Current Stats:
HoH - Caleb
Noms before PoV - Nicole & Christine
PoV Winner - Christine
Recap - Caleb and Cody wanted to backdoor Frankie, but Derrick was against. Just when Derrick seemed to be ok with it, Caleb talked to Frankie and felt better about keeping Frankie.
Recap - After a lot of flip flopping back and forth, last night they decided to up up Victoria and evict Nicole. So that's the plan at this point.
Frankie and Caleb were just running scenarios in the HOH room after Caleb told Frankie he considered putting him up (which is not going to happen now - Victoria is going up)
their goal is to get Christine out next in the DE, and then Victoria after that
they want Cody in 4th, Caleb to win the 1st leg of final HOH, Frankie to win the 2nd leg, and then get Derrick out in 3rd place
they see that is fulfilling the promise they made to each other on day 2 to work together until the end "just like Will and Boogie did"
they're also wondering why they're still on indoor lockdown. there was another megaphone incident last night that forced them inside, but they're still locked down. they think there could be a luxury comp
feeds have now been on fish for close to 5 minutes - could be veto meeting time
yep, now Jeff highlights - veto meeting time
veto ceremony is over. Christine took herself off the block and Victoria was put up in her place. either Nicole or Victoria will be going home on Thursday
honestly, after what Caleb told Frankie this afternoon about what happened yesterday, our best shot for drama is for him to win the DE HOH. I have a feeling Frankie might put up Derrick/Cody
oh man that would be good too
Could be interesting if Frankie wins HoH
I really don't care for Frankie. The rape joke he told just pushed me over the edge.
St_Clinton: Well it would be more drama than we have had since Zach left. I also have no doubt he plans to use his money for the schools. He is well known for doing them there.
Sehra: I missed the rape joke. That always saddens me to hear those.
I personally would like to see Derrick go up on the block at least once and him to have to scramble a bit. Not because I dislike him but because I think it would be fun to watch.
I can really respect the way Derrick has played the game, but I would love to see him scramble as well.
Nobody stopped it, but by the end everyone, except Frankie, seemed incredibly uncomfortable. There was a lot of uncomfortable laughing and awkwardness.
I was just surprised Frankie took it that far. He seems like a generally good guy, if a bit shady and self centered in the game. I didn't think he would go there.
The boys are talking about how much Cody hangs out with the girls.
Frankie - They (the girls) are sad when Cody is not around. Christine is literally sad & quiet when she's not with him
Nicole- There is no way to get Cody to want me to stay is there? Derrick- Not with Christine
Victoria is crying to Nicole that she's afraid that Derrick will leave in the DE, and that she doesn't want to be in the house without him. Nicole says that nice guys always go home in DEs
it's hysterical to me that neither of them has
ANY CLUE that Derrick is running the house. they both think that he's an outsider.
Victoria just told Derrick that if he leaves, she will leave before he does. she tells him that she will leave for him
I'm 100% cracking up laughing right now. Victoria is in tears over the thought that Derrick may go home before her... while he's never been on the block and she's up for eviction this week
Derrick tells her that she just needs to worry about herself
(if I'm Derrick, I want her in jury house ASAP so that she rallies votes for him in the end)
Derrick tells Victoria that is's a game and she's playing with too much with her heart, and not with her head
I am blown away that they have no idea that he is the mastermind
He's like the freaking Godfather of BB right now
I think it is hilarious they are so clueless and everytime someone says something all season they say NO heheh that is why I would like to see him on the block and scrambling a bit.
this happened right before I signed off the feeds for the night last night, and I had already closed Plurk, but.... sit down before you read this next part.
Nicole and Victoria think that
CODY is the mastermind of the season.
LMAO Cody's whole game is that he is with Derrick.
there really hasn't been much going on today. Derrick has been planing seeds with Caleb and Frankie that they need to get rid of Christine and then Cody next, keeping Victoria until final 4
on the flip-side, Cody and Christine have been talking about how they need to backdoor Frankie ASAP
I wish someone would make a bold move already. This voting unanimously stuff blows
I thought Derrick was planning to take Cody to the end. Victoria would be such an easy win for anyone who took her.
And honestly she doesn't deserve it in the least.
the more I think about it.... depending on who is next to Victoria, I could see the jury being very bitter and voting for her to win as a vote against who she's next to
Not much to report. More discussion on targets.
I think people would vote for Derrick over Victoria.
the problem Derrick's going to have at final 2 is that none of them think he's made big moves, when really he's made all of them. convincing the jury of that could be interesting
and could lead to them feeling very hurt in the process
If anyone finds out who he really is before voting.. Would make things interesting
the Have Not room was closed and locked yesterday, but they smelled paint from the rock room. it could have something to do with this
That reminds me of the reset button from the coaches season.
But what could they be resetting?
