10 years ago
#BB16 Live Feed Spoilers - Day 46 & 47
latest #102
10 years ago
Current Stats:
Final HoH - Nicole
Noms before PoV - Zach & Jocasta
PoV Winner - Christine
Christine plans to not using the veto & keep the noms the same. It's not looking good for Zach right now.
10 years ago
Recap - Christine has been lying a lot. Hayden/Nicole figured out that Christine spread the lie that Hayden & Victoria hooked up not Zach. Nicole says she is done with Christine.
10 years ago
Recap - most HG including Nicole would still prefer to backdoor Frankie, but Christine has decided not to use the PoV.
10 years ago
Recap - Christine managed to convince Cody that Zach has to go by telling him that Zach is coming after him and telling everyone their secrets. She also told Hayden Zach is targeting him.
10 years ago
Recap - It seems like Derrick would still like to keep Zach, but right now he doesn't have the votes. We still have a few days so we'll see if he can flip it.
10 years ago
HGs starting to wake up for the day. PoV ceremony should be soon.
10 years ago
I just saw something interesting (not on the feeds, but Houseguest-related). apparently Joey has been skipping a few of her contractually-required interviews and appearances
10 years ago
that has apparently led to her not having a video loop in the last HoH challenge, and she also did not have a comic book cover in this week's PoV
10 years ago
it may also mean that she will not be allowed at the finale, and will not be paid in full for her time on the show
10 years ago
Wow! I heard she had missed some interviews, but hadn't realized it had gotten that bad. Crazy.
10 years ago
Time for the PoV ceremony!
10 years ago
feeds are back (I can't have sound on since I"m at work). Frankie looks pissed about something, Christine is on the back yard couches fingerspelling to herself
10 years ago
despite that ^^ from what I can tell, it looks like Christine decided not to use the veto
10 years ago
Christine has decided NOT to use the PoV! Either Jocasta or Zach will be evicted.
10 years ago
St_Clinton: no problem!
10 years ago
smart girl. no one in BB history has ever used the veto on someone else and won
10 years ago
Derrick- I'm trying to see who's forming groups, cause the last thing I want is... Victoria- To be the outsider
10 years ago
Derrick to Victoria- We might think we're working with the house but there might be a smaller group that's selecting who is going home
10 years ago
Victoria says that she thinks that Cody, Hayden and Christine will vote Zach out. Derrick says they will have to do the same if so
10 years ago
Derrick to Victoria- I'm going to stick with you. If we can get to the end, that's all I care about
10 years ago
The new feed vote is up!
I thought Joey had a kangaroo in her comic picture last week? I wonder why she isn't doing her interviews.
10 years ago
Derrick and Frankie just talked. Both say they want to keep Zach. Frankie questions Derrick about Cody/Zach and other alliances. Derrick says he is TA first and then Detonators.
10 years ago
Frankie says he has the Detonators and Caleb. Both agree they will stay true to TA, but Donny likely won't and he may have to go.
10 years ago
Derrick clearing up misconceptions about Cody.
Derrick to Frankie- If me, you and Cody mend something perfectly, we might have to send Zach home. He might be playing you.
10 years ago
Derrick and Frankie agree that Zach may be playing Frankie and Cody against each other. Derrick says Zach could ruin Frankie's game
10 years ago
Derrick to Frankie- If Zach goes we still have Caleb and Christine and we are solidified
10 years ago
Derrick suggesting they talk with Cody later and clear things up.
10 years ago
Derrick to Cody- All our prayers have been answered. Everything worked out perfect. Frankie knew about LTA. He wants to vote Zach out
10 years ago
Derrick to Cody- Zach is going home this week. We are saving face with Detonators and saving face with Nicole
10 years ago
Derrick now telling Nicole that Frankie's basically on board to evict Zach.
