10 years ago
#BB16 Live Feed Spoilers - Day 58
latest #109
10 years ago
Current Stats:
Final HoH - Frankie
Noms before PoV - Cody & Caleb
10 years ago
Recap - Derrick nominated Donny and Christine, Frankie nominated Caleb and Cody. Donny alone won the BoB. Christine tried to throw it, but Donny managed to win. Afterwards he was very upset.
10 years ago
Recap - Derrick is trying to save Victoria and get Frankie to backdoor Zach. Donny warned Zach of the plan and told him he has his vote.
10 years ago
Recap - Team America got the mission to hide the HGs items and it is underway.
10 years ago
also overnight, Donny and Zach seemed to form an alliance. they just woke up for the day, and Donny asked Zach if he or Hayden was the target when Hayden went home. Zach told him that it was either one
10 years ago
Donny asked if he won HOH, who are the two biggest anti-Donny people. Zach said Christine for sure, but doesn't know who the second would be
10 years ago
I really hope Hayden comes back in. So much.
10 years ago
Even more than nicole. I feel like Hayden will do more damage.
10 years ago
I want Christine gone! I cant even stand to look at her face anymore
10 years ago
Donny complaining to Zach that everyone wants him out (isn't that the purpose of the show?)
10 years ago
Donny asks Zach who makes all the decisions. Zach says Frankie
Lexi is
10 years ago
Zach really that clueless or is he misguiding Donny intentionally?
10 years ago
Because what i'm seeing is Derrick making all of the decisions
10 years ago
everyone in their exit interviews has said that Frankie was the head of the snake. I agree with you though, that it's really Derrick
10 years ago
Zach and Donny both laid back down, and Zach was immediately called to DR. as soon as he came out, Donny was called in
10 years ago
Frankie is in bed listening to his sister's album and dancing (LOL)
10 years ago
were Zach and Donny more aware, IMO they'd approach Frankie about backdooring Derrick this week, since no one will win against him. they could tell Victoria that Derrick has been in many alliances to sway her
10 years ago
then, when Hayden/Nicole returns, rope them in so you have a different group of 5 working together going forward. that's just my opinion, though
10 years ago
I agree completely!
10 years ago
I'd hate to see Derrick go out that way since he's played such an incredible game, though
10 years ago
I can't figure out how none of them seem to see Derrick as a threat or the mastermind behind it all.
as much as I would hate to see Derrick got out that way it would be a good plan.
honestly as much fun as this house has been there has been very little game play from anyone but Derrick
10 years ago
feeds have been fish for about 20 mins, after they called HGs to the HOH room for a lockdown. could be setting up the Have Not food, along with possible a smaller dining table?
10 years ago
feeds are back. Have Not food is set up
10 years ago
smaller table is set up as well
10 years ago
2 HNs have to be selected. the items are blood sausage, canned pumpkin, and onion
10 years ago
Christine and Victoria are HNs
10 years ago
Christine plans on making pumpkin spice lattes, Starbucks style (rofl)
10 years ago
Christine just checked ingredients, and it's all gluten free/soy free, so she can eat all of it
10 years ago
Victoria can't eat the sausage because it's all pork
10 years ago
I would be starving that week. lol
10 years ago
I can eat that. Caramelize those onions in a pan, eat them up. And bake that canned pumpkin shit and pretend like it is pie.
10 years ago
Christine and Derrick are talking about how they're portrayed and how different people are playing
Derrick: I hope there's a Dan-like character in this house
Christine: ME TOO! I don't know who it'd be
10 years ago
they're thinking that this is Zingbot (correctly), but say that the set is still under construction
10 years ago
we just cut to highlights while Derrick was making caramelized onions for the have nots (oops)
10 years ago
could be Zingbot time! they try to do Zingbot in the evenings these days after the guy in the Zingbot suit got heat stroke in season 14
10 years ago
feeds are still on highlights - over 2 hours now. they must have gone straight from Zingbot to the comp
10 years ago
comp still going. BBAD starts in less than an hour, they usually try to have them done by then
10 years ago
feeds are back. FRANKIE is wearing the veto medallion
10 years ago
HGs are saying it was the toughest comp they've had so far
10 years ago
there was apparently a zing that Cody thought went too far, so he's going to request that it's not shown on TV
10 years ago
Christine and Cody were apparently zinged about their cuddling. Christine is worried what her pastor will think
10 years ago
it sounds like Kathy Griffin was a guest host and Frankie got to talk to her?
10 years ago
confirmed: Kathy Griffin was somehow involved
10 years ago
Derrick tells Christine and Cody that as a husband, he doesn't think they've done anything offensive
10 years ago
Zingbot apparently said that Derrick looks like Quasimodo
10 years ago
Christine apparently also got a zing that referred back to the Jenn City zing from two years ago about her tattoos
10 years ago
Frankie is asking Caleb and Zach if they'll keep him safe next week since he can't win HOH
10 years ago
the comp apparently had a set of boxes, each with their own puzzle
10 years ago
Derrick/Caleb/Cody/Christine/Zach talking about how perfect Frankie was in the comp
10 years ago
Kathy apparently said something like "There are a lot of good looking guys in the house this year... oh wait, I didn't see you, Derrick"
10 years ago
Frankie got zinged about being in his sister's shadow
10 years ago
Frankie's was "Frankie.. you have such a great tan. I'm surprised you've gotten that living in your sister's shadow. ZIIIIING!"
10 years ago
Frankie is apparently planning to put up Zach, and the plan is to vote him out
10 years ago
Cody saying he doesn't do anything with Christine that should upset Tim
10 years ago
Donny's zing was about not staying up late and talking to people
10 years ago
Victoria is comforting Cody
10 years ago
he seems really upset that people may think that he's crossing a line with Christine
10 years ago
Caleb: One day, one of my comps will come up where I can just beast mode through it all
10 years ago
Frankie/Caleb/Cody/Derrick talking about sending Zach home
10 years ago
Christine crying to Victoria in the bathroom about the zing about her and Cody
I hope she realizes that her actions have hurt her husband finally.
10 years ago
SanuraSnowpaw: everyone else is telling her that she's done nothing wrong
10 years ago
Derrick and Cody telling Frankie that they have his back for next week
I know as a married women I would cuddle with the gay man or one of the women as friends if I needed physical contact. And Mr. Paw knows that because I do need physical affection of some sort.
10 years ago
Frankie leaves and Cody and Derrick talk about how Frankie and Caleb are a twosome, and how they have to beat them
Frakie and Caleb are a duo? since whne? Did I miss that?
10 years ago
SanuraSnowpaw: yeah... but the gay man is a bit different than the straight underwear model (LOL)
MatthewAnthony: EXACTLY
I think where it goes to far with Christine is how she ogles him and talks about how hot he is. If it was purely platonic on both their sides I wouldn't have issue with it. BUt on her side it isn't/
10 years ago
Derrick/Cody talking about how Christine is playing both sides
Cody I don't think is at fault I think he sees it as cuddling with a sister type thing.
10 years ago
Derrick/Cody talking about how much of a comp beast Frankie is
ALSO I LOVE how Derrick said he hopes there is a Dan like player because to me he is totally Dan like.
10 years ago
oh, Derrick is definitely this year's Dan
10 years ago
Cody had a premonition that he was going to sit next to Zach on a Thursday night and recite a poem
10 years ago
Caleb walked in and stopped that talk
10 years ago
Frankie has made everyone a family-style dinner to celebrate the smaller table
10 years ago
they're actually eating at the dining table - I think that's the first time this year (LOL)
10 years ago

