sciDafodilett says
10 years ago
My building is going to one-to-one mac books next year. I have to attend some training. The first one is called "the basics" Other teachers familiar with macs say I will learn how to turn on the computer.
latest #8
10 years ago
I feel like I am being patronized here. I am going to spend 3 hrs at a training for someone to teach me to turn on a computer. My co-worker told me that she was going to the same training so that she could
10 years ago
keep me from doing bodily harm to the presenter.
10 years ago
I asked today if someone was going to provide training on how to charge the MAC as I am supposed to do that before going to the session.
10 years ago
vent over.
BarbaraLN says
10 years ago
This afternoon I sat in PD where they told us about how we are going to be doing "Blended Learning" with our new math adoption. Now I use lots of technology in my classroom, but the way this was presented,
BarbaraLN says
10 years ago
it made me not want to do it. We also had this on-line tech training this year where the first lesson was how to turn on your computer. I'm not sure how anyone could be on line doing the training if they
BarbaraLN says
10 years ago
didn't know how to turn on their computer. Good luck on your training!
mnsciteach says
10 years ago
Argh...First Smart Board training was that basic. Waste of time.
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