If you ever want to chat just find me inworld Trixie Cliassi. I understand the whole "not popular thing"
9 years ago
It was a lot of things, but there definitely was a main group on SL. Ahh but that seems like long ago. I do hope you are well though. I'll be around on plurk.
9 years ago
TrixieCliassi I don't use SL anymore but I will be around on PLURK :-)