Izzy Serevi
10 years ago
I've literally spent the last week or so hating logging in and avoiding it. All I want to do is spend time with my friends and family who are my reason for being in SL but instead I have tons of work and stress
latest #28
Izzy Serevi
10 years ago
waiting for me >_<
Izzy Serevi
10 years ago
Sorry people if I've been a bit off or not around much, I'm going to sort it<3
10 years ago
Take a vacation. Only work on certain days.
Sparkle Kitty
10 years ago
Unfortunately it comes with the territory of having a school lady :-( You need to set 'work hours' and 'days'
10 years ago
Izzy Serevi
10 years ago
PrincessSparkles: Jadin_Sabrowski: I've tried that but it doesn't work >_< People don't really respect work hours at all and problems can happen at any time, and sometimes I get super busy in RL so when I do
Izzy Serevi
10 years ago
log on I have tons of work to do and even if I set that as a day off I'll have to do it then because normally it can't wait >_<
10 years ago
Well...why not create an alt that you can esacpe on?
10 years ago
I know many you have done this.
10 years ago
10 years ago
You just gotta efnorce working hours, when my mom owned her school, anytime after 6 slt was family time, any im she got was insta note carded and not dealt with until tomorrow
10 years ago
it'll save you sanity
Izzy Serevi
10 years ago
Jadin_Sabrowski: I've never thought about that (thinking) But I know me and I know I'll still be thinking about it all, whether I'm logged in on Isa or not, I'm the kinda person who lies in bed at night
Izzy Serevi
10 years ago
thinking of everything I have to do
Izzy Serevi
10 years ago
and stressing >_<
Nyhm/Eva/Torie says
10 years ago
You can't let that get to you. :-( I think the alt idea would be great. It's also boundaries YOU have to stick to for your own mentality.
10 years ago
Well..if you are getting stressed over things it is most likley not the thing for you to be doing. if you can't enjoy sl something needs to be done :-(
Izzy Serevi
10 years ago
Thanks guys so far for all the replies, even if I haven't responded to you personally, I'm thinking about it I just honestly needed to get it off my chest, I think it's more that it's all this work and stress
ʚEvie Gilmoreɞ says
10 years ago
Izzyie: Stop trying to do it all and let people help you. Delegate tasks to people you trust. Don't answer IM's after hours. <3
Izzy Serevi
10 years ago
and it doesn't feel worth it, where as if it did I would love it because I don't normally mind tons of work however odd that sounds, but it feels like I'm doing it for nothing so I'm just going to have to
Izzy Serevi
10 years ago
think about it
Anwenn Stirling
10 years ago
SL's kinda broken today anyways.. so you're not gonna get any serious work done. at least, I'm not.
Izzy Serevi
10 years ago
anwenn: Yeah I noticed! I just gave up :-P
Anwenn Stirling
10 years ago
It's a good day to fool around.. or do laundry. I'm doing both.
Jillღ says
10 years ago
Main reason I gave up the school unfortunately, it's very hard to find a balance even after my 6 th year of doing schools
10 years ago
Its okay maybe sissy. I can help if you want it! :-D
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