10 years ago
#BB16 Live Feed Spoilers - Day 54, 55, 56 & 57
latest #258
10 years ago
Current Stats:
Final HoH - Christine
PoV Winner - Zach
Final Noms - Nicole & Donny
10 years ago
Recap - Zach used the veto on himself and Christine nominated Nicole in his place. At this time, Nicole is the target this week.
10 years ago
10 years ago
(I missed yesterday, so Nicole being nominated was news to me)
10 years ago
Donny is sitting in the backyard. All other HGs still sleeping.
Does Donny ever sleep?
10 years ago
Donny is always the first to bed (usually around 10-11 PM) and is usually up before the wakeup call (around 9 AM)
10 years ago
he gets REALLY grumpy if he stays up past midnight or so
10 years ago
it's been a boring day on the feeds. Donny and Nicole were talking some game, and Christine took her HOH photos, but there's been a lot of sleeping
10 years ago
HGs were just given a badminton set and a Jenga set
10 years ago
Frankie, Nicole, and Donny are playing badminton. Nicole and Frankie are awful at it, Donny is pretty good
Ah so he is just on a totally different sleep schedule.
10 years ago
yep. he's been that way all summer, but in the past he had Brittany/Hayden staying up all night and Jocasta getting up early so that he still had human interaction in the mornings
Poor guy. Although if I am honest I would have did the best I could to change my sleep schedule so I didn't miss out on to much in the house.
10 years ago
same. he misses out on SO much because he's asleep. it's also driving him nuts to be the only person awake for hours on end every morning
I think had he shifted his sleep schedule the Team America alliance may have worked better.
10 years ago
I agree
10 years ago
Nicole/Cody just beat Zach/Victoria in badminton (LOL) they didn't get a net, but they're using the camera in the middle of the back yard
10 years ago
now Cody/Nicole come back and beat Caleb/Zach. they've already broken all but one of their birdies
10 years ago
they're talking about organizing a badminton tournament for everyone in the house. they're having a TON of fun with it
10 years ago
Cody just told Victoria that he wants Donny out next week (I'm shocked)
10 years ago
Nicole is now campaigning to Christine, and is painting Donny in a negative light to her
10 years ago
...Caleb said that he's going to take CBS to military court if he doesn't get the trademark to "Beast Mode Cowboy"
Is Caleb fuckin high?
I think a tournament might be fun.
10 years ago
Nicole finally finished campaigning to Christine, and is now campaigning to Derrick
10 years ago
(basically, they're just getting footage for the Thursday episode to throw doubt on whether or not Nicole is leaving)
10 years ago
Christine is wanting to blindside Nicole. Derrick wants to tell her that she's going tonight
10 years ago
in other words, Derrick is still the only person who understands what jury management is. Christine is clueless
10 years ago
Watching BBAD now and cody and christine were sitting in the same chair, holding hands and playing with each others hands. WTF?! Does she remember that shes married?
10 years ago
LexiMorgan: that happens every single day. her husband isn't too happy about it, either..
10 years ago
How disrespectful. Her poor husband!
It is so disreapectful. I feel bad for her husband... if she has a husband when she gets out.
10 years ago
he has tweeted that he's not happy about it and that they'll be having a long talk about it. he's also mentioned telling her that she can't stay in touch with Cody
10 years ago
overnight, Nicole scrambled like crazy. she basically told everyone that they weren't her target, and that she wanted to stay
10 years ago
she DID make two big moves - 1) she told Victoria about the alliance that Nicole/Derrick made when they were HOH together. Derrick has repeatedly told Victoria that he has no alliances
10 years ago
2) she made a final 2 deal with Zach to try to get him to keep her in the house, as well as campaign for her to Cody/Derrick
10 years ago
in the end, it seems Derrick/Cody talked Zach out of keeping Nicole, but you never know with Zach. Zach did say that if he wins HOH this Thursday, he's putting up Frankie
it would be hard to force Christine to have no contact with Cody. They will still have appearances won't thay?
10 years ago
HGs are on lockdown to start building tomorrow's HOH comp set. this long of a lockdown would typically indicate an endurance comp
10 years ago
Nicole asked Zach a little bit earlier how things looked for her. he was pretty non-committal, so she knows that it doesn't look good for her
10 years ago
SanuraSnowpaw: honestly, I'm not sure how many appearances the jury members will have together post-show
MatthewAnthony: I thought they did appearances and stuff afterwards. But maybe only the ones who want to do that.
but you just made me think how in the jury house there are no cameras. I hope for her husband's sake she isn't at jury with Cody for long.
