10 years ago
#BB16 Live Feed Spoilers - Day 50 & 51
latest #304
10 years ago
Current Stats:
HoHs - Nicole and Christine
Nominations should be soon.
10 years ago
Recap- After Hayden was evicted Nicole called out Frankie & Christine which made the whole house suspicious of them. Frankie and Christine flipped sides thinking that the boys were now against them
10 years ago
Recap - Zach confessed everything to Nicole and Nicole told him some of what she knew including that Frankie wants that boys nominated. Nicole and Zach agreed to work together.
10 years ago
Recap - Zach told the boys about Nicole saying that Frankie was coming after them and then Derrick told Nicole that Zach can't be trusted because he is telling everyone about their convo.
10 years ago
Recap - The boys want Frankie gone so first Zach then Caleb volunteered to go up with Frankie and throw the BoB so that Frankie stays on the block. Nicole said she feels better with Caleb.
10 years ago
Recap - Team America got their mission to make someone think they are the pawn and then evict them. They said they want to do the mission, but don't think it is possible.
10 years ago
Recap - I expect the nominations to be Caleb and Frankie from Nicole and Donny and Victoria from
10 years ago
Nomination time!!!
Jay Giano
10 years ago
I think CBS is doing their best to keep frankie as long as possible, he was totally getting backdoored but they talked them out of it in the DR
Frankie is good entertainment so of c ouse they will try to plant seeds to keep a him around. If we had just boring people and no drama it wouldn't be any fun to watch.
10 years ago
ajaygiano: last week? I disagree with you there - Christine never was planning on using the veto, which blocked the Frankie backdoor
10 years ago
don't get me wrong... there's been blatant manipulation since season 8, but I think last week's was flipping it to keep Zach
10 years ago
Christine has nominted Donny and Zach, and Nicole has nominated Caleb and Frankie. Caleb is going to sit down at the BoB and refuse to participate in order to keep Frankie on the block
10 years ago
Caleb is going on a rant about what he's going to say to Frankie. he's going to tell him that he (Caleb) is the king of the castle, and that Frankie is taking his last breaths while Caleb's foot is on his neck
10 years ago
Caleb called himself a "mastermind"
10 years ago
Zach was apparently pretty brutal to Frankie and Christine during the noms
10 years ago
10 years ago
WTF so much has changed since the show last night
10 years ago
oh, for sure. last night was explosive. I've never seen a night like it this late in the game on any season
it is sad that Zankie is no more.
10 years ago
Frankie told Derrick that he might have to tell everyone why he's there (the schools in Africa). Frankie started to tell Caleb, who cut him off and wouldn't listen
10 years ago
I think Derrick's the only person in the house who has even an idea of what jury management is.
10 years ago
HGs are discussing how late the start for this BotB comp is (they're usually at least in progress, sometimes done by now). they can still hear heavy construction outside
10 years ago
Victoria was just telling Zach that she's going to be super busy as soon as she gets out of the house (assuming a Sept 17th finale date).
She's previously talked about this being because of Rosh Hashanah
10 years ago
what she doesn't realize is that now the finale night is September 24th, which means it ends as Rosh Hashanah is beginning. no clue how she'll deal with that.
10 years ago
interesting interview with Hayden done via email. his hit list reads like Nicole's friends list (LOL) could be interesting if he returns. 'Big Brother 16': Hayden Voss on Blindside Eviction and Alliance ...
10 years ago
Zach is telling Victoria that Hayden got fucked because he was just an innocent bystander, and he feels bad about it
10 years ago
Zach and Victoria are figuring out that they know some of the same people from back home. they're talking about hanging out on the beach together once they get home
10 years ago
heh, interesting thought of something I just realized. tomorrow is day 51. two years ago, day 51 was Dan's Funeral. I wonder if Frankie can pull out some insane move to keep him in the game like Dan did
10 years ago
we just cut to highlights. looks like BoB has finally started
10 years ago
there's a lot of speculation that it's going to be a semi-individual endurance comp, both by the hamsters and online speculators
are we down to a single HoH yet?
10 years ago
no, that's the comp that just started
10 years ago
Caleb and Frankie have orchestrated what is basically a lecture of Frankie during the comp. Caleb is going to sit on the ground as soon as the comp starts and then do that.
