33 minutes and counting.. Better hurry Dolly and Clay
ooo... i am getting all excited!
oohh gooodieee. Togehter again
Nobody better die.
Not sure i am trusting this Terminus place
And Eugene is annoying. That mullet!
LMAO.. The Genius guy is goofy. "After I save the world i still have to live with myself"
You know what gets me? When someone is trying to figure this stuff out nobody ever says "oh we went to the CDC and learned this about it...."
I always wonder why the walkers dont just die out if they dont get fed
Yeah.. not sharing information..
Well, we've some get really emaciated.
OHHH.. and that little girl! I knew she was a psychopath!
Yeah.. I didt see that coing. I thought she might kill Judith
And is he for real of a delusional?
Clay, did you read the comic books?
That episode with Lizzie was so hard.
Yeah.. I thought Tyrese would kill Carol too
Tyreese might have if she'd told him before he agreed to kill a little girl.
I like the song as they come into terminus.
ohh..i will have to take note of that this time
We may not find out about Beth until next season.
I read the comics for a while, but I stopped before the Governor storms the prison, so I have no idea about what happens after that.
i did notice they left all the gates open when they came into Terminus
i would be paranoid about shutting gates and doors i bet
I'm paranoid about that now, lol
a plate of what i wonder? lol
I hadn't noticed that was Denise Crosby.
Or maybe I did and forgot.
Mary is probably a serial killer!
Well, that's not ominous at all!
oh lord. I couldnt take another episode of Rick being nuts again
Not a positive start huh?
OOOOO... Love Planet of the Apes
you didnt like the new one?
ohh you should. I liked it anyway LOL
Carl is having an existential crisis.
Carl needs a spanking!EWWWWW
God, Michone is such a badass.
Well, she's lovely, no denying that.
yeah.. i like her better less moody
Yeah, she's really turned around.
What the fuck was that commercial for?
ummmm.. marrying a zombie?
Ugh. I wish Fox would let the X-Men rights lapse so Marvel could make actually good X-Men movies.
oo..good movies coming up this year
Damn. Daryl has to come to the rescue now.
Yeah.. shame all the living want to keep killing the living
that the car we see Rick leaning against when he falls apart?
i thought that was a truck?
Mad Men!!!!
yeahh.. did you notice it was the last season?
Yeah, but they are pulling that bullshit they pulled with Breaking Bad where they split it into two on two different years.
well thats good.. will be on a bit longer
yeah.. i am still squeezing me ass cheeks
April you made me laugh snort
Sorry Hershal. But it doesnt pay to be a passafist in that world
Yeah.. And folks dont make it any easier do they?
Rick was always good with the tactics
did that hat change colors?
I think it's just weathered?
People who survive trauma always think of themselves as monsters.
be hard to come to terms with having to kill to survive
and i still think Mary is gonna serve up the survivors on a plate
Always waiting for the other shoe to drop.
seems awfully empty doesnt it?
Glen's watch from Hershel oh oh
Yeah and the other guy was wearing the riot gear.
yeah.. hope that wasnt Glen on the BBQ
Do you really think they're cannibals?
but i am the paranoid one LOL
"come on in and we'll have you for dinner" LOL
Gross dead people out to eat them and now living people too?
see the pile of skeletons?
Yes to both the herding and the skeletons. And I heard someone in one of the rail cars calling for help
they are gonna have to fatten them up first
Now Tyreese and carol wil have to rescue them all
this how the season ends? Damn!
shit.. only 6 minutes left
And Beth. Damn it where is that girl?
send them off to a consentration camp?
Those Terminus fucks are screwed.
He's English
Maggie is American but grew up in England so she also has a British accent.
when does the next one start?
They usually start the show in October.
oh well.. Will have to be patient LOL..
Hugs and kisses you two...