Logged in to pay rent for my store (because I've not heard from the box for a while) and found horses on my land and all my stuff returned. Devastated.
As my store pays my RL bills, it blows quite a bit and it means a whole couple of days of admin and changing LMs if I find somewhere to rent. Grr! Thanks for not telling me my rent was due, SL!
mainland is generally cheaper for large plots actually... it CAN be laggy but so can estate it just depends what else is on the sim.. the sim in on i own about 1/4 of the sim annd another friend owns 1/4 so we
I"ve never looked into it, but it sounds like a good idea. Though, I don't need much land haha.. it was only a 4096sqm plot with 937 prims.. I wonder what's available for around $5196L a month on mainland.