Di Hoorenbeek
9 years ago
hi all :-) Where can I find clothes that are compatible with MeshProject mesh body?
latest #9
as far as I am aware it is in beta and does not have applier clothing available. Mesh clothing will be hit or miss as well especially as they do not have an alpha system built in.
Slink's physique is the only body I am aware of that is currently avaliable that has applier clothing and has an alpha system built in to work with other mesh clothing.
Wowmeh also has applier clothing and an alpha system for mesh clothing but it isn't currently available for purchase.
and just to clarify an alpha system means that with the hud you can hide bits of the body just like alpha layers hide parts of you body for the normal avatar body
Sway Dench
9 years ago
hello muffin (sorry don't have an answer for you, just wanted to hug you)
Di Hoorenbeek
9 years ago
SanuraSnowpaw: thank you so much!!
Di Hoorenbeek
9 years ago
SwayDench: hugs you tight, pumpkin
dihoorenbeek: you are so welcome! I'm glad to help (cozy)
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