Augurer says
10 years ago
Fitted mesh help? I figured out how to do it with female, but for some reason when I rig for a male, the mesh sits further back on the skeleton on the top part when uploaded. No idea why. Any suggestions?
latest #7
Augurer says
10 years ago
It isn't the weighting (that I can tell), looks just fine in maya, but when uploaded it's as if the top is pushed back on the body enough the front portion is sunken in.
I don't know but I am replurking just in case.
10 years ago
Because Blender is stupid.
Augurer says
10 years ago
Thank you for the replurk! I'm late to the fitmesh train, but I'd certainly like to figure it all out!
10 years ago
I still haven't figured it out.
Augurer says
10 years ago
At first I thought it was the weighting, I'll admit I haven't gotten a handle on all the new bones (especially the butt!) but this went all across the chest, the back, and even down the arms to the wrists
Augurer says
10 years ago
and there isn't a bone that influences that much
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