✿honeymic says
11 years ago
son got accepted to the school of ed at KU on his first try! Yay!
latest #44
Merry says
11 years ago
yay!!! That's wonderful!
✿honeymic says
11 years ago
they only accept 50% of applicants and he recently changed to history, so he didn't think he had enough classes to make it yet.
11 years ago
✿honeymic says
11 years ago
really glad to have some good news this week. He and his two childhood friends also got approval today for an awesome apt. off campus. They really lucked out on that one.
congerjan says
11 years ago
StayinCooLu says
11 years ago
WTG, Ben!
11 years ago
LisaNWOSU2000 says
11 years ago
brina1300 says
11 years ago
lfeld52 says
11 years ago
yay! Looks like we have parallel lives at this time!
Skip Z
11 years ago
shirky17 says
11 years ago
Grawesome (dance)
BarbaraLN says
11 years ago
BarbaraLN says
11 years ago
It's good to see you. I haven't seen you in a while. We missed you.
✿honeymic says
11 years ago
Thanks everyone!
✿honeymic says
11 years ago
BarbaraLN: I've had a really challenging winter (to say it nicely.) From spider bites, to room floods, flu, lice....big and small medical problems, and I was crashed into by a distracted driver on the highway
✿honeymic says
11 years ago
a week ago, totaling my car that I loved way too much, but my life was spared. I'm still very sore, but still kicking and ready for a much better spring.
✿honeymic says
11 years ago
sorry I've been away, but really didn't want to be a constant bummer to everyone! I know I have a lot to be thankful for and I'd rather focus on that...just been challenging of late.
dmcordell says
11 years ago
Oh, honeymi, don't EVER hesitate to post here.It's like a marriage, "in good times and in bad" (cozy)
✿honeymic says
11 years ago
dmcordell: Oh thanks, Diane, you are so kind. But it depresses me to read about it; I can just imagine it would others too! Rather just keep one foot in front of the other and slog through until better times
✿honeymic says
11 years ago
love you all though and I know you'd be there for me if I asked! That means a lot.
BarbaraLN says
11 years ago
A car is just a car. I'm glad you are okay. Spring is coming. Everything looks better in the spring.
11 years ago
glad you are still alive...soreness fades
✿honeymic says
11 years ago
I know thanks Paul. This is another reason I don't share--don't want people to think I'm a complainer, shallow or ungrateful. I'm too private to go into all of the details of this winter, but I am aware of
✿honeymic says
11 years ago
how thankful I should be.
BarbaraLN says
11 years ago
You aren't a complainer or ungrateful. A rough time is a rough time. We're just glad to see you.
12DaisyofXmas says
11 years ago
THEmissfitz says
11 years ago
dmcordell: That is so nice!
THEmissfitz says
11 years ago
honeymic: So glad to hear everything is starting to look sunny again. Happy more so that the car accident left you alive!
✿honeymic says
11 years ago
I'm fighting my way through it Erin, thanks. Son and his gf are on their way home for Spring Break, so it will be nice to have a little help handling everything.
✿honeymic says
11 years ago
this fractured rib is going to take another month or so to heal I guess. Really missing jogging....it was a joy and a real stress reliever. Might try again in a week or so, but don't want to be foolish....
dmcordell says
11 years ago
Yes, please take it easy. You don't want to reinjure yourself gentle hugs
mindelei says
11 years ago
I'm so glad that things are looking up for you. I'm a person who needs to emote. I need people to be there with me for a minute so that I can pull myself back up and basque in the positivity of it all.
mindelei says
11 years ago
You guys will often see me at my lowest, but I also hope to share my highest as well!!
mindelei says
11 years ago
Here's looking to an upswing for us both: much deserved. I'm so glad that you're doing well even if the fracture is a bit of a setback. Hugs (though lightly) to you. (cozy)
✿honeymic says
11 years ago
much less sore this week Mindelei. My husband is home and all is well in the world. Resting nicely thanks to spring break and things are getting back to normal. Still feel a bit ditzy-misplacing things etc.
✿honeymic says
11 years ago
I recently found out you can get a concussion without losing consciousness, so might get it checked out if I keep it up. I was very out of it after the wreck. Lord knows I need all of my mental faculties to
✿honeymic says
11 years ago
meet the daily challenges of my job. lol!
11 years ago
Thought of you today, Bed, Bath & Beyond had a lot of cute garden stuff with Redskins logos on them.
CommanderCody says
11 years ago
✿honeymic says
11 years ago
magpot: Cool!
mindelei says
11 years ago
Yeah... you've gotta watch those things. Glad to here Kevn's home again. :-)
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