So my English professor thinks 9/11 jokes are funny and likes to make them into dual jokes about me due to my last name being Towers.
latest #10
That's just wrong
I think you guys summed up my entire class' reaction. Yet nobody said a thing to him except me.
did anyone leave the classroom?
Nope, other than me, and the professor didn't seem bothered that I did so since I'd turned in my assignment.
Uuuuugh I hope you don't have to deal with him tomorrow? Could you report him? Would it do any good? Or just make dealing with this stunning example of humanity more awkward?
I'm not sure who to report him to, but I'm looking into it. I have to deal with him on Tuesdays and Thursdays, so. Not all that awkward.
awww, sorry. wish more people had left in solidarity and protest
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