11 years ago
If you sit kids down hour after hour doing low grade clerical work, don't be surprised if they start to fidget -- Ken Robinson
latest #12
nkrahn says
11 years ago
(rofl) As we sit here doing the NWEA test and they slowly lose their minds as I type this. Perfect timing!!!
tillmanartist says
11 years ago
The teacher across the hall is having the students copy information from a power point on to their copy of a "Workbook" - but there's no work happening... they are just copying. Drives me nuts.
AndyTSDC says
11 years ago
This is the single biggest peeve of mine. Allowing teachers to be packet givers and worksheet warriors is a travesty.
AndyTSDC says
11 years ago
If anything comes from the "hold schools accountable" movement, it should be a demand for quality teachers in every classroom.
11 years ago
Nancy Flanagan: In Defense Of (Gulp) Packets. Worksheets, Too. by nancyflanagan >Interesting take.
tillmanartist says
11 years ago
AndyCT: I agree. It drives me nuts that my good friend is a paper pusher and is scared to move away from that kind of teaching.. I think that's the key, some teachers are comfortable pushing paper.
AndyTSDC says
11 years ago
If all you do is what is comfortable for you and not what is best for students, it's time to find another profession. You aren't helping kids by being comfortable.
11 years ago
whether or not something is on paper or on computer or on something else, if it is low grade "make work" work, it's mind numbing, not mind inspiring.
11 years ago
a good teacher will be eaten up by a bad system.....we need to change "school"
tillmanartist shares
11 years ago
AndyCT: well said. I can't agree more. Interesting story out orchestra teacher had to try a new teaching method due to district wants and the lesson
tillmanartist shares
11 years ago
Failed miserably. She said in our review session that it was good for the kids to see her failure and that learning is a process that is sometime uncomfortable. But it's okay to try new things.
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