10 years ago
#BB16 Live Feed Spoilers - Day 63
latest #70
10 years ago
Current Stats:
Final HoH - Frankie
Final Noms - Cody & Zach
10 years ago
Recap - unless something crazy happens Zach will be evicted from the house tonight. (however, along with Jocasta, Hayden and Nicole he will compete tonight for a chance to re-enter the house!
10 years ago
Recap - Donny campaigned for Zach. He talked to Christine & told her that if Zach stays he & Donny will work to get out Derrick and Frankie. He made good points about her being disposable to them.
10 years ago
Recap - Donny asked Chrisitine to keep the convo between them. She agreed and turned right around and told Cody that Donny was trying to get him out of the house and save Zach.
10 years ago
Recap - Cody and Christine told Derrick and Frankie what Donny had said and they all agree Donny has to go next.
10 years ago
Bleh, I don't know why I'm watching this show. It makes me so mad lol
10 years ago
I dislike christine so much!!
10 years ago
I'm watching last nights now. I just love Donny and All of these other clowns are cartoon characters.
10 years ago
Not much happening in the house today. Just the normal getting ready for the show. Zach's sleeping.
10 years ago
sorry I've been out all week, guys - been away on business. I'm still in a hotel room tonight, but I'll be watching the feeds after tonight's show
10 years ago
MatthewAnthony: yay! I've missed you! Glad you can watch and hope you're having a nice trip!
10 years ago
giannaborgnine: I've missed you too! trip has been crazy, but good. definitely glad that I'm able to watch tonight's show and feeds. I hadn't watched Sunday or yesterday's show until earlier this afternoon
10 years ago
I'm so nervous about who is coming back!!!
10 years ago
did you see the teaser photo of the comp on CBS TV Network Primetime, Daytime, Late Night and Classic Televis...?
10 years ago
10 years ago
diagram for the jury returnee comp
10 years ago
MatthewAnthony: I saw! That's what makes me so nervous. Could be chance?
10 years ago
St_Clinton: agreed. Whoever comes back should have safety for a week.
10 years ago
I don't think there's any way the returnee will get auto-HOH (and rightfully so, IMO - they've already had one chance), but I agree they should have a week of immunity
10 years ago
Zach cracks me up (rofl)
10 years ago
hmm, the winner of the return comp gets "a chance for revenge" - I don't want to read into it TOO much, but that easily could mean they have auto-HOH
10 years ago
either way, I'm personally cheering for Zach. he's just so entertaining
10 years ago
Nicole is returning to the game. (watch out Derrick)
10 years ago
it looked like Jocasta was speaking in tongues again there for a bit
10 years ago
feeds are back. Nicole is telling Frankie that she saw a HUGE poster of Ariana saying that her new CD comes out August 25th
10 years ago
oh, Nicole apparently also told them that Arianna was in the audience during that one eviction
10 years ago
they're filling Nicole in on everything that happened last week
10 years ago
Caleb is making pizza and Frankie is making fish - makes me wonder if they've been told that the HOH comp won't be soon
10 years ago
Caleb/Cody/Derrick/Frankie talking about how if one of them wins HOH, they nominate Nicole/Donny so that one of them goes home this week
10 years ago
Frankie telling Derrick/Cody that they made the right decision because if Zach/Donny/Nicole were all in the house, Zach easily could have flipped
10 years ago
Derrick/Frankie/Cody talking about how they can't let Nicole pit them against each other
10 years ago
D/F/C/Caleb talking about how the beehive room door didn't ever close this week, and how there were no crazy rumors because of it
10 years ago
the guys decide that if Donny's on the block after veto, he's going home this week
10 years ago
Victoria walks in and says that Donny/Nicole have already been trying to reel her in. Derrick is praising her for bringing them that info
10 years ago
so.... if anyone besides Donny/Nicole wins HOH, it sounds like it's Donny/Nicole on the block
10 years ago
they apparently saw divided lanes in the back yard during the jury return comp
10 years ago
(would typically mean a puzzle/mental comp)
10 years ago
Derrick/Victoria filling Christine in on the plan
10 years ago
Christine says she'd rather see Donny go home than Nicole
10 years ago
interesting, Nicole's clothing apparently didn't come back into the house with her. she's having to borrow a sweater from Christine because she's cold
10 years ago
Nicole/Donny/Derrick are talking about how let down they were when they saw last week's HOH comp was A/B. they say that the sets look great, but that the comps themselves are boring
10 years ago
HGs can hear construction in the back yard
10 years ago
Cody is the new HoH
10 years ago
Sounds like it came down to Donny and Cody and it was very close.
10 years ago
Donny is telling Nicole about his talk w/Christine. He says he thought it went well until he came out of DR and Christine had all of them up in HoH.
10 years ago
Donny: I was very lonely.
10 years ago
Nicole says that she feels as though she doesnt deserve to be back because she is blowing it already
10 years ago
Donny tells Nicole not to worry. Donny says they did the best they could and it's almost impossible to beat 6 people.
10 years ago
Cody to Caleb/Derrick/Frankie- He (Donny) is who I want out.
10 years ago
Donny- I befriended Zach. Nicole- Did you hang out with Zach all week? Donny- Well he slept 30 hours a day (LOL)
10 years ago
Christine: Donny's fans are going to be so pissed. Frankie: I think it's ridiculous that he thinks he has any. Yeah right.
10 years ago
Frankie to Derrick: I'm getting more and more attracted to him (Cody).
10 years ago
Frankie is proving to be not such a nice person. I use to like him a lot.
10 years ago
I hope Donny and Zach have more fans than Frankie!
10 years ago
I second this, he's not cute. <3 Donny
Ugh I got all screwed up and missed a few days. But I should be good now
10 years ago
I think it says something that they think he's going to be America's favorite just because of who his sister is. Thats what it seems like to me anyway
10 years ago
My fear is that people will split their votes between Zach and Donny and Frankie will win.
10 years ago
Caleb to Nicole- Hayden got lucky. He thought you were drop dead gorgeous and you fell for it. Mine just wants me to drop dead
10 years ago
Overnight, Nicole asked Cody not to go up. She said she is alone, never put him up and wouldn't, didn't blow up his game eventhough he evicted Hayden and her, can do his dirty work for him.
10 years ago
Cody said his target is Donny so hopefully he is who goes home this week.
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