10 years ago
Frankie- Is he (Zach) pitting us against each other? Be honest. Cody- I have thought that. Frankie- He is
10 years ago
Cody- Zach has told me that you want me to go first. Frankie- He told me about LTA and made me feel like I have to come for you
10 years ago
Frankie to Cody- Zach has taken a 5 person alliance and divided us into 3 and 2. He is throwing each of us under the bus to each other
10 years ago
Frankie to Cody- He (Zach) cannot get any wind of this. If we make a decision he cannot know because he will blow up
Oh wow I wonder if Cody and Derrick are being honest with Frankie or just playing him.
10 years ago
Overnight, Frankie reaffirmed to Derrick that he will vote out Zach.
Cody and Derrick now feel that Frankie was only coming after them because he knew about LTA and felt he had to.
10 years ago
Derrick talked to Christine and told her the Final 3 with Zach was bullshit.
Derrick says he didn't know that her and Frankie knew, but now it makes sense why they felt left out.
10 years ago
Christine tells Derrick about her plan to split the votes 4-4. Derrick says that Nicole would be pissed if that happened
Derrick says he would bet that Zach will not go out quietly no matter what.
10 years ago
SanuraSnowpaw: Derrick's definitely trying to make sure both sides want Zach gone so he can keep working with both without exposing himself, but Zach told Frankie everything therefore making it easy
10 years ago
Cody scratched "Calzone BB16" into the bathroom door.
10 years ago
I am not liking whats happening
10 years ago
and I'm disliking Christine more each day
10 years ago
I don't want Zach to go..he's fun!
10 years ago
one thing Derrick said yesterday to Cody was interesting. he walked out of the DR, right up to Cody and said "they were asking me in the DR why voting Zach out wouldn't hurt our game."
10 years ago
the production staff doesn't want Zach going home either, apparently. prepare for a 9 member jury with someone going back in (LOL)
10 years ago
in addition, the finale night was pushed back a week to September 24th. that means possibly 2 returnees? I could see them doing a BotB-like comp after the 4th jury member with the winning team returning
10 years ago
tinfoil hat time - the schedule change was announced yesterday... soon after it became apparent that Zach is going home
10 years ago
Zach has been excellent to watch so I can see why they would want to keep him.
I wish he wasn't leaving either
10 years ago
St_Clinton: I would love that too! We never see enough of the jury!
10 years ago
Donny to Hayden- Derrick is a smart one. People dont see him as a threat in competitions but he is very persuasive without being HoH
10 years ago
Hayden- Weirds me out how much they (Cody/Christine) touch each other. Donny- Weirds me out how much the married one touches people
10 years ago
Victoria- I feel like it'd be a waste if Jocasta goes. Frankie- I agree. It's boring to the country. Victoria- That's what I'm saying
10 years ago
Derrick tells Victoria that she will see that Christine was lying to her about there being a guys alliance if they all vote Zach out
10 years ago
Derrick- She (Christine) is trying to gain your trust. I hope you're not falling for that. Victoria- I dont trust Christine at all
10 years ago
Victoria- Zach's a huge target and I want him out but I'm not his target. Derrick- You're not but we have to do what the house does
10 years ago
Frankie to Christine- Is Nicole planning on playing? She is just going to win challenges and let other people run her HoH?
10 years ago
Frankie told Christine that he wants to say that Zach attempted to start the Detonators last night to get Caleb and Hayden out
10 years ago
Frankie wants to say to Zach on his way out that "You have nobody to blame but yourself. I love you. You owe me a vote"
10 years ago
Frankie is telling Derrick about his plan to say that Zach formed the Detonators last night to take out Hayden and Caleb. Cody says he is on board.