10 years ago
err sorry, Caleb and Zach
10 years ago
feeds aren't back up yet. I'm going to try to stay up another couple of hours to try to catch the aftermath, but it depends on how long the comp goes
10 years ago
Wow BBAD has fish. Extra long BoB?
10 years ago
no, they just started it SUPER late which fueled speculation (both in and out of the house) that they changed it after Caleb said he was going to throw it
10 years ago
feeds have only been down for about an hour and a half. most BoBs have been 2+ hours
10 years ago
Oh damn
10 years ago
feeds go down as soon as the host (Derrick tonight) is about to come out of the DR. after that, HGs are able to change into appropriate clothing/costumes, use the restroom, etc... then they go out
10 years ago
so for a 5 minute comp, we have 2 hours of downtime
10 years ago
I don't get TVGN, so I can't watch BBAD... but people are reporting online that in BBAD, they heard someone say "Caleb is watching Frankie win"
10 years ago
feeds are still in highlights. it kind of makes me mad that TVGN gets content that the feeds don't
10 years ago
feeds are back. Zach and Frankie are yelling at each other
10 years ago
trying to figure out which team won
10 years ago
Zach: You've been talking shit about me the whole game
Frankie: Are you kidding me? Your game is dirtier than a dildo coming out of my fucking ass
10 years ago
Frankie is asking to Zach privately. Zach refuses
10 years ago
Caleb just apologized to Zach, and Nicole is in the shower. it looks like Frankie pulled it out
10 years ago
CONFIRMED: Zach/Donny lost the BOB
10 years ago
Zach and Frankie are yelling at each other again.
Zach: You're a fucking liar!
Frankie: It's fucking Big Brother! We're all lying!
10 years ago
Cody and Zach are going crazy on Frankie right now
10 years ago
Frankie is telling Zach the truth right now, and Zach is screaming that it's a lie
10 years ago
Frankie/Caleb/Zach/Cody/Derrick are moving into the Fire Room to talk. Frankie asked to talk to them on the condition that Zach won't interrupt him
10 years ago
Frankie: So I've been lying to you the entire game, since I walked into this house. I was on Broadway many years ago, now I'm on YouTube
10 years ago
Frankie: I walked into the house with 1.5 million followers and I have been hiding that from you since the beginning. My sister is a mega, mega popstar
10 years ago
Frankie just told them that Ariana Grande is his sister
10 years ago
Zach: Do you guys buy that shit? Because I don't buy it
10 years ago
Cody: I don't fucking know what to make of that
10 years ago
Frankie: I've been playing this game really paranoid, and when my grandfather passed away, I let that paranoia eat away at my soul
10 years ago
10 years ago
Frankie is now making a cover story for the getting-Zach-out vote
10 years ago
Frankie now saying that he's playing the game for a charity. apparently Derrick mentioned it earlier, thinking it was fake
10 years ago
Cody now asking when Frankie said that he should be nominated. Frankie saying it was only after Hayden/Nicole threw him under the bus
10 years ago
I cant believe frankie just confessed. Ive been waiting for this!
10 years ago
Cody: How locked into the end are you with Christine, because I want to know?
Zach: Oh they're 100% for sure, anything else is a lie
10 years ago
Derrick now slamming Frankie, saying that he's here because he (Derrick) is a fan of the game
10 years ago
Caleb: Are you even gay?
Frankie: I'm very gay
10 years ago
Frankie: If this is the downfall of me, if this is the downfall of me, then I'll walk out on it, and I love you all
10 years ago
Donny walked in and Frankie is confessing to him as well
10 years ago
Derrick is still lying to them about who he is, right?
10 years ago
LexiMorgan: correct, at the same time that he's lecturing Frankie about hiding who he is (LOL)
10 years ago
Yeah lol not cool!
10 years ago
Frankie just said that this was his funeral (LOL)
10 years ago
apparently I'm a fortune teller, but Frankie's a day early
10 years ago
Frankie (to Cody): I can get you front row tickets. You want to meet Justin [Bieber]? I can do that.
10 years ago
Caleb asking if he is even gay (lmao)
10 years ago
MatthewAnthony: you did call this!!!
10 years ago
giannaborgnine: oh lord, I know, right?
10 years ago
This is epic stuff
10 years ago
tonight is worth the $30 for the summer of feeds (LOL)
10 years ago
Frankie now saying that his grandfather dying was really his father dying
10 years ago
Frankie apologizing to Zach/Caleb/Cody/Derrick now
10 years ago
Cody: Who do you want to work with moving forward?
