11 years ago
SL News: Are many people upset about Rod Humble leaving? I was a bit surprised when I read it. But then, I didn't feel sad about it. He seemed to have lost interest in SL a long time ago imho.
latest #19
1angelcares says
11 years ago
Not upset at all. They should hire meeeeee! First thing on the agenda: Bringing back last names. Second thing: Booting out minors.
11 years ago
I'm more concerned than upset. He did a lot of good things while CEO, or rather the company did. Now, not only is he gone, but so is Will Wright from the board - that makes me nervous.
Renee Harvy says
11 years ago
yeah, I would agree with that. I'm always concerned when a higher up leaves the company. Turn over is frequent in tech, most the time it means nothing, but sometimes it means they can see the writing on the
Renee Harvy says
11 years ago
wall, and are getting abandoning ship. I'm always concerned it's that.
Renee Harvy says
11 years ago
I didn't think he did a bad job, but he wasn't good enough, or interested enough in SL for me to really care about his leadership one way or the other
Renee Harvy says
11 years ago
(lose "getting" lol)
Max Graf
11 years ago
Def. raised a brow at both him and Will being gone, and andrew last month or whatever, but Im much more upset at Cloud Party closing. What a loss of so much potential. Thanks yahoo!
11 years ago
eh, people move on. There will be others to take their place.
11 years ago
I think that's wild speculation. 3 years is a lot of time in this business, maybe he had something else he wanted to do with his life.
11 years ago
maxwell_graf: That was a bummer too.
11 years ago
Well, I hope the new CEO is interested in the platform and that he/she has some understanding of virtual worlds.
11 years ago
maxwell_graf: I agree, Max. That was sad. Although, I pretty much figured CP was dead in the water half a year ago. They couldn't get cash outs going, and they really had no understanding of VWs.
11 years ago
I think SL is only in trouble if we end up with someone else like M at the helm. Otherwise, well, its going strong enough, outside of the land market bleedoff.
11 years ago
True. At the end of the day, it will probably be business as usual no matter who they hire.
Daniel Voyager says
11 years ago
its sad news that Rod left last week and let's hope the new CEO gets chosen soon
11 years ago
I hope they already have someone picked.
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