Siobhán says
10 years ago
Feeling totally stuffed after Xmas lunch. Not started on the sweet course yet...
latest #8
Yum yum!!! (xmas2)
10 years ago
we started with a G&T then vegetable soup and prosecco, then a 4 bird roast (chicken, turkey, duck and goose) with roast and baked potatoes, carrots and peas with orange sauce, stuffing and...
10 years ago
because lou likes it, Yorkshire pudding, with fruity red wine.
10 years ago
when this goes down,there's a triple choc cake cheese, biscuits, whiskey, brandy and tea or coffee
Holy moly! That's a whole lotta yum!!! So blessed! (hungry) pass me some choco cheese cake please!!
Pssst....whats a G&T? Gin & tonic?
Siobhán says
10 years ago
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