10 years ago
My big #burningman accomplishment today was getting my head shaved. Sean's gonna freak. X-(
latest #28
10 years ago
10 years ago
10 years ago
YOU'RE MEETING seanmcpherson??????? I hope it's lots and lots of fun!!!!
10 years ago
better double up on the sun screen ;-)
Marshall says
10 years ago
Wait, WHAT??!? :-o
10 years ago
If you apply a good amount of polish, you'll also lower the electricity bill. ;-) :-P
Sean says
10 years ago
Hah! Mine won't be shaved but I am in fact getting a pretty good haircut to simplify things. If you got the total shave going, muchas sunscreen is in your future.!
Sean says
10 years ago
Titter, she already found out how difficult to deal with in person I am a while back since it was only fair she have a chance to change her mind before the burn (LOL)
Sean says
10 years ago
Did you make 3 color copies of your license and laminate them to carry around the playa for bar access if you don't want to worry about losing your real one? #ProTip
Sean says
10 years ago
If you have an expired one, that also is a good way to let the bars not worry about being nailed by the Feds. Nice to tape or holepunch/hang the spare license from your cup. That way you're handing them 1 thing
Sean says
10 years ago
I hardly drink so I'll prolly use a laminated copy; if they don't want to risk it in terms of serving me, it won't be a problem for me :-)
Sean says
10 years ago
(They're easier to tape around the cup than an expired one, and I'm gonna carry 2 collapsible ones - 1 8 oz and 1 shot glass which fits inside it also collapsed)
10 years ago
You two are going to have soooooo much fun! I'm so pleased for you!
10 years ago
please take pictures!
Sean says
10 years ago
I'll try to remember but I'm terrible at doing so :-(
10 years ago
Dude, I did not make them color copies, but I lamintd my license copy on one side and my health insurance card on the other :-P
10 years ago
that was laminated....
10 years ago
They are holed punched and already hanging on all the rigt things. I also made bright orange bag tags for the bike, camera, etc. :-D
Sean says
10 years ago
Good call :-)
10 years ago
I have to admit, seeing your own scalp is somewhat unsettling. #vanityrus
10 years ago
Been there, done that, Grace, you get used to it :-) Plus, it grows back :-)
Sean says
10 years ago
These are my 60 tags
10 years ago
Like my cutesy little bears? Word template, of course!
Sean says
10 years ago
Found my most recent expired license so I'll carry it in my bag, have my current one photocopies hanging from drink cups, etc, and real one will be locked in the RV. Should work well.
Sean says
10 years ago
Also found my license that expired in 1997 (LOL) Christy keeps everything
Sean says
10 years ago
I got my hair cut but it's by no means shaved. Sorry I won't match; I need some hair to keep my head warm! #coldnatured
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