Frankie: You four. I wanted to repair this.
10 years ago
Frankie: I understand what I did. Slap me on the wrist. Don't speak to me, put me on the block
Caleb: My question is, when you get out of here, are you going to give me a shout out? (doh)
10 years ago
Zach is 100% quiet right now
10 years ago
Cody saying he has no diea who Ariana Grande is, and Frankie is telling him that he was singing her song around the pool table (LOL)
10 years ago
Zach: I mean, you fucked me in the ass
Frankie: I know, I've been trying to do that all summer
10 years ago
Zach refuses to hug Frankie, while the other guys do
10 years ago
everyone agrees that Frankie should tell everyone who he actually is
10 years ago
Caleb: this is insane. I'm hanging out with a pop star's brother
10 years ago
Frankie called Victoria, Christine, and Nicole into the living room so that "the cameras are in place"
10 years ago
he's giving the same speech about how he's been lying to them
10 years ago
Victoria's face looks JUST like Danielle's from the Shane eviction (LOL)
10 years ago
I'm cracking up
10 years ago
Nicole: HOLY CRAP!!!
10 years ago
10 years ago
MatthewAnthony: hahaha he just called it Frankie's funeral!
10 years ago
giannaborgnine: I know, right? this is hysterical
10 years ago
Frankie now telling the girls that he's playing the game for charity
10 years ago
Nicole asked Frankie if he applied or if they found him. he confirms that he applied
10 years ago
Nicole: Your game... you were so paranoid
Frankie: I know
10 years ago
Frankie apologizing now the ladies
10 years ago
Frankie: I was a good game player, but I lost it
10 years ago
Nicole: that did blow our minds
10 years ago
Frankie just told the girls that he's inviting the girls to build a school with him in Africa, and then begs them not to make him a have not (LOL)
10 years ago
Is he really playing for charity??
10 years ago
he is
10 years ago
everything he makes is being donated to the charity that he's building schools with in Africa
10 years ago
Christine: That's why they only give you kid pictures of her!
10 years ago
Frankie says that he's been planning doing this all day because it's been stressing him out the whole time
10 years ago
Nicole: Honestly, you were SUPER paranoid. I didn't know what happened. it makes SO much sense
10 years ago
Christine just confirmed that there's no America's Player this year
10 years ago
Nicole says that she can't let it effect her game. Frankie says that he doesn't want it to
10 years ago
Frankie: If this sends me home next week then fine, but I'm proud.
10 years ago
Derrick (to Frankie alone): At least I know why we're Team America together now (LOL)
10 years ago
Derrick: I want to work with you, but I have an obligation to work with you. That hasn't changed for me
10 years ago
Caleb just pulled Frankie into a hug - something that was inconceivable a few hours ago. Frankie now saying that Nicole lied to Caleb
10 years ago
Zach still hates Frankie
10 years ago
Zach: Frankie fucked me. He fucked me, dude. He's been making fun of me this whole time.
10 years ago
Derrick and Zach saying that Frankie shouldn't have been allowed to play the BoB about himself
10 years ago
Derrick: He's taking the 500k and he's putting it towards charity
Zach: That's what I'm saying! Why am I even wasting my time?
10 years ago
Zach saying that he and Cody are both there to help support their families and pay of student debt
10 years ago
Derrick: What's the worst case scenario?
Zach: That I have to be in the fucking jury house with Jocasta and Hayden for the next 5 weeks
10 years ago
Cody walks in. Derrick tells Zach and Cody that he thinks Christine or Nicole is lying, not Frankie
10 years ago
Cody and Derrick telling Zach that THEY flipped the vote to keep him
10 years ago
Zach just said that he could be in the 49ers stadium meeting Colin Kaepernick, but now he's still on the block - winners of BotB might have gotten a reward?
10 years ago
Zach: Christine's the one that's playing us. She's the fucking liar
10 years ago
Derrick telling Zach to mend things with Christine so that she doesn't try to get rid of one of his alliance members
10 years ago
Zach tells Derrick/Cody to send Zach home if two of them are on the block
10 years ago
BS guys talking about how they need to figure out if Frankie is loyal to them or to the girls
10 years ago
Derrick: Clearly, production was in on all of it
(referring to Frankie telling all of them about Ariana)
10 years ago
CONFIRMED: Caleb/Frankie will be at an NFL pre-season game on Sunday. they're speculating it'll be the 49ers
10 years ago
Christine will be there as well, as the winning HOH
I can't believe how shocked they all were. And yes I love that Frankie is playing for charity BUT he is also a fan of the game.