10 years ago
Cody has said to other people that he wouldn't sleep with her on his worst day, and honestly, I'd be on the side of believing him. he's stringing her along as a strategy
10 years ago
^ yup. He has no interest in her sexually and she is going to ruin her marriage acting like a love struck schoolgirl over him.
10 years ago
Derrick just told Nicole that she doesn't have the votes to stay
I didn't think Cody would act on it my thought was more that it would be terriable to not know while they were in jury at least now he can keep an eye on things.
10 years ago
Zach to Nicole- The most important thing is you being proud of yourself, and your family is proud of you
10 years ago
Zach to Nicole- Don't think about it too much. You're going to be in the jury house with Hayden. You can kiss him off camera!
10 years ago
Nicole screams loudly. Says she sees skeletons in the mirrors.
10 years ago
Victoria sees one too
10 years ago
Frankie's reaction
10 years ago
Big Brother scaring the HGs
10 years ago
Caleb hiding behind the bed
10 years ago
Victoria says she won't look at the mirrors. Zach: "That will be the first time she ever walked by a mirror & didn't look at herself."
10 years ago
More skeleton
Ohh that is creepy! I LOVE Frankies reaction though!
10 years ago
Frankie cuddles Zach. Donny: Are y'all slicin'? Zach: He's trying to slice me, Donny!
10 years ago
SanuraSnowpaw: I'm assuming Donny meant spooning.
ahh oki that would make sense.
10 years ago
HGs getting messages on the tv saying "State of Emergency." The clips are likely for a comp.
10 years ago
Sounds like HGs are getting clues to where a zombie epidemic will spread. Places mentioned - LA Streets, JennCity, Chilltown, Dallas, Ubly.
10 years ago
More clues - confusion, rotting flesh, heart rate 97, appetite for human brains.
oh how fun
10 years ago
it's interesting, the ghosts/aliens/whatever in the mirrors is typically an item abduction/question HOH, but with all of the spoken information they were given (some of which Donny slept through)
10 years ago
that would generally point to a memorization comp. very, very strange
10 years ago
there was also a hysterical Big Brother message last night, perhaps the funniest yet. "Caleb, I recognize that English can be a difficult language to comprehend, but stop still means STOP!"
10 years ago
BB finally just did the wake up call. I don't recall one ever happening this late, especially on a live show day (almost 11 AM Big Brother time)
10 years ago
St_Clinton: haha that'd certainly be something! I think if he does, Nicole is going to have to be helping him learn everything today.
hahaha I love what they said to Caleb.
See this amazes me. Why wouldn't you stay up to learn this stuff not depend on someone to teach you.
10 years ago
the faces appeared in the mirrors before Donny went to sleep. he went to bed knowing that he might miss stuff.
10 years ago
for someone who is at a severe risk of going home this week, I was surprised he was that nonchalant
10 years ago
first live show day lockdown just ended. afterwards, Zach told Derrick "It's getting real bad, dude. I need to see a doctor". no clue what he's talking about
10 years ago
ahh, apparently stuff got in his ears during the OTEV comp
10 years ago
by a vote of 6-0, Nicole has been evicted
10 years ago
Julie isn't using the verbiage she uses if it's an endurance HOH comp, so it looks like we'll get to at least day 63 (!) without seeing one
10 years ago
to put that in perspective, there have been past seasons that only lasted 71-75 days. I'll have to run numbers later, but I believe the latest we've had an endurance HOH in the past was in the 30s or 40s
10 years ago
Derrick and Frankie are the new HOHs
10 years ago
new Team America vote: "Create a distraction by hiding a favorite piece of clothing from each Houseguest then organize a neighborhood watch program to keep it from happening again"
10 years ago
OR "Weaken another player's game by keeping them awake for 24 hours straight"
10 years ago
Victoria and Donny were the first two out of the HOH comp, on the same question. anyone besides me say "Well, the Detonators get another week"? (LOL)
10 years ago
BREAKING Julie just confirmed while talking with Rachel Rielly that ONE juror is coming back into the house
10 years ago
with the extra week the show got, that means that there will be no more double evictions
10 years ago
Zingbot will be on Wednesday's episode
10 years ago
BREAKING Julie just confirmed to viewers that this is the final week of having 2 HOH
10 years ago
Julie packed all kinds of info into tonight's outro (LOL)
