SL News: Are many people upset about Rod Humble leaving? I was a bit surprised when I read it. But then, I didn't feel sad about it. He seemed to have lost interest in SL a long time ago imho.
I'm more concerned than upset. He did a lot of good things while CEO, or rather the company did. Now, not only is he gone, but so is Will Wright from the board - that makes me nervous.
yeah, I would agree with that. I'm always concerned when a higher up leaves the company. Turn over is frequent in tech, most the time it means nothing, but sometimes it means they can see the writing on the
Def. raised a brow at both him and Will being gone, and andrew last month or whatever, but Im much more upset at Cloud Party closing. What a loss of so much potential. Thanks yahoo!
maxwell_graf: I agree, Max. That was sad. Although, I pretty much figured CP was dead in the water half a year ago. They couldn't get cash outs going, and they really had no understanding of VWs.
I think SL is only in trouble if we end up with someone else like M at the helm. Otherwise, well, its going strong enough, outside of the land market bleedoff.