10 years ago
#BB16 Live Feed Spoilers - Day 64, 65 & 66
latest #81
10 years ago
HoH - Cody
10 years ago
Recap - Cody won HoH. He apparently only best Donny by a few seconds. His target is Donny and he will most likely nominate Donny and Nicole. Nominations should be later today so we'll see.
10 years ago
Recap - Nicole asked Cody not to go up. She said she is alone, never put him up and wouldn't, didn't blow up his game eventhough he evicted Hayden and her, can do his dirty work for him.
10 years ago
ugh. Did not want Cody to win HOH
10 years ago
LexiMorgan: me either (annoyed)
10 years ago
Donny- Should I expect to go on the block today? Cody- I think everyone has a chance right now. Donny suggesting he put up 2 strong players.
10 years ago
Donny to Cody- If you put two powerful people up, one of them will go home. Christine will go after Nicole. You'll be in the middle
10 years ago
Donny to Cody- I've never done nothing to nobody. To have 6 people after me...that's pathetic
Ðixxie Mint
10 years ago
I wished Donny or Nicole would of gotten HOH :-(
10 years ago
Donny to Cody- They are using you, Caleb and Victoria. I feel better to have at least told ya.
10 years ago
Donny to Cody- There is me and Nicole. Whatever you do, they are not going to come after you. They're going to come after us
Ðixxie Mint
10 years ago
Donny does have a point, Cody should work with Donny, Nicole and Victoria. They would be able to get out the others.. And they would be almost able guarantee to get out either Derek, Frankie or Caleb this week
10 years ago
He SHOULD but I cant imagine he will go behind derrick and frankies backs
Ðixxie Mint
10 years ago
blah, Derrick is driving me bonkers.. I hate puppet masters like that, he reminds me of Dan and I hate Dan :-P
10 years ago
Cody had to choose two have-nots. Nicole volunteered. Cody chose Donny to be the other
10 years ago
Christine to Cody- He (Donny) literally has no idea what is going on in this house.
10 years ago
Derrick- After the PoV, if Donny doesnt win it, I'm going to say "You dont have my vote. Every week you subliminally come after me"
10 years ago
Nicole to Donny- Victoria is going to ride it out to the end. I didnt know that playing such a horrible game would get you so far
10 years ago
Nicole- She (Victoria) is going to be Final 3 for sure. Donny- Then they will want to take her cause they can beat her
10 years ago
Donny- Poor Cody. If he would just... Nicole- He's not going to see it, Donny. He is not going to see the opportunity
10 years ago
Derrick is playing an amazing game though. There is no denying that. I cant see anyone beating him at this point. He's manipulated every person in the house, had votes go his way every time and is still liked
10 years ago
by everyone in the house and probably out of the house. I don't dislike Derrick at all. I kind of have to respect him for how he's played. It's christine and frankie that I cant stand. Cody too, kind of.
10 years ago
Hate Christine and Frankie. They need to go.
I love how smart Derrick is. He is even better than Dan in some ways because he still hasn't been on the block
10 years ago
Derrick tells Donny that it is hurtful and demoralizing that he has heard that Donny wants him out of the house
10 years ago
Donny- Today is my momma and daddy's 55th anniversary. Happy Anniversary Mom and Dad!
10 years ago
Derrick- The thing that scares me is Christine. Cody- She is a flip flopper
10 years ago
Cody has nominated Donny and Nicole for eviction
10 years ago
Derrick- If there's Pandora's Box, how funny would it be if it saves the nominees? Christine- They would never do that
10 years ago
Yesss get her out!
10 years ago
Cody- My door is locked. Derrick- Could be Pandora. They're gonna try to do a twist where Donny and Nicole are safe for the week
10 years ago
HoH is open again. Caleb, Derrick and Victoria checked out the HoH room. Doessnt appear that anything significant happened while it was locked.
10 years ago
Victoria says that she is in pain and not feeling well. Her wisdom teeth are bothering her
10 years ago
Cody tells Derrick that if Donny wins the veto, he wants to put up Frankie. Derrick tells him he shouldn't.
