if you can give yourself karma by responding to your own plurks?
latest #16
nope you just get on the "most responded to list" w/ all the perks of a hermit talking to himself- the cardboard box.
217363 22 41137263 72515141 11 211343
i dont understand the numbers! do they mean something or is it just typing numbers?
217363 22 41137263 72515141 11 211343= but i dont need a box
oh ok, hhaha i still dont get it!
1312 1342, 1212111211 22 5363225252 41137263 715163 2263!
ohhhh ok i unnderstand!
A-G=11-71, H-N=12-72, O-U=13-73, V-Z=14-54
oh its a code like wingdings
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