botgirl shares
9 years ago
I just sent a short business email to a co-worker who used to be an English teacher. I ended it with a smiley face. I'm sure she cringed. Does anyone here use emojis in business communication?
9 years ago
Not me :-)
Whiskey 0% ABV
9 years ago
I have a bad habit of saying, "Love you!" to the wrong people on the phone, or having auto-correct embarrass me with clients, but it's rare that I'll use a smiley>
botgirl says
9 years ago
I wonder if this is going to be a generational thing. Kids who grow up with text as a primary medium of communication may be more open to it when they become the management of tomorrow.
Merlin says
9 years ago
Depends who to. I wouldn't to a boss or in an email to a lot of people. But a one on one to someone who is a friend and equal level then yes
9 years ago
I'm lucky enough to have a work environment that supports informal communication internally and is very tolerant of personal expression. That's within our office and between each other.