Caleb is praying over the meal. Victoria asked not to be present
10 years ago

Victoria has now joined the table. she and Christine are waiting on their pumpkin "pie" to finish cooking
10 years ago
Frankie telling everyone how Mama Mia isn't a great musical, but that it was successful because it was the first show to open after 9/11/2001, and that it was so fun that it succeeded
Why can't I see the second photo? It says it is forbidden.
10 years ago
weird, let me try to upload again
10 years ago

fingers crossed that that works this time
Nope even trying to open it in its own window diesn't work so weird
10 years ago
... that's bizarre. it shows up for me
NOW they suddenly both are showing up
that was freaky
10 years ago
huh, weird. I uploaded both to Plurk, could be an issue on their end
I have noticed it seems like there hasn't been much about food or drinks this year as there has been in the past.
Must have been some sort of delay.
10 years ago
they've only gotten alcohol about 4-5 times this year. compared to years past, that's NOTHING
Everyone looks so happeh together except Christine (LOL)
10 years ago
and when they get it, it's like... one bottle of wine and 6 cans of beer
And when they get it there isn't even that much about it. Past years woulda been screaming about wanting drinks and shit
They were always going into the DR asking for alcohol
10 years ago
yeah, I'm not sure why they haven't been asking for more. I know I would be! (LOL)
10 years ago
especially on a night like tonight where they're having a big celebration that would definitely be alcohol-worthy
10 years ago
everyone's telling stories from their lives outside the house
10 years ago

another photo from the family dinner
10 years ago
(Frankie's getting up to take some more food out of the oven)
10 years ago
Caleb telling a story about how his brother (the pastor) intentionally shit all over his wife while she was trying to wax his asshole
Oh gawd that is all sorts of wrong and nasty on every level.
That is what I men it doesn't seem to be a big deal for this cast at all which is shockign as Frankie was talking about detoxing before he came.
10 years ago
Now thats a conversation i want to hear at the dinner table
10 years ago
Not much happened overnight. Frankie told Victoria she was safe and continued to lie to Zach about putting up Victoria.
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