Mrs. Burrell wishes
15 years ago
whoever keeps setting off the fire alarm would learn how to fucking cook!
Mama Badger says
15 years ago
or learn how to dial a phone and order take out?? XD
ugh I KNOW says
15 years ago
*shakes fist*
IEatSeaKittens says
15 years ago
man, even *I* know how to cook without setting off the fire alarm! And I burnt mac and cheese!
Mrs. Burrell says
15 years ago
it's like clockwork. Every night around dinner time it goes off. And it's going off in another apt. first, so it can't be us..
IEatSeaKittens says
15 years ago
maybe they're falling asleep cooking pizza? Or they like really burnt popcorn? *is grasping at straws*