Current Stats:
HoH - Caleb
Noms - Frankie & Victoria
PoV Holder - Cody (didn't use)
Eviction later today.
Big Brother just woke the houseguests up. They don't know yet that there will be an eviction in a few hours.
Opps the dog wanted to chime in I guess
Feeds down all day. Likely they will be down until after the show airs tomorrow!
giannaborgnine: yep. that's because Frankie was evicted today, but they don't want to show that until after tomorrow's "live" show. they've also had the HOH and possibly veto comps today
actually, veto is most likely tomorrow, since they're doing a live veto ceremony Wednesday night
OK.... so this may be nothing and COULD be a CBS mistake (they've had a few like this this season), but.... if you go on the live feeds and look at the houseguest list, Cody is now shown as HOH.
it was not that way yesterday. this could possibly mean that Cody won final 4 HOH
I'd be ok with that, but in final 4 it is the veto winner that holds all the power!
true... though with the type of veto that final 4 usually is, Caleb is in trouble if he didn't win HOH
Victoria winning anything has about a .0001% chance of happening
I think she'd have to win out and take Cody to even has a shot. she has no chance over anyone else IMO. if Cody takes her, I think he wins 5-4
audience on the fast forward evictions is CBS interns/staffers as well as a few hired extras who are strongly coached
Victoria and Caleb are Derrick's nominees (shocker)
in other words... Caleb's going home

he's going to regret sending Frankie home in about.... 18 hours.
Cody will be the sole vote tomorrow night and will evict either Victoria or Caleb.
and, that 100% means that Derrick is going to the final 2, and will be this season's winner. the only question is whether it'll be 9-0 vs Cody or (probably around) 7-2 vs Victoria
for the first time ever, someone will win without ever being nominated for eviction - quite a milestone!
I am sick to my stomach that Victoria made it so far. She doesn't deserve it in the least. She did NOTHING all season.
Victoria has a really good shot of making final 2. I think Derrick will 100% take her over Cody, and Cody would take her if his two functioning brain cells start talking to each other
I agree which just is so sad to me.
feeds just came back up. they've been told to dress in athletic clothing. Derrick and Cody are talking in FR about how they need to win both legs of the first HOH
Derrick's unfortunately not wearing his mic, so we're not hearing his half of the convo
Derrick and Victoria now congratulating each other. he's set himself up with both of them for him to not win tonight's leg
I hope Derrick is able to explain how he had a hand in EVERYTHING this season. He has played so far under the radar that so many won't have a clue.
Derrick and Cody are pointing at people on the memory wall and saying they'd vote for Victoria out of spite if she got to final 2. they counted 5 people (enough to win)
HGs were reminiscing on the season, but were informed that they're filming the recap show tomorrow, so to save a lot of that
Derrick randomly called to DR and then we go to highlights about a minute later. looks like it's time for the first leg of the HOH comp to start
feeds are back. it's a wall-type comp. they're standing on a tiny ledge, and have to keep a hand on a hang glider that's above them at all times
the glider looks like it moves slightly and is always forward of their feet
gliders are definitely tilting up and down continuously
they can see things in front of them that are going to spew liquid, and are assuming it's going to be the lube that was used on the floor of the slip and slide challenge
and right after they say that, a lliquid starts spraying on them as a mist
Cody was just repositioning his hands and it looked to me like he might not have had either hand on the hang glider a couple of times.... not sure what the rules are, though
HGs now getting rained on. Cody is still in. either I mis-saw it, or they don't have to have a hand on the bar as long as they stay on the ledge
the rain stopped, but it was absolutely torrential. you can see it dripping off of the bars of the hang gliders:
with some of the views they're showing now, it looks like the whole wall is tilting back and forth, not the gliders
they just went to a further angle than before. it's pretty insane.
storming again, more intense than before. Victoria is starting to sing in Hebrew to try to keep her focus
ahh, apparently Victoria was praying for strength, but it sounded like a song
I can see how it might sound like a song. I am sorta shocked that they kept this comp until the very end. Normally they do this one much earlier.
SanuraSnowpaw: first leg of final HOH is always
some kind of endurance. standing on a biplane, sitting on something hitting a wall, standing on a volcano holding a key, etc
they've used all kinds of things as the first leg endurance, but I do think this is the first time that it's been the wall comp, at least that I can remember
I'm honestly kind of shocked that they're filming the recap episode the morning after an endurance comp that could go for a while. you'd think they'd want them all rested/fresh
Oh yes I agree the wall comp has just always been a middle season endurance comp. Although overall they really didn't do much for endurance this year.
That is shocking. Maybe they don't expect it to last very long?
I could see them sticking the wall at about a 25 degree angle and spraying the liquid right at their feet/hands if they need it to end
Derrick tells Cody that he stays for a couple of hours and then jump off
rain stopped as soon as Victoria fell
(either of them could beat Vic in a typical leg 2 challenge, IMO. I kind of expect Derrick to convince Cody to jump off in this case since they're semi-physical at times)
Cody/Derrick are talking strategy for the next leg while Vic sits watching
Cody says he feels confident for leg 2, but he would rather win endurance to make himself feel better
Derrick: If you want this one, I'll jump off
Cody: If you don't feel confident, don't do it
Derrick: I'm not going to sit up here for 3 hours with ya
Derrick: There's no doubt you know [the leg 2 info] better than me. No doubt
Makes sense for whoever feels most confident for the round two to jump and the other win this one.
honestly, IMO, Derrick knows the leg 2 info better than Cody... but he wants to guarantee his safety, so he's trying to get Cody to jump. also, Derrick knows that if Vic somehow wins, he's still in final 2
Cody/Derrick now at what looks to be about a 20 degree angle, getting rained on
Derrick just confirmed that Cody wouldn't be mad at him if he loses leg 2 after throwing this leg
Derrick says he's hurting and can't feel his hands. Cody says he feels like Superman
Derrick's toes are off of the ledge
Derrick down - Cody has won the 1st leg of the final HOH comp
(he went down while we were shown highlights, so no clue if he jumped or slipped)
I just noticed that they have the TINY table now
Awe I love how they have the same table in so many sizes.