10 years ago
#BB16 Live Feed Spoilers - Day 41
latest #73
10 years ago
Current Stats:
Final HoH - Frankie
Final Noms - Amber & Victoria
Unless something crazy happens, Amber will be evicted Thursday.
10 years ago
Recap - Caleb questioned Nicole and Frankie about why Nicole said two different things when Caleb asked about Amber. Thinks Frankie is lying. Derrick also caught the lie, but believes it's Nicole.
10 years ago
Recap - After much back and forth about keeping Amber or evicting her and telling Caleb or blindsiding him, Amber told several HGs that her target is Caleb and the boys told Caleb.
10 years ago
Recap - For now, the boys told Caleb to not let Amber know that he knows. Caleb planning on confronting Amber during the live show.
10 years ago
bye Amber
10 years ago
every. single. time. Caleb speaks, this is all I hear. Les Miserables - At the End of the Day
10 years ago
it seems like every sentence out of his mouth either begins or ends with "at the end of the day"
10 years ago
MatthewAnthony: (LOL) you are so right!
10 years ago
imagining him singing that while wearing the onesie has me giggling at my desk right now
10 years ago
HGs are finally waking up for the day. the only thing that's happened up until now is that Jocasta was walking around the back yard talking to herself, and said that if she wins HoH she'll nom Frankie and Zach
10 years ago
with her target being Frankie
10 years ago
it's been announced that indoor lockdown (to set up for HoH comp) will begin at 4:30 BB time (in one hour)
10 years ago
HGs noticed the memory wall had a message that said "HOH - Things are about to get loopy"
10 years ago
then, it's now playing video loops of each competition, with the comp names under the loops
10 years ago
looks like it could be a memory comp for HOH tomorrow (again)
10 years ago
lots of speculation that tomorrow is a double eviction
I hate how they are making it out that Amber is playing Caleb. She has never encouraged his behaviour.
10 years ago
I don't care for her but the fact they are twisting it that way just upsets me. Why is the woman the villain if she says no?
10 years ago
SanuraSnowpaw: yeah. that bothers me as well. I think they're doing it to try to stay on Caleb's good side, though
10 years ago
10 years ago
10 years ago
I honestly think Caleb is being the perfect example of male entitlement. Amber does not want him and he just CANNOT get his head around that.
10 years ago
the only hg not studying the clips is derrick..
MatthewAnthony: I agree that is probably why they are doing it but I am still disgusted with it.
Sehra: oh there is no doubt he is.
10 years ago
He thinks if he works hard enough he will be rewarded with Amber. But, women don't work that way. We get to be people too.
10 years ago
but... he ate the pickle!
10 years ago
mmm pickles
10 years ago
10 years ago
new Team America mission voting is up. they either will be voting against the majority and then publicly blaming two people during the eviction fallout, or the two eligible members will become HoH either
10 years ago
by winning or by getting other people to throw it to them
10 years ago
couple of big things there - first, that confirms that double HoH will still be in effect this week (ugh). the second one seems pretty impossible, IMO
10 years ago
if the first one gets chosen, I could see them blaming pro-Amber votes on Caleb and... Victoria?
10 years ago
the fact that it was worded as "you only have a few hours to vote" makes me believe that they will receive this mission tomorrow morning, and will be trying to accomplish it tomorrow
10 years ago
wow, the live show just revealed that Team America failed the task - that really surprises me since the DR told all three TA members that it could be one-sided, and that it would still count
10 years ago
Derrick is telling Nicole and Donny that the fact that they're still not on lockdown points to a double eviction with simple sets for the challenges
10 years ago
I'm afraid if I vote for the first one Frankie will blame the hinky votes on Zach.
10 years ago
Christine tells Frankie and Zach to get rid of Jocasta before Victoria, because Victoria is pushing Nicole and Hayden apart
10 years ago
Christine to Frankie/Zach- I'm 99% positive I heard them (Victoria/Hayden) kiss in bed. I heard Victoria say "Where is your face?"
10 years ago
Derrick to Cody/Frankie- There is more of a chance of me winning the lottery while I'm in here than Caleb putting us three up
10 years ago
Zach- Christine told me that Hayden and Victoria hooked up. Cody- You're lying to my face! I'm going to call her (Christine) up here and ask her. Zach- No you cant. She told me not to tell!
