Lyric in Love asks
9 years ago
Those that hire CSR's, what do you pay them? Thinking of doing this for the venue.
♔Ryleigh says
9 years ago
Ive never found it worth it, and when people do have them its just annoying being spammed with things
Lyric in Love says
9 years ago
Yeah I'm definitely going to be doing that, I just know that being a wedding venue, it would be nice to actually be shown around to the different spots and then to be able to ask all the questions
Lyric in Love says
9 years ago
you have there and then instead of having to wait for however long. BUT I do have a contact board and info board :-)
♔Ryleigh says
9 years ago
I would stick with the contact boards so they can get help if they need it, and if not they are left alone