10 years ago
Tonight = one of the worst nights of my life. Fiance's mom kicked him out of the house for the most absurd reason in the world :'-( everything is okay now, he's at my house but we're both so upset.
latest #15
10 years ago
His mom called me a bitch and said Alan didn't start "getting an attitude with her until I showed up." She just literally went INSANE and started accusing us (mainly me, though) of stealing from her
10 years ago
Which I obviously didn't do. wtf would I even steal? I've never stolen anything in my life.....but I don't even have to explain myself to anyone. I've never seen anyone act like his mom does
10 years ago
She said to him, "you've been saying you're going to leave here, so when the hell are you going to get out??" She thinks Alan is being "disrespectful" for standing up for me when she gets in my face
10 years ago
You guys, this woman is literally the worst person I've ever met. I know she'd been drinking tonight but I've never seen her act the way she did. She's tried to kick him out multiple times but would
10 years ago
Always stop him from leaving. Tonight she took both of our house keys and told him to never come back. She is the worst mother I have ever seen in my entire life
10 years ago
When we got to my house, my mom had set up the couch into a bed for him and our dog, got him water, even offered to make him something to eat. My mom has never even threatened to kick me out....
10 years ago
I'm just buying so bad for him right now. He's never known what it feels like to truly be loved and appreciated. I hope his mom has fun mowing the grass, paying the $260/mo power bill, fixing her own
10 years ago
iPhones, Internet, TV, etc. I hope she has fun without her chauffeur (aka Alan) to drive her around at night because she refuses to wear her glasses. I hope she has fun working on her own car too.
10 years ago
Btw, just so you guys know, the dispute is over a gun she thinks I stole because she can't find where she put it. I asked her "do you think I'm that stupid to just leave a WEAPON lying around the
10 years ago
House like that? Really?!" And I shit you not, she goes, "yes, I do actually."
10 years ago
She thinks I left it lying around and "misplaced it" (aka just stole it) she kept insisting that I have it. I don't even have a permit to carry a weapon. Wtf would I do with a gun? Besides shoot her?
10 years ago
Keep in mind, this is a woman that has about 5 blocks and several shotguns, all of which she apparently values over her children
10 years ago
This is also a woman that let her boyfriend (who was addicted to crack) drive Alan's Ford Bronco (that he loved) while Alan was away at college. Her boyfriend totaled Alan's car and she didn't even
10 years ago
Tell him about it until he came home. I could seriously write a book about the things this woman has done. I'm sorry I'm venting right now guys, I'm just so upset right now and idk what to do
(cozy) It sounds like in the end this is for the best for you both to just cut her out of your lives. So he can be around kind and loving people and begin to heal after all her bullshit.
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