I think they painted the reset button gold
CBS is all about recycling
as to what it means..... who knows. we'll find out tonight. BUT FIRST, we have a double eviction
by a vote of 4-0, Nicole has been evicted from the Big Brother house
Derrick has won HOH and has to immediately nominate two HGs for eviction
Derrick won on the FIRST QUESTION - everyone else got it wrong
not sure I've ever seen that happen before
I'm not sure Derrick wanted to win this - it puts him in a pretty tricky position. he'll have to backstab SOMEONE he has an agreement with
where's that bag of Skittles when Derrick needs it
Derrick has nominated Christine and Victoria for eviction, with the target being Christine
plan A is to get Christine out. if she wins Veto, Derrick says that he will put up Frankie and that he will be taken out
Frankie has won Power of Veto. based on what he has said the last few days, I can't see him using it, though he could pull a big move and save Christine
Frankie has chosen to not use the Power of Veto, as expected
Team America mission vote: "Wear down the competition by convincing everyone to fast for 24 hours while Team America secretly eats." OR
"Wear down the competition by convincing everyone there's a rodent in the house and keep them up all night trying to catch it."
voting lasts for 15 hours
By a vote of 3-0, Christine has been evicted from the Big Brother House
Christine walked out to ENORMOUS booing. Frankie says that means they made the right choice
the new twist is the "Rewind Button" - if it gets pushed, the live vote next week will stop live, the nominees will be off the block, and no one will be evicted
effective next week, PoV is moving to Tuesday nights at the same time, and live evictions are moving to Wednesday an hour earlier
HGs can see the button on their screens, but have no clue what it is or what it means
(as a side note, I'm SO GLAD to be able to watch the feeds to night without listening to Christine's cackling)
feeds are back. HGs are talking about the volume of the boos that Christine got
Vic called into the DR, the guys are celebrating
Frankie says he heard gasps when he won veto, and thinks it was because he won so quickly
Ohh that is an interesting one. So if they use the rewind that means that there would be another double eviction?
I don't believe so - the way I've seen the schedule worked out, as it stands at the moment the eviction from final 3 to final 2 happens a week before finale. usually that happens on finale night
Thank godddd Christine is gone
it's so nice not to have her constant cackle on the feeds. unfortunately, we still have Victoria who can't chew with her mouth closed to save her life
(Frankie can't either, for the record)
Derrick speculating that Ariana Grande was in the audience and started the boos for Christine
if Victoria wins HOH, she's going to request Ariana's new CD, My Everything
everyone telling Cody that they think America looked very badly on Christine for the relationship that Cody and Christine had, but that nothing he did was wrong
Cody looks befuddled by the whole thing, but says he's afraid of getting boos
Frankie: You guys, we had a villain and we didn't even knowwww!! And she's gonnnnnee!
Oh, Frankie. I'm just waiting for you to get your boos.
HGs are saying that they have to do goodbye messages for Christine now, and that they're going to be meaner than they would have been before hearing the boos
I am not shocked by the boos in the least. Her behaviour was deplorable.
I'm a bit shocked that she got more boos than Aaryn last season, to be honest
Frankie is making salmon salad for everyone so they have protein before what they expect will be an endurance comp
production apparently screwed up and took Victoria's key out of the memory wall instead of Christine's
Caleb is now drinking a Bud Light, and saying it will get him ready for an endurance comp
feeds have been on fish for a while - could either be them hearing about the rewind button or could be the start of the HOH comp
HGs were on lockdown in the Beehive room, and now have been able to get into the old Have Not room
Derrick just told Cody that if he wins HOH, now is the time to take a shot at Frankie
Ariana was sure that Frankie was getting evicted tonight. her tweet: was sure
frankiejgrande would be done tn. #bb16 holdin on by a thread. killing it tho. hope he's doing ok in his mind n heart! must be hard
back to highlights for a bit now - my guess is HOH comp
St_Clinton: true, though it certainly hadn't been forgotten
He wants to push the button! HGs telling him not to. Derrick: "You'll regret it!"
Frankie and Cody want to push the button. Derrick and Victoria do not. Derrick trying to talk them out of it.
The button has been pushed!
do we know what the button does?
Rewinds the whole week and makes them replay it on Eviction day.
so technically, a new hoh will be crowned eviction night?
Soooooo glad the button was pushed. I don't even care if the week goes how I want or not, I just wanted the button pushed.
I mean, how fun is this twist!?
Sehra: i can't wait to see their faces when they find out!
Derrick's not happy. He's telling Caleb and Cody that it will definitely change the game, it's not a reward! Cody says he's excited.
Frankie- If you go home cause you did the thing that you are supposed to do, then they look like assholes
So will there even be the normal stuff like noms, veto ect or will they basically have a free week and just play it all eviction night?
they have no clue what they did and won't until the live episode, so Frankie will still nominate, veto comp will be played, veto ceremony will happen, and I believe they'll even vote
then next week, there will be final 5 again and they'll re-do it all
this hurts Derrick the most at this point, because they're planning on telling Victoria about the alliance an hour or two before the live episode on Wednesday
it could hurt Frankie more, if Victoria somehow pulls out a veto win and he has to nominate someone. in that case, I see the most likely scenario being that Derrick is nominated.
Victoria would never vote against Derrick, so there's one vote for Cody - all Frankie needs this week to force a tie, so even if Caleb votes against Derrick (unlikely), Frankie breaks the tie
but again, that wouldn't matter because of the rewind button - I'm just thinking it through using what those in the house know