10 years ago
Derrick is telling Victoria that Frankie will probably never talk to her after the show is over, no matter what
10 years ago
SanuraSnowpaw: yeah. I honestly thought that Victoria and Derrick knew. obviously not.
10 years ago
Zach telling Cody that he knows that he's fucked, and that Cody has a guaranteed vote in the jury
10 years ago
Nicole (to Frankie): You are freaking famous!!!
10 years ago
Nicole says that she feels as blindsided as she did last night by the votes
10 years ago
Caleb gets to eat real food at the football game tomorrow, despite being on slop
10 years ago
Caleb: Since when is the BOB better when just one person plays it?
10 years ago
Nicole saying that it bothers her that she might go through lots of stuff once she gets out of the house because she called out Frankie. Frankie says that he'll publicly support her once they get out
10 years ago
Caleb now telling Frankie what Derrick/Cody/Zach said earlier about not being sure if they can trust Frankie in the game
10 years ago
Derrick walks in. Frankie telling Caleb and Derrick that he will not be working with Christine and Nicole going forward, at all. he will be sleeping in the HOH room, but not working with them
10 years ago
Caleb says that the contract says that if you're drawn to play that you have to play, so he thought that he was going to get into trouble for not playing
10 years ago
apparently Frankie/Caleb/Christine get a tailgate party after the NFL "experience" too
10 years ago
Nicole goes up to Christine in the HoH room this week and says that she wouldn't have backdoored her this week (not true), and she hopes Christine will return the favor
10 years ago
Derrick (to Frankie): I'm not mad at you. I'm mad at the fact that I've never seen the game played like this
10 years ago
Nicole (to Christine): You're somebody who I would love to take to the final 2
10 years ago
Nicole/Christine just pinky swore that anything they tell each other now will stay between them
10 years ago
Christine telling Nicole she wants to get Zach out this week
10 years ago
Christine and Nicole agree to have a fresh start and work together from here on out
10 years ago
Nicole saying that she doesn't trust any of the guys, including Frankie
10 years ago
N/C talking about how Frankie is a different person now after he made the announcement
10 years ago
Christine asks Frankie if she thinks the 6 can stay together. he thinks that Zach won't be loyal, but that he can pull in Victoria
10 years ago
Frankie tells Christine that they can't trust Nicole. C tells F that she made a deal not to backdoor her this week
I can't tell where Frankie is truely at. He plays both sides so much
10 years ago
IMO, he's currently in the anti-Zach camp, since Zach is so anti-Frankie
10 years ago
Frankie just told Cody and Zach that Zach is 100% safe this week
10 years ago
Zach is sitting in the room while the Frankie/Cody conversation is going on, but he isn't even looking anywhere close to Frankie's direction
10 years ago
Frankie: Yesterday was the worst day of my life. Today was one of the worst days of my life, and turned out to be one of the best
10 years ago
Cody just left Frankie/Zach in the room alone, and Zach immediately walked out. he still refuses to talk to Frankie
10 years ago
Victoria and Nicole are talking about how they don't want Derrick to win
10 years ago
Victoria: As much as I love [Frankie]'s sister, I know he's my target and he's been talking shit about me
10 years ago
Victoria: Caleb should have played when you told him to play
10 years ago
V/N talks break up as they talk about how neither of them has a chance at America's Favorite because of Frankie
10 years ago
Victoria now telling Derrick what Nicole told her
10 years ago
Zach telling Cody he doesn't trust Frankie/Christine since they put him up on the block
10 years ago
Cody tells Zach to mend it with Frankie, just a little bit. Zach says no
10 years ago
Zach tells Derrick/Cody that he's raising the white flag because all he can do now is win the veto
10 years ago
(I hate to run, but feeds just cut to fish and I need to head to bed. it's been a FUN night on the feeds)
Thank you both so much for the updates! I so look forward to this every year.
