Darkley says
9 years ago
so hey everyone, im home, but i need to take a internet break.
latest #14
9 years ago
hope all went well
9 years ago
Glad you are home and we will miss you
Tillor Swift
9 years ago
welcome home
9 years ago
miss you
9 years ago
glad you are home and hope you mend quickly. rest.
Chat Suspecte
9 years ago
9 years ago
9 years ago
sorry to hear about this..
9 years ago
you get the whole world to take care of you.. and wait on you hand and foot... dont move a muscle unless its to ring a bell to call a minion. I am so so sorry i didnt see your plurks that you werent well.
Katelynne says
9 years ago
9 years ago
Plurk didn't tell me you were ill or in hospital.. It didn't even show me this. I had to hunt down why i'd not seen you... Fuck Darkley , you scared me...
Bloody miss you mate!
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