We're perpetuating a rape culture with this and I am deeply unsettled by the obvious. She's passed out, dressed like a hooker, and has money in her hand
but I guess that means you should "raid this bitch" because all women are bitches
and it's okay to make jokes about passed out women
fucking disgusting. I can't even.
Yeah...I saw that. I skipped over that stall and didn't want anything to do with it.
No, found at the Viking Gacha fair.
Because people won't have a trigger from that
I have no idea what a passed out drunk hooker with a sign implying rape has to do with a vest or a necklace
oh my god, the woman IS the gacha machine
Because this wasn't disgusting enough.
Seeing this made me feel physically ill.
Does anyone know who organizes this?
I don't even have any words for that... just... none. Ugh.
I remember seeing those passed out girls all over the place a while back and being quite uncomfortable about them.
I admit I'm curious as to how much actual thought went behind something like that. I can hope it was just careless and not thinking.. doesn't excuse it though.
I did, yes. I just wondered if the event owner knew it was out and how offensive it is. Sometimes things slip through.
Event managers have a lot going on, and they get the benefit of the doubt. I wouldn't blame her if she just checked to make sure there was a machine and didn't see what it was.
Xonxy: I don't know? I remember some fuss about them a few years ago but I don't recall details.
You know.. I have to play devil's advocate and ask.. Isn't assuming that she is a "hooker" because of the manner in which she is dressed just as bad? I'm not saying that the "decor" is good not bad..
But I don't see a hooker when I look at the screen grab.
The original Plurker said that she is "dressed like a hooker."
I agree that the decor is in bad taste. But I am just saying, so is assuming that the manner in which she is dressed makes her a hooker.
Fairly sure that is one of those ripped models anyways. I'm amazed they permit that at that event, though... Tita/the organizer is a decent person. Maybe it was overlooked?
Dysfunctionality I have no idea if it's a ripped model, I am not a gamer and I have seen them around. So I thought they were legit. Above all there's the uncomfortable feeling somebody was hurt. My personal
apologies about that. Not even for a second any of us would have wanted to cause distress to anybody.
Yasay is not on Plurk and she asked me to paste her response here.
Yasay I took that to mean, this is where you play, as your machine was not the usual type. It was pretty clear when from where I stood, but I was not delving for deeper non meanings.
ildolcefarniente: I certainly didn't mean to say that the way she was dressed had any impact on if she should or could be sexually assaulted. I phrased that poorly, thank you for calling me on it.
TitaniaHalasy: While I appreciate your prompt response, and since Yasay has not responded to my IM, I'll post it here. I get that Vikings weren't nice people. I don't think anyone is trying to say they were,
but the standpoint that this is somehow reflective of them, is complete crap. That model is in MODERN clothing, and not at all representative of the era in which you're trying to display. It wasn't just the
sign, it's the message you're sending. It's saying it's okay that she's an object to feed money into, that it's okay that she's a helpless human being.
While I am fully aware that there are roleplay genres that center around sex, rape, and other sexual activities, I also have the option of KNOWING that I will be faced with that by walking into the sim
You KNOW that rape is a possibility in viking and gorean culture. That is something you can opt-in to. This, is not at all the same. The figure has nothing to do with any of that, it's just plain offensive, and
the response given by the creator is equally so. Removing the sign isn't good enough. Admit it's offensive, in poor taste, and just put a regular machine out.
And isnt the title of your Plurk, Im not one to make a fuss? this is plain advertising on Black Pearls part and done extremely well, i dont complain when i see the word SEX used to sell an iitem, i think clever
the fact you instantly Label the Model in the picture as a Hooker , speaks volumes about your thoughts on it. to me and most others its a Gimmick, and gimmicks we use every single day to draw attention.
The fact that it caught yours and many others attention is exactly why it is a clever gimmick, to actually take offence however that it may help sell a product, rival to your own store (or not) is Dysfunctional
dont like what it sells move on, thats the whole idea of a shopping event, move to the next gimmick that is used to catch your eye and make you buy.
It had the opposite effect though. I didn't at all look at the ads, and instead immediately left the event. It caught my eye, but I was so sick at my stomach I couldn't even think about buying from it.
And given that the note said there were multiple complaints, I would guess I'm not the only one to think so.
Its advertisement, you simply saw a woman laying by the items sold, and thought it wise to presume that she was passed out and infact a hooker too, wow , cut down on the adult film content a little.
What I don't understand here is while it's fine to not be offended by it, telling other people what they should or shouldn't be offended by is a bit much
want to know what i saw, a model leaning against pictures of items offered, with money in her hand to buy them because she loves them, - we all have imaginations, dont let them run too wild.
I personally would have rolled my eyes and just walked away from it - because to me it's distasteful. And in a way I can see how it would hit a nerve.
After having the actual store owner explain it, I understand her concept a little bit more but I admit I was completely confused before that, and it has nothing to do with how much porn I watch.
It's a trigger, and obviously a trigger. I'm glad you weren't triggered by that, it means you've never been in that position. I was triggered, I was offended, I still am offended. I do not need to apologize for
being offended, nor will I ever apologize for that.
If the girl were dressed in period clothing, then maybe, but... its not, and so it both seems out of theme and offensive; especially with the sign.
Do not forget the Event is Adult themed fantasy, with many fans and items reaching out to the BDSM and Gorean community, knowing such a thing in itself should already be enough to warn any who get offended
Offended easily of what content they may come across, from Submissive, restraint, punishment, slave like, Master and servant style items and imagery and far more too. Now as Yasay explained quite well, it was
an image based on the Gacha culture and genre, a woman exhausting herself on the items she craves and nothing more. as a Blogger of many events ive seen far worse, from rape stands to forced torture equiptment.
and all of these from our Adult themed large very popular events, including the Fantasy Gacha itself and and the list goes on. i am well prepared to understand that by going there, this content is on display.
Suggestive Rape scene? another Presumptious one. Oh wait a personal attack almost, what care do you hold why anyone blogs or Plurks? im simply stating that when you enter Adult themed events which involve BDSM
Gorean, slave wear and submissive style outfits and creators that design for all those cultures, that you could possibly come across sensative subject, to then make issue on that is the absurd part.
a good discussion on it however i welcome (also why i made a plurk account, to join many threads upon such things) not that i need to justify
As an Artist in the BDSM and Gorean Scene i saw different to you at the event, that doesnt make me right or wrong, or you. Opinions however on both sides are welcomed. i stated mine, you stated yours.
By pointing out that such content such as Rape stands, forced sex instruments and many more things that may be found at Adult themed fantasy events, Personally its a good point to Plurk about, far better than
what words at events may be offensive or read in which way they like. isnt that the beauty of Art, we all see different things.
In order to roleplay something like that everyone involved is consenting and things are pre-considered. At what I understand to be a shopping event, themed or not, you don't get to force people to view/
participate in things that they don't wish to/are MONUMENTALLY BAD for their mental health.
Planned roleplay with fully consenting participants, sure, that's not rape culture. This sure is.
RatheAndFallon: Um, if it was trying to appeal to Gor players, the outfit is still all wrong - its 80s-90s style, which isn't Viking at all. And sorry, it is offensive, insensitive and out of line.
I wouldn't get myself a phat/cute azz because of the search terms, even though I'm an adult and not a prude - but certain words do not belong in advertising for anything I'd want, no matter how nice it is.
Xonxy: She kept the modern woman passed out - its the gacha machine, apparently.