10 years ago
Derrick explained to Cody that having Donny and Nicole together is risky, and that Caleb may go after Cody for sending Frankie home
10 years ago
Derrick to Cody- She (Nicole) has got to go (if Donny is safe). They are lethal together
10 years ago
Derrick to Cody- If we send home Frankie, that leaves Nicole and Donny on the wall...who you have both just put up
10 years ago
Cody to Derrick- I want Frankie out before Christine, cause Christine will lock in with us
10 years ago
Christine- Let's all be honest. Brittany got a little too tanned while in here. She started looking like my leather couch at home
10 years ago
Donny to Nicole- One of us can win the veto. That's the only one safe. Nothing we can say or do can get anyone else voted out
10 years ago
Not much happened overnight.
10 years ago
Victoria was not feeling well. Nicole went to check on her. She's was laying on the bathroom floor and Nicole said she's very sweaty.
10 years ago
Nicole called for help and the feeds went down.
10 years ago
Feeds back. Victoria was removed for medical care. No idea if or when she'll be back.
10 years ago
Donny to Derrick- America has voted on allowing us to come up with our own mission. They will vote on if it was a good enough mission. Has to be done by the veto meeting.
10 years ago
Donny suggested to Derrick that the mission can be keeping Team America together.
10 years ago
Victoria just came out of the diary room. She told Christine that she had to get an IV
10 years ago
Victoria confirms that if she is selected to play for veto then only five people will be playing
10 years ago
Donny to Frankie- America voted for the 3 of us. I was hoping somehow it (the mission) could be to keep me safe
10 years ago
Donny to Frankie- It could be as easy as trying to throw veto to me...or you winning it, not using it, and getting votes to save me
10 years ago
Veto players are Cody, Donny, Nicole, Christine, Derrick and Frankie. Caleb is hosting
10 years ago
Frankie and Derrick agree that they are not throwing the veto as part of the mission
10 years ago
Derrick- If we influence the vote, I dont think he (Donny) would come after us. Frankie- I agree
10 years ago
Derrick says that Donny throws him and Frankie under the bus a lot. Frankie says that technically they are doing the same thing
10 years ago
Derrick to Frankie- I'm leaning towards the saboteur route (with the mission)
hahaha that is sorta funneh that Donny is trying to use TA to stick around when he hardly wants anything to do with TA
10 years ago
It's time for the veto competition!
10 years ago
Cody has won the PoV.
Ðixxie Mint
10 years ago
Ðixxie Mint is
10 years ago
there ANY possibility of Frankie, Dereck, Christine or Caleb going home this week?
10 years ago
Glitterface: nope
10 years ago
Derrick tells Frankie that Donny and Nicole are equally dangerous but people would question them if they tried to keep Donny
10 years ago
Frankie is telling Derrick about his plan to set up a play for the mission. Frankie says this is their chance to have fun
10 years ago
Cody, Donny and Nicole are watching an episode of Scorpion. Cody got to select two people to join him when he won the PoV
10 years ago
Today in the house, Frankie told Derrick that saving Donny is not a mission that they can accomplish without blowing themselves up. Derrick agreed.
10 years ago
Team America agreed that their mission will be "BB Broadway" and will take place during BBAD tomorrow night
10 years ago
Derrick to Donny- Believe it or not, I'm not sold on sending you home
10 years ago
HGs now on inside lockdown because of screaming fans outside.
10 years ago
Caleb and Cody heard someone say "Frankie is the saboteur!!"
10 years ago
Omg lol
10 years ago
St_Clinton: love that idea!
10 years ago
Frankie getting ready for the TA show. He says he's Joey.
10 years ago
10 years ago
10 years ago
10 years ago
Donny as Devin.
10 years ago
Nicole is Brittany, Christine is Pao, Cody is Zach.
10 years ago
Overnight, Cody/Caleb/Derrick agreed Christine had to be the first one of the Detonators to leave when they get to final 5.
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