Candii Kitten
10 years ago
Looking for small parcel for Mainstore Please PP me at PrincessSparkles (NOT to this account) or IM me in world Candii Destiny if you have on available! :-D Thanks!!!
latest #6
Sparkle Kitty
10 years ago
Nothing big or crazy, just something small :-)
Izzy Serevi
10 years ago
We have land available on the Concordia Sim, it was going to be home rentals but there are so many places out there at the moment its impossible to sell :-P If you're interested PP how many prims you want and
Izzy Serevi
10 years ago
I'll see if it's possible :-D
Brujita Ghost
10 years ago
Are you looking for commercial or residential?
Sparkle Kitty
10 years ago
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