Aprilmae Devin is
10 years ago
here and watching last weeks episode of Walking Dead.. Where are you? SPOILERS!
latest #40
Aprilmae Devin
10 years ago
i just thought. The reason the one guy who didnt move when he got his throat cut was probably already sick.
Dolly Baroque
10 years ago
Dolly Baroque
10 years ago
Yeah he was coughing before he was attacked
Aprilmae Devin
10 years ago
hey heyyy
Aprilmae Devin
10 years ago
no snacking!
Dolly Baroque
10 years ago
No! No donuts!
Aprilmae Devin
10 years ago
they have got to get a stethascope somewhere
Aprilmae Devin
10 years ago
think Carol did it?
Dolly Baroque
10 years ago
Lol no kidding on the stethoscope
Dolly Baroque
10 years ago
Maybe Karen did it to try to protect the group
Dolly Baroque
10 years ago
Damn it! Not Glen
Dolly Baroque
10 years ago
You may be right about carol
Dolly Baroque
10 years ago
She wasn't anxious to pay her respects
Aprilmae Devin
10 years ago
yeah.. and she has become quite hard
Aprilmae Devin
10 years ago
she stuck that dagger in that fellas ear without a blink
Aprilmae Devin
10 years ago
Aprilmae Devin
10 years ago
moss covered
Dolly Baroque
10 years ago
Oh ick! The woman with her leg in the trap
Dolly Baroque
10 years ago
Glen must make it
Dolly Baroque
10 years ago
Oh Hershel's speech about made me cry
Dolly Baroque
10 years ago
Oh god
Aprilmae Devin
10 years ago
Aprilmae Devin
10 years ago
well damn
Dolly Baroque
10 years ago
Did you see that shot of how many there were?
Dolly Baroque
10 years ago
Tyreese is tough, yes?
Aprilmae Devin
10 years ago
Aprilmae Devin
10 years ago
but i was thinking he was the weak one at first
Aprilmae Devin
10 years ago
he was giving up
Dolly Baroque
10 years ago
Oh god you were right!
Aprilmae Devin is
10 years ago
he dead?
Dolly Baroque
10 years ago
About carol
Aprilmae Devin
10 years ago
Aprilmae Devin
10 years ago
Marilyn Manson on Talking Dead
Dolly Baroque
10 years ago
Oh I've been watching that and totally hating him
Aprilmae Devin
10 years ago
I think the host does too cause he is awefully argumentative
10 years ago
I'm not reading anything. A friend had me over for dinner, going to have to catch up On Demand.
Aprilmae Devin
10 years ago
oohh..i want the Glen doll!
Dolly Baroque
10 years ago
Good night both of you!
Aprilmae Devin
10 years ago
you know there is always an encore, right?
10 years ago
Just watched it! It was good!
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