10 years ago
feeds are back (woah, quick)
Frankie: If it's another mental comp next week, I'm going to kill all of you
10 years ago
Caleb: You (points to Victoria) went out after me, and it made me look like a dumbo. I think I'm meant for physical competitions
10 years ago
Caleb tells Christine and Victoria that they've been putting off doing physical comps because he's in the house
10 years ago
(I was wrong earlier - I forgot that Caleb went out SUPER quick (LOL))
10 years ago
Caleb just picked Frankie up and hugged him in the storage room
10 years ago
Caleb: All the way to the end. All the way to the end
10 years ago
HGs are talking about how they were wrong about everything related to the comp
10 years ago
Zach (to Christine): Now that Nicole's not here... you're my main chick
10 years ago
no one's scrambling at all. everyone except Frankie (who is in the DR) is in the living room together
10 years ago
Derrick (to Cody): Dude, I got to tell you a lot of shit later. Nicole was saying a lot of shit about you earlier
10 years ago
apparently when he won the comp, Derrick told Cody that he's safe this week, and they're afraid that someone else (I couldn't tell who, "he") heard it
10 years ago
Caleb/Derrick/Cody trying to figure out how to work the nominations
10 years ago
they're wanting for Derrick to put Donny and an alliance member who will throw the comp up, so that Derrick will remain HOH
10 years ago
Caleb: Me personally, I'd like to not be on the block for once, but if I have to, I have to
10 years ago
Frankie walked in. they're talking about giving Victoria the week up, and putting Donny up on one side/Christine on the other
10 years ago
Zach walked in: Donny and someone on one side, two of us on the other side
10 years ago
they're planning a meeting later up in the HOH room to figure out who the 3 going up are
10 years ago
Zach: I'll go up with Donny
Caleb: Will you throw it?
Zach: Yes, Rose.
10 years ago
Bomb Squad guys are agreeing not to backdoor each other. they're saying it's either Donny or Victoria going home
10 years ago
Derrick and Frankie are agreeing to draw eggs, and whomever draws the 1 egg will remain HOH
10 years ago
Victoria walks in. the guys are telling her that she's not going on the block and that she's safe
10 years ago
she has a HUGE smile on her face
10 years ago
now Christine walks in and they're not telling her the same
10 years ago
Victoria calls Frankie into the beehive and they're celebrating. Caleb/Derrick/Cody are filling Christine in on the plan
10 years ago
group has now broken up
10 years ago
Donny had been called to DR, so they were talking freely
10 years ago
Frankie and Derrick are trying to figure out who they're better off with playing HOH next week. that person will be dethroned this week
10 years ago
Zach is trying to convince Frankie and Caleb that they need to make up a lie that Donny wants Victoria out in case she wins the veto
10 years ago
Frankie: There's only a couple of people who would think of that, and she's not one of them
10 years ago
(that being using the veto on Donny)
10 years ago
Derrick (to Victoria): I want you... if you get picked to POV, play your ass off, try to win it, and don't use it
10 years ago
Derrick prepping Victoria for not being a part of the meeting in the HOH room later, since she's 100% not going up
10 years ago
he's successfully organized a full alliance meeting without any interruptions (LOL) absolutely masterful.
10 years ago
Derrick (now alone, to the camera): This one's for my boys in blue
10 years ago
Christine (to Victoria/Frankie/Zach/Cody): I'll tell you guys, there was a bit of paranoia in my head that you weren't going to vote out Nicole
10 years ago
Derrick telling everyone on the feeds to tune in on the feeds after the HOH reveal for fireworks (sadly, I'll probably be in bed :-()
10 years ago
Victoria talking about how crazy it is that one of Frankie's sister's songs motivated her through a bad breakup
10 years ago
Derrick laying the groundwork to Caleb for putting Caleb/Cody up against Donny/Zach
10 years ago
Donny: I always kick myself after that type of competition because it's the type I can win
10 years ago
Derrick now working on Cody to get him to be OK going up
10 years ago
Frankie (to Derrick and Cody): the point is, this week is in the books
10 years ago
HGs are talking about how they hope there's a (current) photo of Frankie and his sister in the HOH room
10 years ago
he also wants a photo of himself in drag and photo of his Nonna
10 years ago
Christine: Guys, do you think Zingbot is coming out on Saturday?
