10 years ago
always has to remind people that Talk Like A Pirate day isn't his thing, it's just conveniently timed and made by someone else...
latest #8
10 years ago
happy bARRRRRday
10 years ago
Happy Bikeday?
wirehead has
10 years ago
bike-a-versary day, that IS an invented holiday to celebrate when he started biking.
10 years ago
lindes says
10 years ago
haha, nice. I gotta invent one of those!
lindes says
10 years ago
(or, when's yours? I could buy a bike on it, maybe...)
wirehead says
10 years ago
June 24th is the Bike-a-versary day.
lindes is
10 years ago
not so sure I want to wait that long... nor go for the half-way mark, because of its closeness to mass consumerism landmarks. Guess I'll have to have my own bike-a-versary day. :-)
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