10 years ago
#BB16 Live Feed Spoilers - Day 53
latest #40
10 years ago
Current Stats:
Final HoH - Christine
Noms before PoV - Zach & Donny
PoV Winner - Zach
10 years ago
Recap - Frankie, Christine, and Caleb went on the NFL trip they won during the BoB. They got to watch a Dallas Cowboys Practice and meet the owner, Jerry Jones, QB Tony Romo and WR Dez Bryant.
10 years ago
Recap - Christine told Victoria that she is going up in place of Zach, but not to worry because she is 100% safe.
10 years ago
Recap - Later, Zach and then Caleb confronted Christine and told her that Nicole was going to backdoor her. They said if she doesn't backdoor Nicole now everyone will know they are working together.
10 years ago
Recap- Derrick wasn't fully on board with backdooring Nicole, but since the rest are he agrees. He tells Christine not to tell Victoria, but later he tells Victoria he saved her and she's safe now.
10 years ago
Recap - He tells Cody that when Nicole goes he needs to lockdown Christine and control her vote like Derrick does with Victoria. They want final four to be Derrick, Cody, Christine and Victoria.
10 years ago
Frankie and Christine were talking a bit about her post-veto speech. she's going to tell Nicole that Christine is removing the knife from her own back and putting it in Nicole's, where she hopes it stays
10 years ago
Zach just got called to the DR, veto meeting might be starting soon (most weeks, it would have started an hour ago)
10 years ago
I just saw this, and burst out laughing.
10 years ago
feeds have been on fish for a few minutes. looks like the veto ceremony is underway
(LOL) that is a good one.
10 years ago
confirmed: Zach used the veto to pull himself off the block, Nicole was nominated.
10 years ago
Nicole told Donny that Christine was 0-3 on the jury (LOL)
10 years ago
ugh, Nicole is so clueless. she told Victoria that this season has three villians: Frankie, Christine, and Zach. let's just leave off the guy who has backstabbed her more than anyone else (Derrick)
10 years ago
ugh so upset. I hope Christine gets evicted AFTER Nicole wins the comp and goes back in. So Christine can't come back.
10 years ago
Nicole is crying in the fire room, and Victoria is comforting her. Nicole is saying she thinks that Christine and Cody are actually married because of how much they cuddle, and that Tim (Chr's husband) is fake
10 years ago
meanwhile, Derrick and Christine are complaining on the hammock that Frankie will definitely win America's favorite
10 years ago
Nicole is trying to sway Victoria to keep her
10 years ago
Nicole: Damn, I really want to see Zingbot. I've gotta find a way to stay another week
10 years ago
meanwhile, on the hammock Christine tells Derrick that she can't wait for Zingbot
☆Josey☆ says
10 years ago
Zingbot will rip Christine to pieces!!
10 years ago
no joke. "Christine... you are cuddling with Cody so much, did you forget that you're married?!? ZING!!! ZIIIIIING!!"
10 years ago
GM has been sending Christine's husband Tim a lot of hateful tweets just because Christine said a couple of times that she didn't like GM
10 years ago
it's really pretty sad, almost like she's just trying to stay relevant with the new cast
GM needs to calm the fuck down. There is no need for all that nastness.
10 years ago
there's a new feed-subscriber vote up for next week's Have Not food. the choices are Transylvanian Goulash or Frankenstew. Transylvanian Goulash currently holds a pretty big lead
10 years ago
here's an online push to vote against "Frankenstew" so that Frankie doesn't think people are complementing him by choosing something with his name in it
10 years ago
10 years ago
Nicole and Victoria are comparing notes on a few things. Nicole is telling Victoria that she can't trust Christine
Why would he think they picked it cause of his name? He hasn't seemed that stuck on himself to me.
10 years ago
Frankie has definitely.... changed since his big reveal. the character he was playing before seemed quite a bit more likeable, IMO
10 years ago
now he can't stop talking about how many followers he has, who his sister is... he actually told Christine that he deserved to sleep up in the HOH room since he single-handedly won BOB
10 years ago
overnight... I kid you not... Nicole and Victoria sat around wondering if there was a final 5 deal and who was in it... AFTER Zach told both of them about the Detonators a few days ago (doh)
10 years ago
Zankie seems to have made up (again), but who knows if it's real or fake
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