Mrs. Psyche is
12 years ago
Rocking and feeding a baby in RL and missing Kimmi. I need to schedule SL baby time soon!
latest #9
ʚNara says
12 years ago
12 years ago
12 years ago
Rocking babies is the most relaxing thing ever.
Amanda | Dream says
12 years ago
is up for being rocked anytime :-D
12 years ago
you tan always barrow me auntie (woot)
Mrs. Psyche
12 years ago
Aww! Yay! I need to give out the LM to our new home. The last sweet baby to drop by got cocoa and a cookie!
Mrs. Psyche
12 years ago
And snuggles of course!
нσℓℓy нunny вun says
12 years ago
yessum I did smiles snuggles made it the bests :-D
♥Sɪʟᴀ♥ says
12 years ago
I gotta drop by when you do give out the LM, i miss you and mr alex so much already! :'-(
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