Darkley says
10 years ago
so bizarre, trying to book a holiday and this website has flights from gatwick, but you come back into standstead
latest #16
Darkley says
10 years ago
stanstead sorry, how wierd is that?
Alfie says
10 years ago
Yeah I saw that when I was trying to book flights - why would anyone want that? It might be cheaper but stanstead is a pain in the arse to get back from
Darkley says
10 years ago
its just wierd
Midi says
10 years ago
What if you leave your car at the airport?? How odd.
10 years ago
As long as it isn't Heathrow... Fuck that place. Fuck that place sooooo much.
Darkley says
10 years ago
most of my family work at heathrow
10 years ago
I fucking hate Heathrow. I was 17, detained, and nearly kicked back out of the country because I was flying alone. I was a chubby white girl with family in the US military.
10 years ago
So I sat for hours bawling my eyes out because I was in a strange room with a bunch of sketchy looking middle eastern men looking at me like meat. :| Worst experiences of my life at Heathrow.
I had that when I was looking... Are you flying back from a different city to the one you're going out to? I was looking at Heathrow to Miami and then New York to Gatwick...
Darkley says
10 years ago
nope, its just a beach holiday in rhodes
Did you try changing the time of the flight back?
Darkley says
10 years ago
ive found other ones, i just found it bizarre it would pop up at the first ption
Darkley says
10 years ago
scrim Pinion
10 years ago
was gonna comment on how silly the city names are where you're at, then remembered all the crazy towns named after native tribes in my state
scrim Pinion
10 years ago
"We're driving all the way from Kalamazoo to Ishpeming, stopping at Muskegon for lunch"
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