10 years ago
Sorry guys just walked in the door
10 years ago
Today Donny tried to warn Nicole about Derrick, how much he controls things and how close Derrick/Cody/Frankie/Christine are
10 years ago
Derrick told Frankie that Zach had volunteered to go up on the block alongside him and throw the BOB competition, but Nicole didn't trust him so Caleb volunteered.
10 years ago
Christine, Donny, Zach, Derrick, Nicole, and Caleb were chosen to play in the PoV competition. Victoria is hosting.
10 years ago
Have-not food is peanut butter and jellyfish. Christine chose Donny and Zach to be the have-nots for the week.
10 years ago
Zach told Donny that he's been in 3 alliances and will tell him everything as soon as they have time alone.
10 years ago
Derrick told Cody that if Donny wins POV, it may be a good idea to vote out Zach and keep Victoria
10 years ago
early this morning, Nicole decided it would be smart to make an alliance with (brace yourself) CHRISTINE, DERRICK, and CODY because they were the most trustworthy people left (doh)
10 years ago
I swear, at this point, she deserves to be voted out for bad game play
10 years ago
Nicole, Derrick, and Caleb were picked to play in the veto comp, which has not started yet
10 years ago
Victoria will be hosting. Nicole is the last person left in the house who hasn't hosted a comp this season
10 years ago
veto comp is now starting
10 years ago
Donny and Zach earlier both said in a conversation with each other that they don't want to be in the house anymore, and would much rather be in the jury house (!)
10 years ago
Caleb is back to his old self - today he enlightened people that he's friends with Johnny Manziel (NFL quarterback and Heisman winner) and will be on the next season of Sons of Anarchy (which is filming now)
10 years ago
feeds have been down 2 hours now for the veto comp. I'd expect them back soon based on past veto comps
10 years ago
Zach has won the PoV!
10 years ago
feeds are back. Frankie is wearing a grass skirt and a lei o.O
10 years ago
It was the OTEV comp
10 years ago
perhaps the biggest news: Zach is talking to Frankie. WHAT?!?
10 years ago
Zach: I live to see another fuckin' week
10 years ago
Frankie took off the grass skirt and he has a prehistoric-style loincloth on under it :-o
10 years ago
I'm surprised OTEV was this early. they usually save it for later
I wonder who they will put up in his place
10 years ago
SanuraSnowpaw: common thought is either Nicole (unlikely) or Victoria
I am surprised Otev is so early as well.
10 years ago
it's looking right now like Zankie have made up. we'll see if Zach is just acting
10 years ago
Zach (to Frankie): I wish I could tell you that I still trust you 100%, but now it's, like, 90%
10 years ago
Zankie are saying that they're even now that they've both taken a shot at each other, and they both failed
10 years ago
3 hours ago, Zach HATED Frankie. WTF happened during OTEV?!?
10 years ago
Caleb and Zach were apparently the last two in the comp, and the last question's answer was.... AMBER (LOL)
10 years ago
HGs talking about how the setup will take a long time to tear down - apparently it was quite elaborate
10 years ago
OTEV was apparently mean and cursed o.O that's a first
10 years ago
Zach and Caleb apparently wrestled at one point while going for a name. Caleb got Zach in a head lock
10 years ago
huh, I didn't realize this about the OTEV comp: apparently they give them a couple of minutes to work out the clue before they let them go search
10 years ago
OTEV this time was a "pissed off penguin"
10 years ago
the HNs got some frozen fish patties as part of the supplement that America chose. Donny and Zach just thawed some and say they don't smell too bad
10 years ago
Zach (to Frankie): You made me feel like my wife just cheated on me
10 years ago
Zach: Right now, I just don't want to talk game to anyone
10 years ago
Zach: Every time you speak now, I don't know if you're telling the truth, which sucks!
10 years ago
Zach: I knew you were famous, bro. You're way too funny to not be
10 years ago
Frankie just told Zach that he's taking him to Africa to build a school
Zach: I'll take you to Germany if we get to the final 3 and you win HOH and choose me to go to the final 2
10 years ago
Zach: Victoria is going home
10 years ago
Zach just told Frankie that he told Nicole EVERYTHING that he has done in the game
10 years ago
Zach: Fuck Christine. I hate Christine.
10 years ago
Zach telling Frankie everything about how the "fuck Frankie" plan came into being
10 years ago
Zach: If you're working with Christine, I'm not working with you. I'm giving you an ultimatum.
