botgirl shares
9 years ago
Is it possible to separate our perception of art from what we know about the artist. Can you still view Bill Cosby's work in the same way?
latest #107
Whiskey 0% ABV
9 years ago
Nope. Not for me. Not anymore than I can enjoy Chick Fil A's french fries, knowing what I know about them.
[Codie ~]#
9 years ago
Anna | Jacq
9 years ago
9 years ago
somewhat... but is even doing anything good anymore?
9 years ago
I try but in all reality no. And honestly I don't think you should art comes from a deep place within oneself and I consider it one of the purest ways one can express one's inner self. So if
9 years ago
Nope. It enrages me even further that he actively cultivated a persona that stood on the moral high ground.
9 years ago
you've got some serious janky shit going on, then it's going to affect and reflect in your work.
botgirl says
9 years ago
WhiskeyMonday: I was an ethical vegetarian for a few years. I'm not proud of this, but my craving for animal products eventually won out over my ethical problems with the inhumanity of factory farming.
botgirl says
9 years ago
AnandaS: Maybe with Cosby, it's that his work depended on his persona, and all the news that's emerged makes it really hard (even if you wanted to) to suspend disbelief.
Whiskey 0% ABV
9 years ago
botgirl: I'm a lifelong vegetarian with occasional bouts with veganism, but my cravings for cheese won out over my ethical objections to dairy farming. And I'm terribly ashamed.
Whiskey 0% ABV
9 years ago
I said this in another thread on this topic: The very doubt that Cosby's persona raises (How could someone so loved, so funny, do such a thing?) is what makes it so difficult for victims to come forward.
9 years ago
WhiskeyMonday: I struggle with those kinds of things where my personal actions have no tangible impact on the underlying problem.
Whiskey 0% ABV
9 years ago
If only rapists looked and walked and talked like rapists.
9 years ago
it's amazing how GOOD of a deceiver he was
9 years ago
it's a more public case of the often-heard story of an abuser who surprised everyone in the neighborhood.
9 years ago
but it should show us when people testify that they couldn't EVER have guessed their neighbor was X, cause usually we are like yeaaah right how is that possible....cause it happened to us with him.
9 years ago
yes exactly
Whiskey 0% ABV
9 years ago
He was funny, a good actor, and a philanthropist. He was all of those things, at the same time that he was a rapist. That doesn't mesh with society's Wanted sketch of a rapist.
Whiskey 0% ABV
9 years ago
But it completely and totally meshes with my own experiences in life. The monsters are usually smiling and beloved.
Whiskey 0% ABV
9 years ago
Cosby was beloved for forty years after the first victim dared to come forward. This is where we live.
9 years ago
LannaB: From what I've read, his abuse tended to be drugging molesting. The fact that he didn't want his victims to be aware what he was doing or remember it suggest to a serious mental break.
9 years ago
people live with all kinds of personal contradictions. Most people's aren't as extreme as Cosby's seems to have been.
Whiskey 0% ABV
9 years ago
Personal contradictions are perfectly normal, and are usually my favorite parts of them. This wasn't a personal contradiction so much as a personal justification. He suffered no ill consequences for his actions
Whiskey 0% ABV
9 years ago
so he kept doing it.
9 years ago
I have a few friends who were abused by clergy. A couple have sued the Church as adults. The Catholic church had institutionalized this contradiction between public morality and private abusiveness.
Whiskey 0% ABV
9 years ago
And botgirl, it wasn't "molesting." You know I don't normally nitpick, but society's need to refer to rape as anything but rape makes me see red. It was rape.
botgirl says
9 years ago
WhiskeyMonday: I used "molesting" not to minimize what happen or imply it was less heinous, but in thinking about his psychology, in the way a forensic psychologist might.
Whiskey 0% ABV
9 years ago
botgirl: That's fair enough, but in a society where rape is constantly trivialized, it's a good thing to be mindful of saying. Pardon my momentary PC- it's a rare occurrence.
9 years ago
Why are we surprised at the contradiction? We accepted that comics can be funny despite depression (Robin Williams). So a man can be a beloved father figure despite depravity ...
9 years ago
... We probably all have neighbors like that. This doesn't excuse Cosby, but it makes him a little more undeerstandable
9 years ago
I think what he did was horrible .... but, sadly, I'm not surprised.