10 years ago
half the house is napping so that they can be awake for a late night. Frankie is massaging Victoria's shoulders/back while they talk to Donny and Christine
10 years ago
they're talking about how empty it feels now that there are only 8 people left
10 years ago
Derrick just came out of the DR and said it'll be a few hours before they have their HOH rooms
10 years ago
HGs are calculating comp win %s. Frankie has competed in 11 comps and won 5 of them
10 years ago
Frankie and Christine are singing "You're the comp that I want -- ZINGBOT!" to the tune of "You're the One That I Want" from Grease (LOL)
10 years ago
Frankie's doing a Glozell impersonation because they apparently went through Halloween Horrors together last year
10 years ago
Frankie/Derrick talking in Beehive. their plan is definitely to get Donny out, or Victoria if he wins veto
10 years ago
it's sounding like Derrick is willing to be de-throned so that he can compete next week (and he's thinking that next week is single HOH)
10 years ago
they're planning on telling Donny that Zach is the target
10 years ago
Derrick/Frankie agreeing that they will do the Team America mission this week, no matter what it is
10 years ago
Derrick and Frankie are going to tell everyone that they played rock/paper/scissors and Frankie won with rock over scissors
10 years ago
Frankie has some crazy theory that there'll be a BoB with 2 teams of 5 (jury and in-house) with the winners from each side being HOH
10 years ago
Derrick saying that Donny has to go this week since it's a Team America member putting him up
10 years ago
now it's sounding like they're planning on Frankie being dethroned
10 years ago
Derrick just told Cody that he and Frankie just played rock/paper/scissors and that Derrick is staying HOH - and that Derrick wants Cody on his side
10 years ago
Cody wasn't happy
I don't get how none of them see what a Master Derrick is
10 years ago
HGs finally got alcohol again!
10 years ago
Donny talking to Derrick asking not to go up again. Donny: I've been up four times. What if you tell them I've been up four's your turn
10 years ago
Derrick to Donny- Obviously you are not my target and you are not Frankie's target.
10 years ago
Derrick- Only two people stay off the block. Donny- It would be nice to be that person. Derrick says there would only be 2 options for a replacement nom. Donny said to put the other up.
10 years ago
Donny to Derrick: I hate to say this cause I'm not a bad person, but I would hate to know that I went home before her (Victoria).
10 years ago
Zach tells Derrick he's worried that it could be a BOB that cannot be thrown. Zach: If I cant throw it and I end up winning, between you and me, Christine should be on the other side.
10 years ago
Derrick to Zach- I'm not going to ask you to throw it. I dont want that heat on me. I want a group discussion
10 years ago
Zach to Derrick- Between you and me, I really dont want to throw. It's too late in the game
10 years ago
Zach to Derrick- Me/Donny go up. Cody/Victoria go up. Worst case scenario is veto gets used and Christine goes home
10 years ago
Derrick and Frankie got their HOH rooms. unsurprisingly, basically everything for Frankie had to do with his sister. the letter was from her (written during a rehearsal for the VMAs), the CD was her new one
10 years ago
and he got a current photo of her
10 years ago
right after Caleb was off slop at midnight, the Bomb Squad had their meeting. no one was volunteering to go up, so long story short, they grabbed a bag of Skittles, assigned everyone a color, and drew
10 years ago
the first Skittle drawn will be nominated by Derrick with Donny with the intention of that person throwing BoB, the second and third will be nominated by Frankie with the intention of winning BoB
10 years ago
Christine's was the first Skittle drawn. Cody and Caleb were the second and third
10 years ago
that means that if everyone goes along with the plan, Frankie will nominate Cody and Caleb, and Derrick will nominate Christine and Donny
10 years ago
Caleb complained that he's already done so much for the alliance and that Zach's not done much. he thinks Zach should be up instead of Caleb
10 years ago
Caleb is also worried that if Donny and Christine win BoB and if Donny wins the PoV and doesn't use it, he'll go home
10 years ago
Derrick assures Caleb that he'll vote out Cody in that scenario
10 years ago
soon after, Cody pulled Derrick aside and approached him with a plan to backdoor Frankie instead of getting rid of Donny. there really wasn't much resolution to that
10 years ago
Cody also told Christine one-on-one that he'll never vote to evict her, no matter anyone else asks him to do
10 years ago
during the big meeting earlier, Zach confronted Frankie again about wanting him out of the house two weeks ago
10 years ago
