Alex ❤
10 years ago
Can someone explain to me the Bob thing? and the bob-drama? I've been getting ready for vacation and totally not reading anything. I is confused!!
latest #16
Nath Pevensey
10 years ago
What I pieced together browsing the phone while smoking and doing a waiter gig:
some Indian guy had (unsurprisingly) an Indian name. some moron @ Starbuck's interpreted it as Bob onto his coffee cup.
Nath Pevensey
10 years ago
I've forgotten Indian guy's name other than noting that it started with P.
Anyways, someone pledged to throw money at an anti-racist charity if people changed their names to Bob.
10 years ago
^ what started it all
Nath Pevensey
10 years ago
That AthenaP: thank you!
10 years ago
you're welcome!
Nath Pevensey
10 years ago
And also Taisynn!
OK, I know more than when I got here. I'mma shut the hell up now.
Alex ❤
10 years ago
lol i know nothing so. Although I would like to's not just foreign names. One of my friends names is kidding a girl put cuntney on hers
Alex ❤
10 years ago
starbucks just sucks lol
Alex ❤
10 years ago
but yeah that comment is kinda....ouch.
Nath Pevensey
10 years ago
Oh man, my sympathies to Courtney, but AHAHA OH MY GOD CUNTNEY.
Alex ❤
10 years ago
and the boy's name is Matthew.....somehow it was turned into Mathue
Alex ❤
10 years ago
some people are just take heart it's not JUST foreign sounding names.
Alex ❤
10 years ago
ive got the simplest name in the world (i think?) and ive had Alex and alexandra spelled wrong (and not just alexandria lol)
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