9 years ago
You ex boyfriend (bout 15 years ago but we were pretty serious) is all over the news. He's a teacher and had sex with a 15 year old girl. I'm sickened and disgusted and besides myself right now.
latest #9
9 years ago
To top it off, he's married, with three kids. His four year old is battling brain cancer, and his wife is pregnant with their fourth child. Middle school gym teacher charged with having sex with teen
9 years ago
His poor wife and kids .. omg :'-(
Wicca Merlin sagt
9 years ago
holy hell iam so sorry to hear and i can understand your feelings :/
9 years ago
this was just him a few weeks ago..having his daughter cut his hair off cause she's losing hers. What he says in the beginning..and thinking about what he just got charged with... Daddy and Brielle
9 years ago
I think you missed the bullet there, sweetie.. hugs
Kianna Noel
9 years ago
youre not gross
9 years ago
hugs guys and ty. and true, I sure did miss the bullet. poor family :-(
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