10 years ago
Zach and Cody are questioning Victoria about whether or not she would make out with someone in the house. She says not on camera.
10 years ago
Frankie to Derrick/Cody/Zach- If you're HoH and dont backdoor Caleb, everyone is pissed. Derrick- If Caleb goes, we are fucked.
10 years ago
Cody tells Frankie/Derrick/Zach that nominating Caleb and keeping him shows theirs cards as much as not putting him up does
10 years ago
Zach- If Hayden can win competitions at will, why arent we going after Hayden? Frankie- That's a good point
10 years ago
Frankie- Hayden hasn't yet chosen a side. If he does choose ours for real... Zach- We dont have any more room. No more seats in the car!
10 years ago
The Detonators agree that they will not put up Caleb. They will claim that they got too scared.
I can't believe they didn't succeed for the last mission.
10 years ago
Overnight, Production told Caleb that he can't make a speech during the live eviction. So he wrapped a pickle in a banana peel with floss. Frankie suggesting he hide it her in bag.
10 years ago
"That's how she judged me when I first got here. You basically looked at me like I was a banana." (She hates bananas, but loves pickles)
10 years ago
Cody was ranting about Frankie to Derrick and Zach. Says he is playing both sides of the house. Worried that he pulled Christine closer and they have Final 2. Derrick agrees he is dangerous.
10 years ago
Zach warned Frankie by telling him people in the house see him as a threat and playing both sides. Frankie pushed for names and guessed Derrick/Cody.
10 years ago
Zach covered by saying that they say Frankie controls him. Frankie "that's just because we're in love... They're just jealous of our relationship."
10 years ago
Frankie promised Zach he would take him to the finals. Frankie: "it's Zankie til the end"
10 years ago
Many of the HGs want Christine out soon. Frankie worried. Tells Zach he wants him to make people feel more comfortable with her.
Hayden says if he could pick he would want Frankie out next.
10 years ago
Derrick got the TA mission. It's the hinky votes one. Derrick informs Frankie that all of TA must accuse 2 people for the votes ON THE LIVE SHOW before they go out to play for HoH. They're shocked!
10 years ago
It has to be done between "you've been evicted" and the HoH comp to count. Derrick suggests getting Zach and Caleb to vote for Amber to stay and then blaming them.
10 years ago
Derrick: "You can just tell what America thinks about our season." Frankie: "Yeah, predictable." Derrick: "Yup, we need to stir it up"
10 years ago
Donny finds out, wants to decline the mission. Donny: "I didn't come across the country to get my game messed up." Says it's out of character for him and the HGs will notice.
10 years ago
Donny: "I didn't come here to play America's game."
10 years ago
Frankie- He (Donny) said he doesnt want to be America's Player. Derrick- I hope they air that. Frankie- I'm thinking he has to go.
10 years ago
Christine/Cody/Derrick/Frankie in HoH room. Frankie laying the ground work that Donny has to go. All agree if nominated, Donny will go.
10 years ago
Team America will make their final decision in the morning.
10 years ago
(I knew they were going to blame it on Zach. (annoyed) )
10 years ago
honestly, I'm disappointed in Donny. he's not thinking clearly. at this point, TA has made $10k for their assignments. the stipend for everyone up to and through 3rd place now will be $13k
10 years ago
he knows he's not in a great spot in the house, which means he probably won't last until final 2. take the $5k.
10 years ago
he also should realize (but I guess maybe he doesn't) that all that's kept him in the game so far is being part of TA. with what he said last night, he gave Derrick/Frankie an out
10 years ago
also, to make it a bit worse.. Donny said that he was against doing any task like this and would reject it. that's not a good sign for the future
10 years ago
I think depending on how production defines "calling out" could determine whether or not he does it. He doesn't want to make a scene, but I think he could easily make a comment without suspicion.
10 years ago
I can't imagine it being a huge call-out. the task has to be completed before the HoH comp, which gives them like 2 minutes to accomplish it
I think Donny is being very short sighted at this point.
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