10 years ago
#BB16 Live Feed Spoilers - Day 52
latest #106
10 years ago
Current Stats:
Final HoH - Christine
Noms before PoV - Zach & Donny
PoV Winner - Zach
10 years ago
Recap - way too much to recap, but in general Zach won the PoV, sort of made up with Frankie (it still doesn't seem like they trust each other), and told Victoria his whole game.
10 years ago
Recap - while telling Victoria his game he accidentally exposed Derrick's lies to Victoria. He tried to tell her Derrick has always had her back, but the damage was done.
10 years ago
Recap - Derrick called a house meeting.
10 years ago
Recap - check out yesterday's thread for more details! [GiannaBorgnine] #BB16 Live Feed Sp...
10 years ago
Frankie, Christine, and Caleb are going on the NFL trip they won during the Bob.
10 years ago
Wow! Just when i think i know whats going on in that house, it changes drastically (LOL)
10 years ago
Victoria and Nicole are now up. Victoria said that last night was intense. Nicole said that there are being a lot of really hurtful things being said in the house
I'm wondering who Christine is going to put up as her replacement.
also has anyone heard what happened for Zankie to make up? that was so odd they weren't and than they were
10 years ago
^ wondering that too since zach was so set on hating him
10 years ago
Sadly, i think it would be in the guys best interest to get zach out asap. He is just all over the place now. I heard him saying that he feels like his wife cheated on him & even tho i can sympathize
10 years ago
He is saying too much to the wrong people and i dont think hes going to get over what frankie did :-(
10 years ago
Telling Victoria his entire game while throwing others under the bus hurt him beyond repair too, i think.
10 years ago
Christine will either be putting up Victoria or Nicole. Victoria won't be going home - it'll be Donny in that case, or Nicole going home if she's put up
10 years ago
Zankie making up happened during OTEV, so we didn't have feeds (it was BIZARRE, though), but it only lasted a couple of hours until Zach blew up last night
10 years ago
I agree that they might have to get Zach out soon, but Derrick, Frankie, and Caleb were talking last night about still trying to get to the final 5 with him and Cody
10 years ago
(Cody was downstairs at the time distracting the girls to keep them from interrupting)
10 years ago
realistically, once they get Donny and Nicole out, there's no one who can oppose them. Victoria hasn't even been close to winning an HOH, and Christine wouldn't have anyone to align herself with
10 years ago
Victoria (to Nicole): Zach's a piece of shit.
Nicole: I mean, I like Zach more than I like Frankie
10 years ago
here's what I don't understand - Victoria, Nicole, and Donny are the only three people awake and in the house right now... and they're NOT TALKING GAME. at the very least, Nicole and Donny should be
10 years ago
those two have proven they could win comps, and need to try to get something going if they want to survive
10 years ago
Nicole is now filling Donny in on what happened last night (he slept through it)
10 years ago
Donny just told Nicole that he'd be OK with the Have Not room being a little colder if it was more soundproof so that he couldn't hear Christine's cackle (lmao)
10 years ago
Donny just told Nicole that he doesn't know who's actually running the other side of the house, so he doesn't know who to vote for in the end
10 years ago
I would need earplugs already from her cackle. Its soooooo annoying!
10 years ago
Derrick and Cody just had a bit of game talk. in their talk, they both said that they hope Donny goes home this week
10 years ago
Aww :-( but team america!!
10 years ago
Donny drew a line in the sand in Derrick's mind when he said a week and a half ago that he was in the house to play Donny Thomson's game, not America's game
10 years ago
Zach is finally awake for the day... at 5 PM (LOL)
I wonder who if anyone would replace Donny for team America
10 years ago
I'd imagine not, since there are so few people left. if people vote someone in, it'd probably end up being Zach
10 years ago
they got a fishing rod with the HN food. Derrick is currently fishing in the swimming pool.
