Lysana thinks
11 years ago
she should warn her friends that she's promised to join the pink brigade if World Goth Fair doesn't make 1 million Lindens this year.
latest #17
11 years ago
Worse, I promised pink lolita. I HATE loliwear on me. Sugary pink lolita dress and PIGTAILS, people. Save me. Save Lokii from pink at all. Go! Spend! worldgothfair.wordpress....
Ereh says
11 years ago
you point me at some ridiculous pink mesh pigtails and I'll wear them.
11 years ago
Truth carries a set that's awesomely silly.
11 years ago
I'm going to wear pink too - and pink hair.
11 years ago
Band shirt gatcha comes out today. Lots of bands, including Abney Park, licensed their logos for this event.
11 years ago
I'm in on the pink if they don't make it.
11 years ago
I'm so sad - the only bands I really want are the rares.....usually I want 'blue' so I'm good.
11 years ago
I confess I haven't heard of most of those bands, but that's no slam on them. I just don't know current goth worth a flying freep.
Allegory says
11 years ago
wait, isn't it wearing pink if you DO make the million Lindens? so everyone has the reason to spend so they can laugh at you?
11 years ago
Nuuuuu. I said if we don't I'd wear pink. I'm convinced this one time I can look Shortstack in the face and say "I was right."
Allegory says
11 years ago
you might want to read the official blog page then, whoops
11 years ago
<.< I may have to slap Shortstack.
11 years ago
points and laughs at lokii Haw Haw. Now you have to wear pink.
11 years ago
But the fair is halfway there and only a couple days in, so it'll make the million mark.
Cara says
11 years ago
I demand a pic of Lokii in pink!!
11 years ago
caraametza: You be quiet! Don't you have mesh to make woman? GIT BACK IN THE BAKING.
Cara says
11 years ago
I was hoping to close shop and live like a baller but alas no dice with the lotto. :-( Back to the pool...
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