10 years ago
I'm staying in a small town outside of Hays KS while I'm teaching robotics. On my way to the grocery store I walk by a lemonade stand. I tell the little girls I will buy on my way out. As I'm checking out,
latest #10
10 years ago
the two little girls are behind me buying a 2 liter bottle of coke to share. It just cracked me up they wouldn't drink their own lemondade!
10 years ago
BarbaraLN says
10 years ago
I'm thinking maybe you shouldn't either. (woot)
10 years ago
BarbaraLN that's what I was thinking!!!!
10 years ago
LisaNWOSU2000 says
10 years ago
(LOL) already spending their profits
Mr Bill says
10 years ago
StayinCooLu says
10 years ago
maybe they were going to expand their business to selling lemon cokes...younever know!
Skip Z
10 years ago
HeavensJoy says
10 years ago
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