Frankie: I guarantee you 100%, the biggest liars in this house are Christine and Nicole
10 years ago
Zach asks where Caleb falls into things now.
Frankie: We're the Bomb Squad again!
10 years ago
Zach: Everything's great now. Let's forget about everything that happened in the past
10 years ago
Frankie: I think we should do original Bomb Squad, Christine's the first to go.
10 years ago
Zach: how about this, I will never put you up and you will never put me up. Will that work?
they hug.
10 years ago
that was seriously the longest uninterrupted conversation in the storage room that I've ever seen
10 years ago
the fish patties are, in Zach's words, "delicious"
10 years ago
Frankie now telling Derrick that Frankie and Zach have made up
10 years ago
Frankie says that he wants to keep Donny
10 years ago
Frankie: I don't think she (Christine) is purposefully playing us, but she might be accidentally playing us
10 years ago
apparently Brittany's clue for Otev was something along the lines of "2400 goals, who gives a fuck?". that made Frankie happy
10 years ago
OTEV apparently called Amber stupid, which made Caleb mad
10 years ago
Frankie just told Derrick that outside of Team America, that Cody (?!?) was his closest ally
10 years ago
Frankie: If Victoria goes up, then Donny's going home
10 years ago
Frankie and Derrick telling Caleb that the Bomb Squad is back together again.
Caleb: Why wouldn't we be?
10 years ago
HGs are saying that Gilbert Gottfried voiced OTEV
10 years ago
Nicole tells Donny that she will never vote for Cody to win because he's the reason Hayden left the house. Donny says that out of that side of the house, Cody is the weak link
10 years ago
Donny: Derrick's going to win, and I'm going to vote for him
10 years ago
Donny and Nicole both generally seem resigned to the fact that they're going to the jury
10 years ago
Donny/Nicole are running scenarios of who they'd vote for in the final 2
10 years ago
Nicole: If I get put up, her word is crap
Donny: Well, there's no alternative now
Nicole: Victoria...
Donny: Derrick won't let that happen, he needs her vote
10 years ago
Nicole: She is the devil. She looked me in the eye before we knew who was sole HOH, and said that she wanted to reiterate that she'd never backdoor me, so if she does, she is ruthless
10 years ago
Nicole: And I would vote Frankie over her to win
10 years ago
Nicole: I think you were definitely the target last week, well, 2 days ago
Donny: I agree
10 years ago
Zach now telling Victoria everything about him and Frankie (WTF?!?)
10 years ago
Zach is twisting some of the details, though, to paint Frankie in a VERY negative light
10 years ago
Victoria is now taking credit for flipping the house to keep Zach
10 years ago
Zach tells Victoria that he wants Christine out of the house before anyone
10 years ago
Zach: I've honestly never lied to anyone
10 years ago
Zach (to Victoria): If I win HOH, I have Cody and Derrick's back for sure, and then I have yours over anyone else but them
10 years ago
Victoria is refusing to say if she has been in an alliance with anyone
10 years ago
Victoria: From week 2, I didn't trust Frankie
10 years ago
Victoria: I'm not stupid, trust me. But I like to play stupid because it's gotten me this far
10 years ago
Victoria: I definitely have your back, and I definitely have Derrick's back. I just know too many things
10 years ago
Victoria says that she wants Nicole gone
10 years ago
Victoria: Zach, whatever you do, don't trust Frankie
10 years ago
Victoria: Trust me, I've been keeping you in this house
10 years ago
Zach: I'm glad we had this talk. We're figuring out who the fucking snakes are - Frankie and Christine
10 years ago
Zach: I want Frankie out of this house
10 years ago
The lying going on in that house is completely off the charts (LOL)
10 years ago
it really is. I've never seen BB played like this, but it's starting to get CRAZY. people have complained that the first few weeks were boring - no more
10 years ago
honestly, even as a crazy live feed watcher, there are a few people who I have NO CLUE who they're actually loyal to
I can;t keep anything straight at this point there is just to many stories, to many lies, to many half truths. To much crazy (LOL)
I am starting to wonder about Victoria though. Is she actually playing dumb or is she really dumb. Cause it really could go either way it seems like.
