10 years ago
Well... I'll be efficient here. You can either ask me anything OR what you assume about me.
latest #11
10 years ago
What is your favorite place you ever visited
10 years ago
You would ask that (LOL) On first visit I would say Kyoto or Stockholm
10 years ago
But the place I always come home to is Paris.
10 years ago
What' your favorite book?
10 years ago
The one I'm reading at the moment? Seriously this is a hard question as as a philosophy professor I did a lot of reading that wouldn't count as favorite.
10 years ago
Recently my reading has been about Japan. One book that has stuck with me was "No Ordinary Time: Franklin and Eleanor Roosevelt: The Home Front in World War II" by Doris Kearns Goodwin.
10 years ago
It gave me real insight into FDR's life as well as why we didn't enter the war earlier than we did.
10 years ago
More questions please?
NewYearSameMe says
10 years ago
What is one food you could never give up?
10 years ago
Oh lordy.My unholy trio is choclate, tomatoes and garlic. Problem is I enjoy too much :-)
10 years ago
I guess I'd have to say really good sashimi
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