Stats -
HoH Part 1 Winner: Cody
Recap: Derrick dropped giving Part 1 to Cody. Derrick and Victoria should battle it out in Part 2 later today.
I'm still so mad that they sent caleb out over victoria
I understand why they did it.. but I think it sucked
they filmed the recap episode for about 3 hours this morning. now everyone's back in bed since they woke up early for that
Derrick/Cody think that leg 2 is tomorrow. Victoria kind of-sort of-maybe told Derrick that she may throw it.
little interesting stat - if Derrick does end up winning, he will win $575k. that will be the most anyone has won from US Big Brother, no matter how many seasons they've been on
Oh wow that is pretty cool. Did they win 25K from Team America?
he won $20k for Team America, plus $5k during the slip-and-slide HOH comp for taking the 5k Dollas and 5k Hollas prize
(there's also one TA prize that they were told succeeded in the DR, but that we were told failed - the "have two HGs argue for more than 20 seconds" task. if that DID indeed succeed, he'll have another $5k)
I forgot about the Dollas & Hollas
Not missing much on the feeds. HGs played hide and seek and then took turns tossing limes into a pot.
That just got some kind of Q & A game.
St_Clinton: yep. it's $500k for the base win, $50k TA bonus for win, $20k TA missions (or $25k, depending), and $5k Dollas/Hollas
They are always so boring at this point.
This is usually when I stop watching BBAD/ the feeds
leg 2 of the final HOH comp started about an hour ago
BB asked the HGs what they wanted for lunch, and then brought them Chinese food earlier today
aaaand that's about all that's happened
SO thrilling stuff! I wonder if Derrick is going to actually try to win.
We were discussing it tonight but if Derrick wins he could alienate either of them by taking the other. So it might be in his best intrest to not win.
I agree for part 3 - but if he throws part 2, he'll definitely alert Cody that something's up
I mean, it'd be Victoria's first solo win of the season. Cody would never believe he didn't throw it
HOH leg 2 comp is still ongoing - we're up to 2.5 hours now. that's extremely long for what the leg 2 comp is
and of course, right as I post that, we get fish with live sound instead of highlights
sounds like Cody playing basketball with something - could be an individually-timed comp
just got video. Cody's playing "basketball" with a bean bag in the HOH room
(interesting, because they were told yesterday that it was the last time they'd see the HOH room)
Cody saying his wrist still hurts from the leg 1 comp
(worth noting that Cody's "basket" is the HUGE HOH bed
not hard to hit at all)
Cody now running through who votes for who if it's him and Derrick in the final 2, and says "oh shit, it's not looking good"
looks like his 2 brain cells decided to start talking to each other finally
(for the record, he had it at a 6-3 vote for Derrick winning, from what I could tell)
even with that realization, Cody is planning his moves around how to pull votes away from Derrick
there's a rumor going around that his IQ is 68... this conversation-with-self might support that rumor.
I mean... who gets to this point and goes "oh damn, he's going to beat me" and instead of thinking "I'll take her instead" goes "how can I beat him?"
Cody keeps complaining about how long this comp is, and then says "If Derrick didn't win this, it's going to be terrible"
Cody practicing his F2 speech. he's going to focus on loyalty and asking the jury to "be nice"
everyone back in the house. Vic is crying
Derrick and Cody are celebrating. Derrick won leg 2
there were 50 or so gold placards. they had to place photos of who was nominated on eviction night
they could only hold 1 at a time, so they had to place them as soon as found a HG who was nominated
Derrick apparently went first and was able to watch Victoria, and he thought she'd beat him
WOw over two hours for that?
yep. apparently all of the correct answers were on the complete opposite side of the wall
Cody is not that bright. But Vic thinks she will lose against Derrick as well and still plans to take him too.
there was a helicopter that kept hovering over them and watching them
Vic actually thinks she'll beat Derrick in final 2
she talked about how he wouldn't go home with "just 50k" if she wins
Oh gawd she is even more delusional than I thought.
Vic took 30 mins in the comp, and has no idea how it took her that long
so not much has happened today. BB brought in food for them again (they chose Greek today)
the most interesting stuff is happening tonight. Derrick is basically telling Victoria that he's not taking her to the end, but the producers have told him he cannot say that to her outright
he has asked to speak to a producer to get permission to do that so that he doesn't have to deal with her whining all week
(for the record - in last night's comp, it has come out that Derrick took 15 minutes, so Victoria took twice as long has he did
I don't remember them every bringing in so much food for them.
That doesn't really shock me that it took her double the time.
this is only the.... 3rd time I think? that they've brought food in for them this season
Ya but they normally only do it for special things not just hey here is lunch.
DR is calling everyone in tonight and trying to get them paranoid. they're trying to turn Derrick/Cody against each other, but it doesn't seem to be working
100% looks like our final 2 is going to be Cody/Derrick
It would be stupid NOT to take Victoria