10 years ago
I'm starting to think that Victoria is just playing dumb, and that it's working well for her because she's been in on a lot of conversations she wouldn't be in otherwise
10 years ago
Zach... I have absolutely no read on Zach at this point
10 years ago
Victoria (to Nicole, while crying): I cannot trust Derrick
[WOAH. seriously, WOAH.]
10 years ago
Victoria: I've been lied to this whole entire game. I just feel so stupid
10 years ago
Victoria says that she doesn't want to be in the house. Nicole says that she knows how that feels, because that's how she felt when Hayden left
10 years ago
Zach now telling Cody about the Frankie conversation
10 years ago
Victoria (to Nicole): I don't want to see him (Derrick) go to the end
10 years ago
Victoria: I look so stupid right now, I want to take all of his shit right now and throw it in the trash
10 years ago
(she's reacting to a lot of the things that Zach told her earlier about Derrick)
10 years ago
Christine and Derrick are in the HoH room talking about the pros/cons of Donny vs Victoria
Zach seems to be drumming up some drama and I can;t understand why. Beyond it is Zach. (LOL)
10 years ago
Christine is wanting to get Donny out in that scenario
10 years ago
SanuraSnowpaw: I still.... kind of wonder if Zach is getting coached by Dr Will in the DR
MatthewAnthony: That would make sense (LOL)
10 years ago
I mean, he said a couple of days ago that he had no clue that Will was on a season before 7 (All Stars), but he's playing Will's game
10 years ago
even though he's directly quoted things Will said on season 2
10 years ago
unfortunately, I need to head to bed... when it seems that people who haven't been talking game ARE talking game
10 years ago
so apparently after I went to bed last night, the house got explosive. Zach spilled EVERYTHING about his game to Victoria (like he did to Nicole a couple of days ago)
10 years ago
that included information about Derrick being in two alliances with Zach, and his having had passed on info that Victoria had given him. Victoria said that she could even look Derrick in the face anymore
10 years ago
Zach then flirted with Victoria and said that he wanted to start up a showmance with her, that day 52 wasn't too late to start one
10 years ago
Zach then told Cody that he was going to say that Nicole told Victoria everything, to cover his own ass
10 years ago
Cody told Derrick what happened, that it was actually Zach who spilled the beans. Derrick was (of course) pissed
10 years ago
this led to a house meeting (minus Christine and Donny) in the HOH room with a lot of yelling. Zach was ranting about Derrick and Frankie, people were crying
10 years ago
in the end, Cody, Derrick, Caleb, Frankie, and Zach alone talked about how they could still make it to the final 5. once Zach left, they discussed how they need to get rid of him soon because he's so volatile
10 years ago
Derrick confronted Victoria one-on-one and asked her why she was taking the word of the "biggest liar in the house" over his. she was crying and said she was hurt
10 years ago
he seems to have possibly patched some of that up, but IMO there was a ton of damage done tonight to Derrick's game especially
10 years ago
there were a TON of people talking about getting Frankie out next, a lot of people talking about getting Zach out next. Zach at one point said he would throw the next HOH comp so they could vote him out
10 years ago
in the end... everyone went to bed, with Frankie sleeping alone in the HOH room and Christine sleeping in the rock room, saying she prefers those beds
10 years ago
This is crazy!! Every night I stay up as late as I can keep my eyes open (usually about 2/3am my time), fall asleep, wake up and something crazy has happened to everything is different!
10 years ago
I know, right? I actually fell asleep watching the feeds last night right after I plurked I was off to bed. woke up two hours later, saw drama, and said "mmmm, don't have time to catch up now"
10 years ago
totally didn't expect it to be Derrick's game blowing up, though
10 years ago
HGs have been woken up for Day 52
10 years ago
Frankie, Christine, and Caleb were just called to the DR to go on their NFL trip
10 years ago
the plan is for Frankie and Caleb to tell Christine that Nicole was going to backdoor her if Frankie won POV this week, in order to try to get Christine to backdoor Nicole
10 years ago
Donny (as usual) is the only person awake in the house, so he was just walking around in the backyard, and noticed a camera following him. he just gave shout-outs to a few people - it sounded somewhat tearful
10 years ago
he knows he's in trouble this week
this house has gotta be the craziest in a long time. every time I semi know what's going on it twists and turns
10 years ago
I think a bit part of that is because it's the "Summer of Oversharing". it feels like only two people in the cast know how to keep their mouths shut - Donny and Derrick
10 years ago
*big part
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