Norbertrojsza wants
15 years ago
to re cap some of his favorite moments in the class, wont you join me?
Norbertrojsza says
15 years ago
there was the time we talked about star trek and that one fellow (i should ask him his name tomorow)said deep space 9 was an "abomination"
Norbertrojsza says
15 years ago
because thei didn't treck any where. i loved that line :-)
Norbertrojsza says
15 years ago
we all got together to talk about the Invention of Morel and thougth it wasn't so great a book, after the discussion my thoughts changed
Norbertrojsza says
15 years ago
"we have bodies or do our bodies have us"---T.P. (Burroughs phase)