Scarp Godenot
9 years ago
Yes it is totally possible to separate the person from the art. If you knew how many artists were total shits IRL it would amaze you..... haha
botgirl says
9 years ago
WhiskeyMonday: On the earlier comment, I meant the contradiction between our ethics and actions. Like you eating cheese and me eating meat
botgirl says
9 years ago
colleenCriss: Yeah. His public persona was almost an archetype of the opposite of rapist. The wise, caring, trustworthy father-figure.
Whiskey 0% ABV
9 years ago
ScarpGodenot: There's the rub. Once you KNOW, how do you let that go? I cannot, and I'm okay with that. I like that I can't put a wall between what I know about the artists and their works.
Scarp Godenot
9 years ago
Though I must say that Bing Crosby and Joan Crawford never recovered their reps after their separate child abuse episodes were exposed......
Whiskey 0% ABV
9 years ago
Somehow, enjoying the art of an abuser feels too much like encouraging the abuse.
9 years ago
It's not just that there is a contradiction, I'm full of 'em myself. To me, the fact that he would go out of his way to chastise others for things like cursing in their stand-up acts, is interesting.
botgirl says
9 years ago
ScarpGodenot: I think Cosby is a special case, in that his art was based on his persona as a trusted father figure.
9 years ago
I never expect what people promote as their persona to actually be their persona.
botgirl says
9 years ago
LannaB: Isn't that the whole idea of Jung's Shadow. That the you tend to demonize externally those who reflect the parts of yourself you can't accept?
Whiskey 0% ABV
9 years ago
botgirl: I was writing the same thing. Many current members of Congress would be perfect examples of this phenomenon.
9 years ago
Yes, I can. I can still enjoy the positive things I drew from growing up with The Cosby Show and Fat Albert, which — let's be honest here — did a huge amount towards normalizing race relations in a very
9 years ago
tense time. However, he's always been a problematic figure, even before the rape revelations (which are not new: these have been known for almost ten years now).
9 years ago
Really good article here about why we as a culture have sort of resisted acknowledging the Cosby problem: No One Wanted to Talk About Bill Cosby's Alleged Crimes Beca...
botgirl says
9 years ago
WhiskeyMonday: I had that experience with Orson Scott Card. I loved his Ender books. But then I found out he's an anti LGBT activist. So I don't want to pay for another work that supports him.
9 years ago
It's interesting ... Cosby's act didn't start out as the father figure .. he did normal stand up and a tv series about espionage. Could it be that he decided to emphasize family when he started this crap?
Whiskey 0% ABV
9 years ago
botgirl: Same here. I was crushed. Perhaps that's how others feel about Cosby now. I'm unsurprised, having heard the allegations several years ago. But Card's asshattery really floored me.
9 years ago
I get the Jung's shadow bit. He never seemed to be demonizing as much as he was suggesting "you could be better." It's a subtle difference between demonizing and asking more of someone, but it is surprising..
9 years ago
...that he would ask more of others and not himself.
Scarp Godenot
9 years ago
Picasso was a total sexist pig womanizer for instance who completely ruined the lives of several women.
9 years ago
(sorry, I had to post that. I'm sure he was called an asshole.)
Scarp Godenot
9 years ago
You can really see the influence of Orson Scott Card's Mormon religion in his books. And Yes knowing his nutty right wing politics, I still read the Ender books.....
botgirl says
9 years ago
LannaB: I think the dichotomy between his public work and the serious harm of his private actions are what's so intense about this case. I don't think artists, in general, are known for their ethical behavior.
botgirl says
9 years ago
ScarpGodenot: I can still read them. I just don't want to buy them (and contribute in even a tiny way) to his continued success.
Scarp Godenot
9 years ago
botgirl, I do get that. And especially when the artist in question engages in bad political activity....
botgirl says
9 years ago
ScarpGodenot: I want to admit that I'm not very conscious about what I'm supporting in most purchases. I would probably make very different decisions if ethics were the driving force behind my choices.
Scarp Godenot
9 years ago
Roman Polanski is another case in point. Well known taste for underage girls. Does this make Chinatown any less of a great film?
botgirl says
9 years ago
ScarpGodenot: That's why my question what whether it impact our perception of the work, not the quality of the work itself.
Scarp Godenot
9 years ago
I must admit, I avoid Chuck Norris, Bruce Willis and several other actors work because of their harmful political activities....