after everything died down, Frankie took a bath alone and said that he's looking forward to going home and watching the tape of that, because he thinks he's getting a lot more blame than he deserves
10 years ago
and now, everyone except Zach is asleep - he's sitting alone in a darkened living room
10 years ago
uh oh. I didn't see it, but I'm reading that Zach ate something this morning that was not approved have not food, and then flipped the camera off. he's still supposed to be a HN until midnight tonight
10 years ago
in the past, they've handled lighter infractions of that (mainly accidents) with an extra day of being a HN, or more deliberate incidents with either a penalty nom or penalty vote
10 years ago
everyone's up for the morning. Derrick and Frankie just filled Donny in on the nominations plan, spinning it that Victoria was being backdoored. I don't think Donny bought a word of it, and it wasn't happy
10 years ago
he agreed, though, that having "2" chances to take himself off gave him a good shot at surviving the week
10 years ago
St_Clinton: she's actually quite talented, if you enjoy that kind of music
10 years ago
Derrick/Frankie were just called to the DR, feeds should go down for the nom ceremony soon
10 years ago
...aaaand there goes the feeds (LOL)
10 years ago
feeds just came back for a couple of mins. Derrick/Frankie were still in the DR, everyone else was on lockdown in the fire room. on 3 cameras, we saw production people walking around the house
10 years ago
speculation is that there's a smaller dining table coming today
10 years ago
feeds are back. the Skittles plan was followed. Derrick nominated Donny and Christine, Frankie nominated Caleb and Cody
10 years ago
the plan is for Christine to (subtly) throw BoB, so that they can get Donny out
Donny has won veto a lot so I don't totally understand the reasoning of not backdooring him. Why give him that chance?
10 years ago
if I were to guess, I'd think it's because that numbers are low enough now that he has a good shot at playing anyway (3 names will be drawn out of a pool of 5 people)
10 years ago
but I agree, it'd make a lot more sense to just backdoor him, IF they could talk 4 Detonators into going up as pawns
10 years ago
we also know that it's the Zingbot comp, which is usually logic. Donny should excel at that
I can see the numbers thing. But at the same time it is a risk we shall see what happens.
10 years ago
another scenario - what if they put up 4 from the alliance, Donny's name gets pulled, and he wins? he wouldn't use it, and that'd be the end of one of the alliance members
10 years ago
IMO, they had to either put up him or Victoria. I think they chose incorrectly though
10 years ago
Victoria invited everyone to her wedding
Derrick: You have to find someone first
Victoria: HE will find ME!
10 years ago
I should say... her wedding NEXT YEAR
10 years ago
in her exit interviews, Nicole is saying that she 100% blames Christine for being evicted, that her primary targets in the house are Christine, Frankie, and Cody, and that she hopes Derrick wins
10 years ago
she goes as far as to say that SHE WOULD TAKE DERRICK TO THE FINAL 2 even if she had no shot of beating him because of his gameplay
10 years ago
can somebody please buy Nicole a clue?
10 years ago
TA mission has been given - they're supposed to "Create a distraction by hiding a favorite piece of clothing from each Houseguest then organize a neighborhood watch program to keep it from happening again"
10 years ago
...there was a beer left from last night, and Caleb just drank it. Before BOB. in front of Donny.
10 years ago
TA mission has been accepted (finally)! Derrick offered to steal the items if Donny and Frankie will provide the distraction. they have to get 3 non-TA people to chip in for the neighborhood watch
10 years ago
they have until Wednesday at midnight to complete the task
10 years ago
they discussed possible items to take. they included Zach's gator shirt, Caleb's (actually Amber's) bunny slippers, and Christine's glasses
10 years ago
Donny and Cody are in the kitchen at the moment. Donny is pumping Cody for info on the Skittles drawing that happened last night
10 years ago
they'd previously told him that they drew 4 Skittles to see who went up
10 years ago
he asked what color Donny was. Cody answered Orange (which was Zach's color)
10 years ago
Zach (BOB host) was just called to the DR
10 years ago
there are some conspiracy theories out there because Derrick's HOH basket had his daughter's baby blanket... which was blue. some people think that was his wife telling him to stick with the boys
10 years ago
Zach walked out of the DR, told everyone it was time to get changed and head to the backyard, but he wasn't in costume himself... we have fish now, though
10 years ago
highlight now. could the BOB possibly be "hosted" by Zingbot, I wonder?