10 years ago
As if I didn't already hate golf
10 years ago
I know, right? and then we have to sit through 60 Minutes
10 years ago
Zach proposed to Cody that they vote out Victoria this week, and then try to go with Derrick/Donny/Nicole against Frankie/Christine/Caleb
10 years ago
Cody didn't really say anything when he suggested it
10 years ago
pretty clear that Zach doesn't want to work with Frankie at all at this point
10 years ago
Cody: Dude, I seriously have no idea what's going on moving forward
10 years ago
Zach and Cody can hear someone laughing behind the windows in the back yard, so they look and and can see things.
Big Brother: Zach, SHUT IT DOWN.
10 years ago
Derrick and Victoria are talking. she's saying that she doesn't want to be like Keesha and defending Derrick until he cuts her at the end
10 years ago
looks like there wasn't really any game talk on the live feeds during tonight's show. Caleb/Frankie/Christine still aren't back from their trip out of the house
10 years ago
they've been gone about 10 hours now
10 years ago
after watching Frankie's celebration to winning BoB on the episode, I have no clue how Victoria was surprised at Frankie's revelation later that night
10 years ago
IMO, it's also important to note that they really couldn't have switched out another comp to bring that one in once production found out that Frankie would be playing solo. there was too much branding
10 years ago
incorporated into the set for it to be a last minute swap-out. I have no clue why that set took forever to build, though
10 years ago
camera zoomed in on the DR door, like it usually does before someone is coming out to announce a comp. NFL trip group could be getting back?
10 years ago
right before feeds cut, it sounded like Nicole was telling Cody that Donny told her that he wanted Cody or Derrick up on the block against Victoria
10 years ago
feeds are back. Caleb is wearing a Dallas Cowboys shirt
10 years ago
they apparently traveled in an RV, and were blindfolded until they got into the RV
10 years ago
and now we're back to fish (LOL)
10 years ago
Frankie apparently asked a player if he'd let Frankie give him a lap dance, and the player ran away
10 years ago
they also met Jerry Jones (owner of the Cowboys)
10 years ago
apparently some fans saw Christine and yelled "IS THAT CHRISTINE?!?".. so they're realizing how big the viewership is now
10 years ago
they say they weren't allowed to even look at fans, and then we're back to fish
10 years ago
Caleb's saying that someone on the Cowboys staff told him that they needed to get him suited up and on the field to play running back
10 years ago
they apparently were not allowed to talk game or about any of the other houseguests during the trip
10 years ago
(to add to the non-rigged facts: the Cowboys' camp is in Oxnard, near LA. they didn't have a game this weekend, but do in Atlanta next weekend, so it couldn't have been moved up a week)
10 years ago
they apparently also got to talk to Tony Romo (Cowboys' starting quarterback) and Dez Bryant (one of their top wide receivers), and were "inches away" from drills they were running
10 years ago
Caleb heard 4-5 people yell "Beast Mode Cowboy".. the last one was a "Mexican guy, not a kid"
10 years ago
kind of makes you wonder if anyone yelled "don't trust Derrick" or something like that
10 years ago
oh man that would be amazing if someone said that (LOL)
10 years ago
Derrick and Zach are telling Caleb and Frankie that they're jealous because both of their favorite player is Dez Bryant
10 years ago
while the guys are talking fantasy football, Donny, Nicole, and Christine are talking outside... but not about game
10 years ago
everyone's talking about starting up a BB16 fantasy football league for the HGs (LOL)
10 years ago
apparently Derrick and Zach are the only two who have played before
10 years ago
Caleb is bragging now about having NFL players in his contacts list on his phone, so it wasn't a big deal for him
10 years ago
Zach says "We've got to get Nicole out". Frankie and Caleb agree
10 years ago
Frankie just asked Zach to have a cuddle session and talk, and Zach said yes o.O
10 years ago
Zach: Nicole has to go this week.
