Narshe is
15 years ago
sick of cloak and dagger bullcrap. If you fire half my department including my immediate boss it would be nice to be actually TOLD. (angry)
latest #8
Faery says
15 years ago
far out! how's your job?
Narshe says
15 years ago
i'm ok. I think. Just frustrating to put up ail the childish bollocks of our "management" team.
Narshe says
15 years ago
I mean, they won't even say the NAMES of the "missing" people, let alone explain to us why those of us still here are being screwed.
Faery says
15 years ago
>.< not very professional of them
Narshe says
15 years ago
Yeah, that's about right. Wish I knew what was happening. Rumours abound as you might expect but I don't know what the truth is.
Sere says
15 years ago
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