9 years ago
I think it's one of those cases where there's this pretense of an either/or when it can be both. You can have enjoyed the Cosby Show and still think the guy needs to be in prison if he ever sees a trial
Scarp Godenot
9 years ago
LannaB: btw, any reference to Repo Man is always a total win! haha Iggy Pop repoman
9 years ago
no there's a statute of time regarding rape cases I believe of when you can convict someone
9 years ago
but i'm not entirely sure.
Scarp Godenot
9 years ago
Looks like the statute of limitations for Rape in California is 10 years....
9 years ago
Varies by state. In California it's very complicated, because the statute of limitations is based on the discovery of sexual abuse, not on the commission of the act itself.
9 years ago
We took the whole repressed memory thing very seriously.
9 years ago
imma be honest, I always thought he was creepy
I have to wait to see what is proven, but, if any of it is, then nope.
9 years ago
Yeah, I know Cal Penal Code pretty well. I'm just pointing out the additional complication.
9 years ago
but in this case it wouldn't seem to be a case of repressed memories, since the women coming forward knew pretty much immediately? sorry i'm having a hard time voicing my thoughts today coherently
9 years ago
i mean regards to discovery of sexual abuse
9 years ago
bleh i should shut up
9 years ago
Also, again, it varies by state, and the state where the crime occurred is the one whose laws you use. If the crime happened in California, you use California's laws. If the crime happened in New York (where
9 years ago
at least three of these incidents occurred), you use New York law. I'm not saying they involved repressed memory, I'm just saying California has a very complicated statute of limitations
9 years ago
for sex crimes, as do many states.
devil's advocate here, I guess, but everyone's decided he is guilty?
botgirl says
9 years ago
fair question. Given past settlements and new allegations, I'm personally persuaded that at least some of it is true. Enough to question people's reaction to the contradiction between his work and his actions.
9 years ago
nope, i can't
9 years ago
While this isn't new, because the allegations surfaced years ago, it is interesting that it was a man calling him out as a rapist that brought this to a firestorm.
9 years ago
As if the women alone saying it didn't matter.
Scarp Godenot
9 years ago
Vaki, did you read the statute link above? Those 10 year from crime commission ARE the California statutes....
9 years ago
If the accusations turn out to be real, no. I can't. Just like I can't view Katt Williams in the same light after watching one of his "specials" last night.
9 years ago
ScarpGodenot: You may not be understanding what I'm saying. I know the Cal Penal Code very well. I know what the California statutes say. I'm not arguing with what they say about the 10 year statute of
9 years ago
limitations. I'm talking about when that statute of limitations starts tolling, not how long the statute of limitations is.
9 years ago
In California, the statute of limitations starts tolling from discovery of the crime, not from commission of the crime.
Scarp Godenot
9 years ago
"Prosecution must bring a case against the perpetrator within 10 years after commission of the offense." Direct from the above site.
9 years ago
9 years ago
LannaB: I honestly don't believe it is because it came from a man but because of the large spotlight he was able to shine on the situation. It came from one of his peers and it was easily shared it caught fire
9 years ago
I had never heard of the allegations before now. I believe they are true and I'm a victim of a roofie rape I was a 17 year old virgin at the time. I called the police to the scene of the crime when I came to
9 years ago
Unfortunately for me I left the hotel room where it happened and gave the hotel a chance to clean up the evidence (condom) and either way the police did NOTHING even tho I came forward identified the guy
9 years ago
I just don't believe that this many woman can be making it up. They have absolutely nothing to gain here infact it is probably going to hurt them more then it has already. Its too many to ignore
9 years ago
uhm not sure if you realize ScarpGodenot but Vaki is a practicing lawyer in CA, and I'd go with trusting her to know what she's talking about it in this instance ;-)
Deoridhe says
9 years ago
I think the art exists in the field of the creator, and as itself, and as the effects it has on other people, and all of those things are incredibly mixed.
Deoridhe says
9 years ago
I heard about the rape accusations against Cosby about a year before this broke open, and... weirdly I wasn't surprised. I didn't know beforehand, but I wasn't surprised. The last year has been a wash of
Deoridhe says
9 years ago
finding out how extensive the abuse of vulnerable people is in the world, and I don't know whether I want to weep for weeks or burn the universe down.
9 years ago
Vaki: how would the case be different if the victims were children and not of age. Would there even be a statute of limitations?
9 years ago
Hempy_the_Unplurkable: Actually, yes. The ten-year statute starts tolling when they're 18 (so they have until their 28th birthday to file suit).
9 years ago
It's just that if they're older, and they've repressed the memories but later discover the abuse, that they have another chance.
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