Frankie: Yeah, she seriously has to go this week
Zach: Like, she has to go this week more than me
10 years ago
they're talking about how they're kicking out Christine and replacing her with Caleb
10 years ago
Zach: You and I as far as Zankie goes, it's in the past
10 years ago
Zach: I do, fuckin... I love the shit out of you
10 years ago
Zach: I do forgive you, and please forgive me
10 years ago
Frankie: If she puts up Victoria, do you honestly think we should send home Donny?
10 years ago
F/Z agreeing that if Victoria goes up, it's in their best interest to send her home
10 years ago
F/Z now playing a game of pool. F says that he wants to go to bed for 14 hours as soon as he does his DR session
10 years ago
Frankie to Caleb/Derrick- Nicole is the most dangerous person in this house right now.
10 years ago
Frankie- I think it's worth taking the shot (to get Nicole nominated).
10 years ago
Derrick is not fully on board with getting Nicole nominated. Derrick says he worries she may come after them if she somehow stays.
10 years ago
Frankie asks Derrick if he would send Victoria home over Donny. Derrick said probably not but he will if the collectively decide to
10 years ago
Frankie- I do believe that he (Donny) would leave us alone. Derrick- I believe it too. Frankie- Would be silly of us to cut him
10 years ago
Christine to Victoria- Frankie thinks he's a celebrity so he literally acted like one the whole entire day. Nothing was good enough
10 years ago
Christine: "I never met a diva like that in my life"
10 years ago
Christine to Victoria- He (Frankie) literally thinks that everyone loves him since he told this news. He thinks he has a clean slate
10 years ago
Christine/Victoria say that Frankie doesn't need to be in the house and that Ariana can just give Frankie $500,000.
10 years ago
Christine tells Victoria that she is going to nominate her and that she has everyone's promise that she will not be voted out
10 years ago
Frankie is telling Nicole that he wants to clear the air. Nicole says she's heard things and is just over it.
10 years ago
Frankie says he was upset that she tried to get him out and he had to tell people about Ariana to get it off his chest and it's not true that he has that in his back pocket.
10 years ago
Nicole to Frankie: "I just don't trust you at all. You don't understand the whole situation." Nicole then walks away.
10 years ago
Nicole tells Christine that Frank made her feel like a horrible person b/c she told Victoria that Frankie could manipulate her b/c Victoria loves his sister.
10 years ago
Nicole: "I'm not going to fall into his trap of making me feel this big. He's famous. Whatever. Good for him."
10 years ago
Derrick told Donny that he definitely wants to keep him there and will be trying to get Nicole nominated
10 years ago
soon after that, Zach approached Christine and told her about Nicole's plan to backdoor Christine, and said that if Nicole didn't get put up, they would all think that Christine and Nicole were working together
10 years ago
and that Christine would be the target next week. then Caleb comes in and tells his version of Nicole wanting to backdoor Christine
10 years ago
then, Christine asks Cody to come up and he says that he would be on board for getting rid of Nicole if Christine wants Nicole gone. Christine swore on her wedding ring that Cody was never her target
10 years ago
Christine then says (to Cody, who she's alone with) that she wants to go to the end with Cody and Derrick
10 years ago
Derrick came up and Christine filled him in on the plan to backdoor Nicole
10 years ago
Derrick fully got on board to backdoor Nicole now that it seems the plan that other people proposed is working
10 years ago
Christine asked if she should tell Victoria that she isn't going up, and Derrick said no... and then about an hour later turned around and told Victoria that he saved her from going up (LOL)
10 years ago
later, Derrick told Cody that Cody will own Christine and her vote like he owns Victoria's vote once Nicole goes home, and that he just needs to keep it locked down
10 years ago
Derrick wants to go to the final four with Cody, Christine, and Victoria, and then cut the girls in 3rd and 4th place
10 years ago
Christine at one point said that she didn't want to talk to Nicole before the veto ceremony because she wasn't sure if she could lie to her and say she wasn't going up
10 years ago
it was a pretty early night for the HGs, though - the last group was in bed before 4:30 (LOL)
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