Maribel Button
11 years ago
Hey y'all... have any of you ever sold Mary Kay or known someone who has? I'm feeling tempted to try it out. I'd love to hear your advice/opinions.
latest #25
11 years ago
Do you have to pay to get into it and recruit others?
11 years ago
I've never done it - but I have had friends who have
11 years ago
and I have a friend who has made selling Lia Sophia jewelry her full time job
11 years ago
I've never done Mary Kay, their make up makes me break out in hives, but my ex sis in law did a long time ago. I have sold avon, which is pretty inexpensive to get into
11 years ago
^ that
11 years ago
I just signed up to be an e-represetative for Avon. I've never sold Mary Kay because you have to go to people's houses and do parties and I'm not big on going to a stranger's house LOL and you ave to keep
11 years ago
stuff in stock.
11 years ago
it's only 10 bucks to start selling Avon. I used to do it years ago and made that back pretty fast
Maribel Button
11 years ago
My mom used to sell pampered chef.
Maribel Button
11 years ago
there's also this brand called 31, and it's these fabulous bags, but it's pretty expensive
Maribel Button
11 years ago
i just like playing with makeup and i don;t mind going to people's houses. i'm all outgoing and stuff...
Maribel Button
11 years ago
i am not trying to make a million dollars, i just want some fun money for clothes and stuff and to contribute to the household income a little.
Maribel Button
11 years ago
MandatoryChaos: you pay $100 to get your "starter kit" which is a bunch of products and samples and supplies for doing parties
Maribel Button
11 years ago
recruiting is optional, only if you want to "move up the ladder"
Maribel Button
11 years ago
which i don't
Maribel Button
11 years ago
the tricky part is, you have to really work to make appointments and do facials and stuff and you do have to keep some stuff in stock
Maribel Button
11 years ago
but I'm talking to a couple of different people about it all
Maribel Button
11 years ago
and seeing if it's possible to not buy all the extra "inventory" stuff till it can pay for itself, like... make money, reinvest some, etc
Maribel Button
11 years ago
but if i'm gonna have to dump a ton of money upfront, then I won;t do it.
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