10 years ago
is tucked in a coat and scarf while out walking the three dogs, the cold steadily increasing as winter is closing in.
latest #29
10 years ago
walked down an urban street, her characteristic scarf wrapped tightly around her neck so she could hide the lower part of her mouth. She felt she had been too secluded, and for once was searching for >
10 years ago
some sort of human interaction.
10 years ago
paused in front of a crosswalk, waiting patiently for the light to change. Holding the leashes tightly in one hand, her eyes followed the traffic attentively - until she spotted a blonde head of hair partly _
10 years ago
concealed by an unmistakable scarf a bit further down the street. She blinked, and took a step back to get a better view, her head tilted inquiringly.
10 years ago
kept her eyes up and focused on her task of walking. She felt a familiar presence around and stepped to the side of the sidewalk so other pedestrians could pass by her. She took that time to look around >
10 years ago
her surroundings, and first noticed the dogs the other female was holding before recognising who they belonged to. She stayed where she was, not fully confident that it was who she thought it was.
10 years ago
was only more reassured in her assumption once the sensation of a nation nearby kicked in, which she realised had been subconsciously creeping up on her since the German border was crossed by one earlier. _
10 years ago
She allowed a small smile in recognition and lifted her free hand in greeting.
10 years ago
nodded in recognition of the others greeting. She changed her direction to walk closer to the female, and made sure to hold out her hand for the dogs to take a sniff. She hoped they recognized her secent, and >
10 years ago
wouldn't turn on her.
10 years ago
had disciplined her dogs long ago, though the Weimaraner sniffed the offered hand suspiciously before settling back with the other two, who were happily wagging their tails. "Hallo, Angelien," the German said,_
10 years ago
relieved to meet someone she knew from the 'old' reality.
10 years ago
released a small smile as she patted the dogs heads equally and scratched lightly under their chins. "Hallo. It's been a while since I've seen you. How have you been, Liese?" She kept her hand down near the >
10 years ago
dogs so they could nuzzle and sniff at it. She generally did better with animals than people.
10 years ago
kept her eyes on the dogs as well, after a quick once-over of the woman in front of her. She found comfort that she appeared as normal, at least. "I have been occupied the last months. I was not informed of_
10 years ago
the world's new... status, until then, and needed to get things under control. Haven't you found it troubling..?"
10 years ago
brushed a few of her fingers through her locks and stood in a stance where she placed more weight onto her left leg. "I have, indeed. I've been keeping myself to Rotterdam to avoid any conflicts. I don't >
10 years ago
appreciate the loss of control I have now. Even if it's not that case at all, I feel I'm not able to have total control over my country, or trades even. I feel obligated to let the other nation have his >
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input, and I don't approve. I don't like second guessing myself." She pulled out a cigarette and lit it in one graceful moment, needing to relax already. "... I apologize, I'm a tad on edge."
10 years ago
nodded curtly in understanding, her lips a firm and mildly displeased line. There was little happiness to be found in the fact that the rest of the world was as unprepared for this supernatural change as she_
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had been. She could only hope they had all handled it relatively nonproblematically. "It's fine, I've felt the same way most of the time. Luckily I was informed and got to meet with him quickly, and he was _
10 years ago
willing to cooperate on a plan. Still, I keep to Bonn while he stays in Berlin, and that is a clear advantage for him. At least we recieve the same documents, and he.. is reasonable when we discuss through _
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work, but it's not how I'm used to play this role." She exhaled a quiet sigh, rubbing her neck as she felt the stress returning.
10 years ago
took a long drag from her cigarette and blew the smoke away from the other, not wanting to force the other to inhale the toxins, even if she was used to them or not. "I've not painted or read in months. I feel>
10 years ago
the stress is to a point where I can't even function on my normal level. It's like I need a holiday from my own country... but where would I go?" She tapped the ash onto the ground and slouched her shoulders. >
10 years ago
"... I feel like you're the only one I've talked to who has been reasonable. Would it be too much to ask if I stayed for a while? Unless of course you have some previous engagements."
10 years ago
recognises the gesture, being silently appreciative despite the traffic not making the matter of fresh air any better. She dropped her hand to change which she held the leashes in while listening attentively, _
10 years ago
nodding with a sympathising expression which turned into a closed little smile. The thought of being in the company of an old friend cheered her up a bit, and tending to a visitor would leave her occupied _
10 years ago
and not let her thoughts wander. "I would gladly. I think it might be good for the both of us."
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