botgirl shares
9 years ago
My 16 year old daughter's voice in the background from last night, viewing President's speech and Ferguson video Jessie James's post on Vine
latest #11
9 years ago
I was following live feed from protesters' cell phones and didn't see Mr Obama's speech, but your daughter's outrage was matched on Twitter.
9 years ago
the juxtaposition between what he was saying and what we were seeing in the live vide of Ferguson was a total dichotomy. Mind blowing.
9 years ago
We thought we had moved past this.
9 years ago
Nothing much, if anything, has changed in the 20+ years since the Rodney King travesty. The rage behind the riots wasn't just about this one verdict, but about ongoing racially biased policing and sentencing.
Scarp Godenot
9 years ago
Let's not claim innocence for all the protesters. Burning buildings and looting has nothing to do with legitimate protest. One can't blame the cops for that.
Scarp Godenot
9 years ago
And Obama is only trying to calm the situation.
9 years ago
ScarpGodenot: I agree. Anyone caught throwing a brick, shooting a gun or setting a building on fire should be prosecuted. But they knew this was coming and weren't prepared to handle it well.
9 years ago
the time of the announcement was one problem. The violence before in Ferguson was mostly after dark.
9 years ago
I liked what President Obama said, it was just the depiction of how the best intentions and good advice aren't a solution to the problem. Reform of the justice system to eliminate racial bias is needed.
9 years ago
If the government really wants peaceful solutions, why are their police forces dressed up like soldiers?
Scarp Godenot
9 years ago
Well the government in this case is local police forces which has nothing to do with the Federal Government. (And they are dressed like that because they have toys and want to play with them, unfortunately.)
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