10 years ago
BoB is still ongoing. this is longer than past BoBs have been
10 years ago
feeds came back for just half a second. HGs were in the house, Caleb was covered in some kind of green stuff
10 years ago
Christine and Donny won BOB
10 years ago
Caleb and Cody remain on the block
10 years ago
looks like all 4 participants and Derrick are covered in the green gunk
10 years ago
Frankie's going to make Donny a celebratory dinner for when he gets off have not food at midnight
10 years ago
10 years ago
the comp was apparently pretty dark. Caleb used the light from his activity tracker to help him see
10 years ago
giannaborgnine: could be a fun night of scrambling and bitching (from Cody) on the feeds :-D
10 years ago
Christine apparently "didn't find any", but Caleb "yanked one out of her hands" - sounds like she tried to throw it, but Donny still won
10 years ago
sounds like they were searching for bones that were marked with either a circle or a star in some kind of dark space
10 years ago
Derrick and Donny just hugged, and Derrick said that Victoria was the target
10 years ago
(I can't imagine Derrick letting Victoria, his most loyal puppet, go home this week
10 years ago
Christine just confirmed to Cody and Derrick that she threw it by pretending to not find bones
10 years ago
Caleb: That [comp set] won't be too hard to tear down
10 years ago
Derrick's up i n the 2nd HOH room getting a few last minutes looking at his photos
10 years ago
Caleb/Zach confirm they both want to send Victoria home this week, and that they can't let Donny win veto
10 years ago
Frankie/Derrick talking in the 2nd HOH room about how Donny probably knows now that they wanted him out
10 years ago
apparently Donny came up to Frankie after the BOB and said that he knows exactly how Frankie felt last week
10 years ago
Derrick starting to plant the seeds to Frankie to keep Victoria. "Dude, she's a waste of your HOH"
10 years ago
Derrick: Whole-heartedly, you're the only person I completely confide in
10 years ago
during the comp, Caleb apparently looked for a money coin, even though it wasn't announced that there'd be one in there
10 years ago
Derrick/Frankie talking about how they know Christine threw it, but she's worried that they won't think she did
10 years ago
Frankie and Christine discussing how the comp was just like the game Operation - which was Nicole's favorite board game
10 years ago
Christine: America HATES me.
10 years ago
(if only she knew how true that was - her ratings on multiple sites are the lowest for any houseguest in the history of the show)
10 years ago
Donny pulled Zach into the storage room and tells him he hopes that Zach wins veto so that he doesn't get backdoored
10 years ago
Derrick and Frankie were apparently able to hear someone inside one of the ones (production employee) yell "GO DONNY!" when he/Christine won
10 years ago
feeds are back to highlights for some reason. very odd
10 years ago
all I can think of is that Zingbot is coming into the house perhaps
10 years ago
could also be have nots, I guess... though that usually happens on Saturdays with the POV comp
10 years ago
feeds are back, people are in random places. doesn't look like anything happened
10 years ago
looks like they may be assembling in the living room though to draw players for the veto comp. there's speculation that it'll be tonight
10 years ago
the BoB comp was apparently on a platform, so they're saying that the POV comp was underneath that platform
Cristine can't even throw a comp well. Gawd.
10 years ago
SanuraSnowpaw: it sounds like it was one that could be done individually. they were searching separately
10 years ago
it sounds like Cody and Caleb just really sucked at it (rofl)
(LOL) good point
10 years ago
now it sounds like they might have drawn for veto while we were on highlights, and both Victoria and Donny were drawn
10 years ago
Christine was also picked. Derrick will be hosting
10 years ago
so players for PoV are Frankie, Caleb, Cody, Victoria, Donny, Christine
10 years ago
Caleb says that if there's $10k in the comp, he's taking it
10 years ago
... Zach and Caleb are having a rap battle and it is AWFUL.
10 years ago
Overnight Derek planted seeds with both Frankie and then Caleb that they should backdoor Zach.
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