10 years ago
Derrick and Cody agree to tell Hayden and Nicole about the alliance that Zach made, prior to giving Christine a chance to tell
10 years ago
Christine has already let Nicole know that Zach tried to start an alliance last night, so Derrick and Cody wont get to her first
10 years ago
Victoria to Jocasta- I want Problem to come on SO BAD tomorrow morning. That's my Ariana Grande
10 years ago
Cody is telling telling Nicole that Zach approached them last night about an alliance. Nicole said Christine already told her
10 years ago
Cody- He (Zach) never mentioned anything about a name. Nicole- Oh she (Christine) told me the name. It was a weird name
10 years ago
Cody tells Nicole that he thinks that everyone is going to be on board with evicting Zach now
10 years ago
BB_Updates: Victoria- If you want to work together we have to start talking more. Nicole- Well yeah but I dont want to make it obvious (LOL)
10 years ago
Victoria to Nicole- Trust me when I tell you I know exactly what the fuck is going on in this house. I'm not as stupid as I seem
It sorta shocks me how many adore Frankies sister and have no clue who he is.
10 years ago
SanuraSnowpaw: sometimes I wonder if Victoria knows. Victoria talks about her all the time & said she follows her on twitter & there are a ton of pictures of Frankie & her together on her twitter.
10 years ago
Zach- I'd be so pissed if I went home on Thursday. Derrick- I dont blame you
10 years ago
Nicole- When Christine told me Hayden and Victoria hooked up, what was she trying to do? Cody- Put seeds in people's heads
10 years ago
Cody to Nicole- She (Christine) is setting herself up to have other people put people up so she doesnt have to do it
10 years ago
Nicole to Cody- She (Christine) plants seeds in my head to put you and Derrick up.
10 years ago
Hayden to Jocasta- I just want you to know that you 100% have my vote. Keep that to yourself and know you have my vote
10 years ago
yeah, I believe that Victoria knows and that Derrick suspects. when Frankie was reading one of his HOH letters, he pronounced it "Gran-day" rather than "Gran-dee" as he says his last name is
10 years ago
Derrick joking about Frankie thinking he was a cop. Christine says he is too cool to be a cop. Derrick: "I've never been arrested, but the cops know me."
10 years ago
Victoria HAS to know she is Frankies sister. I remember one night she went on and on asking Frankie all about his sister. Her name, what does she look like.. etc. It was very suspicious even back then
10 years ago
What I don't understand is why she has never mentioned it to another HG
St_Clinton: my point was they are saying they are BIG fans and Frankie and her are very close
10 years ago
Frankie to Nicole- Last night Zach came to us (Frankie/Christine), Cody and Derrick and was like "Do you want to work together?"
10 years ago
Frankie- It's almost better for my game to vote him (Zach) out. Nicole- I cant believe you would say that. Frankie- I know
10 years ago
Nicole: (If they kept Zach) I think he would put me up as a pawn.
Frankie: He would.
10 years ago
Frankie: I have to choose between Hayden & Zach. Zach has shown nothing but disloyalty, weakness, & shitty game play.
10 years ago
Frankie to Hayden: Last night Zach told me that me, Christine, Derrick, and Cody should come together to get you out of the house.
10 years ago
Hayden- If he (Zach) is coming after me I dont want him here. Frankie- He is coming after you for sure
10 years ago
Frankie says Zach was talking about missing his family the other day so that means he is ready to go home.
10 years ago
Christine told Hayden that she was there when Zach formed the alliance last night. Cody told Nicole that she was not there
yes I don't get why no one has said who his sister is if they know. which makes me think they don't know it just confuses me (LOL)
10 years ago
I'm surprised Victoria hasn't said anything. I'm not that Derrick hasn't, though - he's waiting until that would be most useful to him
10 years ago
Yeah, i'm not surprised with Derrick either
10 years ago
Do you think Victoria told Derrick? Or did he figure it out on his own?
10 years ago
I haven't seen or heard anyone else say that they heard her tell him. I think he's figured it out based on the way Frankie pronounced his grandfather's last name a couple of times
10 years ago
most of the time, he pronounced it the "cover" way (Gran-dee), but a couple of times he slipped up
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